
F28377Sf Flash_api烧写程序问题





BootLoader烧写进去后,通过ccs的Memory Browser查看指定分区的数据,发现和用ccs烧写进去的一样,然而就是没法跳转过去,下面是部分烧写代码和跳转代码,希望有人可以帮帮我。


//the flash buffer and data length
uint8_t recBuffer[64];
#pragma DATA_SECTION(pbuffer , "BufferDataSection");
uint16_t pbuffer[31];
volatile uint16 DataLen;
uint16 offset = 0;

#define ENTRYADDR 0x88000
#pragma CODE_SECTION(Example_CallFlashAPI, "ramfuncs");
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void)
{uint32 u32Index = 0;uint16 i = 0;uint16 pbufferLen = 0;Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;volatile Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;DINT;DataLen = (uint16)buffer[1];EALLOW;for(i=2; i<=DataLen; i += 2, pbufferLen++)pbuffer[pbufferLen] = (recBuffer[i+1] << 8) | recBuffer[i];////Give pump ownership to FMC0//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0002;//// Erase Sector C//if(!EraseStatus){EALLOW;Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;EDIS;//// This function is required to initialize the Flash API based on System// frequency before any other Flash API operation can be performed// Note that the FMC0 register base address is passed as the parameter//oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_W0_BASE_ADDRESS, 194);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Fapi_setActiveFlashBank function sets the Flash bank0 and FMC0 for// further Flash operations to be performed on the bank0.// Note that the parameter passed is Fapi_FlashBank0 since FMC0 register// base address is passed to Fapi_initializeAPI()//oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,(uint32 *)ENTRYADDR);//// Wait until FSM is done with erase sector operation//while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady);//// Verify that SectorL is erased.  The Erase step itself does a// verify as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.//oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)ENTRYADDR,Bzero_16KSector_u32length,&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors// If Erase command fails, use Fapi_getFsmStatus() function to get the// FMSTAT register contents to see if any of the EV bit, ESUSP bit,// CSTAT bit or VOLTSTAT bit is set (Refer to API documentation for// more details)//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}EraseStatus++;//// A data buffer of max 8 words can be supplied to the program function.// Each word is programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a// problem is found. However to program a buffer that has more than 8// words, program function can be called in a loop to program 8 words for// each loop iteration until the whole buffer is programmed////// Example: Program 0xFF bytes in Flash Sector C along with auto-// generated ECC////// In this case just fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.//for(i=0, u32Index = ENTRYADDR + offset;(u32Index < (ENTRYADDR + offset + pbufferLen)) &&(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 1, u32Index+= 1){oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,pbuffer + i,1,0,0,Fapi_DataOnly);while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after// program command for any debug//oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();//// Verify the values programmed.  The Program step itself does a verify// as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.////oReturnCheck = Fapi_doVerify((uint32 *)u32Index,4,Buffer32+(i/2),//&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0000;offset += pbufferLen;// Leave control over flash pumpReleaseFlashPump();EDIS;EINT;
//jump to app
static void (*APPEntry)(void);

APPEntry = (void (*)(void))(ENTRYADDR);



mangui zhang:可能也就CCS多了一个校验你仔细对比一下数据





BootLoader烧写进去后,通过ccs的Memory Browser查看指定分区的数据,发现和用ccs烧写进去的一样,然而就是没法跳转过去,下面是部分烧写代码和跳转代码,希望有人可以帮帮我。


//the flash buffer and data length
uint8_t recBuffer[64];
#pragma DATA_SECTION(pbuffer , "BufferDataSection");
uint16_t pbuffer[31];
volatile uint16 DataLen;
uint16 offset = 0;

#define ENTRYADDR 0x88000
#pragma CODE_SECTION(Example_CallFlashAPI, "ramfuncs");
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void)
{uint32 u32Index = 0;uint16 i = 0;uint16 pbufferLen = 0;Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;volatile Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;DINT;DataLen = (uint16)buffer[1];EALLOW;for(i=2; i<=DataLen; i += 2, pbufferLen++)pbuffer[pbufferLen] = (recBuffer[i+1] << 8) | recBuffer[i];////Give pump ownership to FMC0//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0002;//// Erase Sector C//if(!EraseStatus){EALLOW;Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;EDIS;//// This function is required to initialize the Flash API based on System// frequency before any other Flash API operation can be performed// Note that the FMC0 register base address is passed as the parameter//oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_W0_BASE_ADDRESS, 194);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Fapi_setActiveFlashBank function sets the Flash bank0 and FMC0 for// further Flash operations to be performed on the bank0.// Note that the parameter passed is Fapi_FlashBank0 since FMC0 register// base address is passed to Fapi_initializeAPI()//oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,(uint32 *)ENTRYADDR);//// Wait until FSM is done with erase sector operation//while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady);//// Verify that SectorL is erased.  The Erase step itself does a// verify as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.//oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)ENTRYADDR,Bzero_16KSector_u32length,&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors// If Erase command fails, use Fapi_getFsmStatus() function to get the// FMSTAT register contents to see if any of the EV bit, ESUSP bit,// CSTAT bit or VOLTSTAT bit is set (Refer to API documentation for// more details)//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}EraseStatus++;//// A data buffer of max 8 words can be supplied to the program function.// Each word is programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a// problem is found. However to program a buffer that has more than 8// words, program function can be called in a loop to program 8 words for// each loop iteration until the whole buffer is programmed////// Example: Program 0xFF bytes in Flash Sector C along with auto-// generated ECC////// In this case just fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.//for(i=0, u32Index = ENTRYADDR + offset;(u32Index < (ENTRYADDR + offset + pbufferLen)) &&(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 1, u32Index+= 1){oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,pbuffer + i,1,0,0,Fapi_DataOnly);while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after// program command for any debug//oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();//// Verify the values programmed.  The Program step itself does a verify// as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.////oReturnCheck = Fapi_doVerify((uint32 *)u32Index,4,Buffer32+(i/2),//&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0000;offset += pbufferLen;// Leave control over flash pumpReleaseFlashPump();EDIS;EINT;
//jump to app
static void (*APPEntry)(void);

APPEntry = (void (*)(void))(ENTRYADDR);




回复 mangui zhang:

用ccs烧写用户app进去后,再用ccs的memory browser直接从flash里面提取那一块分区的数据出来,再次写入,还是无法跳转,目前也找不到ccs的校验。请问还有其他的可能性吗?





BootLoader烧写进去后,通过ccs的Memory Browser查看指定分区的数据,发现和用ccs烧写进去的一样,然而就是没法跳转过去,下面是部分烧写代码和跳转代码,希望有人可以帮帮我。


//the flash buffer and data length
uint8_t recBuffer[64];
#pragma DATA_SECTION(pbuffer , "BufferDataSection");
uint16_t pbuffer[31];
volatile uint16 DataLen;
uint16 offset = 0;

#define ENTRYADDR 0x88000
#pragma CODE_SECTION(Example_CallFlashAPI, "ramfuncs");
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void)
{uint32 u32Index = 0;uint16 i = 0;uint16 pbufferLen = 0;Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;volatile Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;DINT;DataLen = (uint16)buffer[1];EALLOW;for(i=2; i<=DataLen; i += 2, pbufferLen++)pbuffer[pbufferLen] = (recBuffer[i+1] << 8) | recBuffer[i];////Give pump ownership to FMC0//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0002;//// Erase Sector C//if(!EraseStatus){EALLOW;Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;EDIS;//// This function is required to initialize the Flash API based on System// frequency before any other Flash API operation can be performed// Note that the FMC0 register base address is passed as the parameter//oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_W0_BASE_ADDRESS, 194);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Fapi_setActiveFlashBank function sets the Flash bank0 and FMC0 for// further Flash operations to be performed on the bank0.// Note that the parameter passed is Fapi_FlashBank0 since FMC0 register// base address is passed to Fapi_initializeAPI()//oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,(uint32 *)ENTRYADDR);//// Wait until FSM is done with erase sector operation//while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady);//// Verify that SectorL is erased.  The Erase step itself does a// verify as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.//oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)ENTRYADDR,Bzero_16KSector_u32length,&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors// If Erase command fails, use Fapi_getFsmStatus() function to get the// FMSTAT register contents to see if any of the EV bit, ESUSP bit,// CSTAT bit or VOLTSTAT bit is set (Refer to API documentation for// more details)//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}EraseStatus++;//// A data buffer of max 8 words can be supplied to the program function.// Each word is programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a// problem is found. However to program a buffer that has more than 8// words, program function can be called in a loop to program 8 words for// each loop iteration until the whole buffer is programmed////// Example: Program 0xFF bytes in Flash Sector C along with auto-// generated ECC////// In this case just fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.//for(i=0, u32Index = ENTRYADDR + offset;(u32Index < (ENTRYADDR + offset + pbufferLen)) &&(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 1, u32Index+= 1){oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,pbuffer + i,1,0,0,Fapi_DataOnly);while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after// program command for any debug//oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();//// Verify the values programmed.  The Program step itself does a verify// as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.////oReturnCheck = Fapi_doVerify((uint32 *)u32Index,4,Buffer32+(i/2),//&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0000;offset += pbufferLen;// Leave control over flash pumpReleaseFlashPump();EDIS;EINT;
//jump to app
static void (*APPEntry)(void);

APPEntry = (void (*)(void))(ENTRYADDR);




回复 mangui zhang:






BootLoader烧写进去后,通过ccs的Memory Browser查看指定分区的数据,发现和用ccs烧写进去的一样,然而就是没法跳转过去,下面是部分烧写代码和跳转代码,希望有人可以帮帮我。


//the flash buffer and data length
uint8_t recBuffer[64];
#pragma DATA_SECTION(pbuffer , "BufferDataSection");
uint16_t pbuffer[31];
volatile uint16 DataLen;
uint16 offset = 0;

#define ENTRYADDR 0x88000
#pragma CODE_SECTION(Example_CallFlashAPI, "ramfuncs");
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void)
{uint32 u32Index = 0;uint16 i = 0;uint16 pbufferLen = 0;Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;volatile Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;DINT;DataLen = (uint16)buffer[1];EALLOW;for(i=2; i<=DataLen; i += 2, pbufferLen++)pbuffer[pbufferLen] = (recBuffer[i+1] << 8) | recBuffer[i];////Give pump ownership to FMC0//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0002;//// Erase Sector C//if(!EraseStatus){EALLOW;Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;EDIS;//// This function is required to initialize the Flash API based on System// frequency before any other Flash API operation can be performed// Note that the FMC0 register base address is passed as the parameter//oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_W0_BASE_ADDRESS, 194);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Fapi_setActiveFlashBank function sets the Flash bank0 and FMC0 for// further Flash operations to be performed on the bank0.// Note that the parameter passed is Fapi_FlashBank0 since FMC0 register// base address is passed to Fapi_initializeAPI()//oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,(uint32 *)ENTRYADDR);//// Wait until FSM is done with erase sector operation//while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady);//// Verify that SectorL is erased.  The Erase step itself does a// verify as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.//oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)ENTRYADDR,Bzero_16KSector_u32length,&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors// If Erase command fails, use Fapi_getFsmStatus() function to get the// FMSTAT register contents to see if any of the EV bit, ESUSP bit,// CSTAT bit or VOLTSTAT bit is set (Refer to API documentation for// more details)//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}EraseStatus++;//// A data buffer of max 8 words can be supplied to the program function.// Each word is programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a// problem is found. However to program a buffer that has more than 8// words, program function can be called in a loop to program 8 words for// each loop iteration until the whole buffer is programmed////// Example: Program 0xFF bytes in Flash Sector C along with auto-// generated ECC////// In this case just fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.//for(i=0, u32Index = ENTRYADDR + offset;(u32Index < (ENTRYADDR + offset + pbufferLen)) &&(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 1, u32Index+= 1){oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,pbuffer + i,1,0,0,Fapi_DataOnly);while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after// program command for any debug//oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();//// Verify the values programmed.  The Program step itself does a verify// as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.////oReturnCheck = Fapi_doVerify((uint32 *)u32Index,4,Buffer32+(i/2),//&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0000;offset += pbufferLen;// Leave control over flash pumpReleaseFlashPump();EDIS;EINT;
//jump to app
static void (*APPEntry)(void);

APPEntry = (void (*)(void))(ENTRYADDR);



Seven Han:

回复 user5314858:

22. How can I calculate ECC to program?

Answer. When using Flash API in the application to program Flash, you can pass “Fapi_AutoECCGeneration” as the programming mode parameter for the program function. When this mode is used, API calculates ECC for the user-provided address (aligned on a 64-bit memory boundary) and the corresponding 64-bit data. API programs the calculated ECC along with the main array data when using this mode. If not for a program operation, user application can also calculate ECC using the Fapi_calculateEcc() function provided in the Flash API library. Note that this function uses the SECDED hardware logic in the FMC to calculate the ECC. Note that this function needs a left-shifted (by 1 bit position) address when used for C28x in F28M35x, F28M36x, F2837xD, F2837xS and F2807x devices. For the rest of the devices, API takes care of left-shifting the address before calculating the ECC.






BootLoader烧写进去后,通过ccs的Memory Browser查看指定分区的数据,发现和用ccs烧写进去的一样,然而就是没法跳转过去,下面是部分烧写代码和跳转代码,希望有人可以帮帮我。


//the flash buffer and data length
uint8_t recBuffer[64];
#pragma DATA_SECTION(pbuffer , "BufferDataSection");
uint16_t pbuffer[31];
volatile uint16 DataLen;
uint16 offset = 0;

#define ENTRYADDR 0x88000
#pragma CODE_SECTION(Example_CallFlashAPI, "ramfuncs");
void Example_CallFlashAPI(void)
{uint32 u32Index = 0;uint16 i = 0;uint16 pbufferLen = 0;Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;volatile Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;DINT;DataLen = (uint16)buffer[1];EALLOW;for(i=2; i<=DataLen; i += 2, pbufferLen++)pbuffer[pbufferLen] = (recBuffer[i+1] << 8) | recBuffer[i];////Give pump ownership to FMC0//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0002;//// Erase Sector C//if(!EraseStatus){EALLOW;Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;EDIS;//// This function is required to initialize the Flash API based on System// frequency before any other Flash API operation can be performed// Note that the FMC0 register base address is passed as the parameter//oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_W0_BASE_ADDRESS, 194);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Fapi_setActiveFlashBank function sets the Flash bank0 and FMC0 for// further Flash operations to be performed on the bank0.// Note that the parameter passed is Fapi_FlashBank0 since FMC0 register// base address is passed to Fapi_initializeAPI()//oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,(uint32 *)ENTRYADDR);//// Wait until FSM is done with erase sector operation//while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady);//// Verify that SectorL is erased.  The Erase step itself does a// verify as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.//oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)ENTRYADDR,Bzero_16KSector_u32length,&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors// If Erase command fails, use Fapi_getFsmStatus() function to get the// FMSTAT register contents to see if any of the EV bit, ESUSP bit,// CSTAT bit or VOLTSTAT bit is set (Refer to API documentation for// more details)//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}EraseStatus++;//// A data buffer of max 8 words can be supplied to the program function.// Each word is programmed until the whole buffer is programmed or a// problem is found. However to program a buffer that has more than 8// words, program function can be called in a loop to program 8 words for// each loop iteration until the whole buffer is programmed////// Example: Program 0xFF bytes in Flash Sector C along with auto-// generated ECC////// In this case just fill a buffer with data to program into the flash.//for(i=0, u32Index = ENTRYADDR + offset;(u32Index < (ENTRYADDR + offset + pbufferLen)) &&(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 1, u32Index+= 1){oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,pbuffer + i,1,0,0,Fapi_DataOnly);while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}//// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after// program command for any debug//oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();//// Verify the values programmed.  The Program step itself does a verify// as it goes.  This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.////oReturnCheck = Fapi_doVerify((uint32 *)u32Index,4,Buffer32+(i/2),//&oFlashStatusWord);if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success){//// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors//Example_Error(oReturnCheck);}}//PUMPREQUEST = 0x5A5A0000;offset += pbufferLen;// Leave control over flash pumpReleaseFlashPump();EDIS;EINT;
//jump to app
static void (*APPEntry)(void);

APPEntry = (void (*)(void))(ENTRYADDR);




回复 Seven Han:

啊!!!还是不会用,oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,pbuffer + i,8,0,1,Fapi_AutoEccGeneration);

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