
TMS320F28377S: 主从机两个DSP CAN通信问题求助

Part Number:TMS320F28377S








Yale Li:



Yanyi Xing:



Yanyi Xing:



Yale Li:


Yanyi Xing said:另:从机接收不到主机数据现象发生后,通过Can工具给从机DSP发送其他帧ID数据,从机还能成功接收。


Yanyi Xing said:会是因为我程序还有个1ms中断,把CAN接收中断影响了吗?



Yanyi Xing:


==== 从机也接收不到。


==== 这个是定时器中断,用来处理其他任务的,1ms中断中程序的执行时间测试最长有70us。


Yale Li:




Yanyi Xing:


==== 中间连接是正常的。


// ====================================================================
// === 1. 主函数初始化部分 ============================================
// ====================================================================
void main(void)
{//// Initialize the CAN controllers//CANInit(CANA_BASE);//// Setup CAN to be clocked off the PLL output clock//CANClkSourceSelect(CANA_BASE, 0);//// Set up the CAN bus bit rate to 500kHz for each module// This function sets up the CAN bus timing for a nominal configuration.// You can achieve more control over the CAN bus timing by using the// function CANBitTimingSet() instead of this one, if needed.// Additionally, consult the device data sheet for more information about// the CAN module clocking.//CANBitRateSet(CANA_BASE, 200000000, 500000);
//CANBitRateSet(CANA_BASE, 200000000, 1000000);//// Enable interrupts on the CAN A peripheral.//
//CANIntEnable(CANA_BASE, CAN_INT_MASTER | CAN_INT_ERROR | CAN_INT_STATUS);CANIntEnable(CANA_BASE, CAN_INT_MASTER | CAN_INT_ERROR);// Enable AutoBusOnCAN_enableAutoBusOn(CANA_BASE);CAN_setAutoBusOnTime(CANA_BASE, 100000);CAN_disableRetry(CANA_BASE);//// Enable the CAN-A interrupt signal//CANGlobalIntEnable(CANA_BASE, CAN_GLB_INT_CANINT0);CanObjInit();//// Start CAN module A operations//CANEnable(CANA_BASE);
}// ====================================================================
// === 2. 主机DSP CanObjInit()初始化配置邮箱,及发送程序=============
// ====================================================================
void CanObjInit()
{// 两DSP CAN通信,发送sTXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32MsgID = 0x0C100201;sTXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32MsgIDMask = 0;sTXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32Flags = 0;sTXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32MsgLen = 5;sTXCANMsgDspComm01.pucMsgData = TxMsgDspCommData01;
}// ====== 发送部分程序,1ms发送1次 =====================================// 发送给从机电流设定值TxMsgDspCommData01[0] = ((int)(onGridCloseLoopIdref * 100) & 0x00FF);TxMsgDspCommData01[1] = ((int)(onGridCloseLoopIdref * 100) & 0xFF00) >> 8;TxMsgDspCommData01[2] = ((int)(onGridCloseLoopIqref * 100) & 0x00FF);TxMsgDspCommData01[3] = ((int)(onGridCloseLoopIqref * 100) & 0xFF00) >> 8;TxMsgDspCommData01[4] = 0;CANMessageSet(CANA_BASE, 4, &sTXCANMsgDspComm01, MSG_OBJ_TYPE_TX);// ====================================================================
// === 3. 从机DSP CanObjInit()初始化配置邮箱,及接收程序=============
// ====================================================================
void CanObjInit()
{// 两DSP CAN通信,接收sRXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32MsgID = 0x0C100201;sRXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32MsgIDMask = 0;sRXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32Flags = MSG_OBJ_RX_INT_ENABLE;sRXCANMsgDspComm01.ui32MsgLen = 5;sRXCANMsgDspComm01.pucMsgData = RxMsgDspCommData01;CANMessageSet(CANA_BASE, 15, &sRXCANMsgDspComm01, MSG_OBJ_TYPE_RX);
}// ======== 在中断中接收主机发送过来的数据(status = 15时接收该帧) ============================
#if (G9_5PL != 0)
__interrupt void CANA0_ISR(void)// CAN-A
{// Set interrupt priority:volatile Uint16 TempPIEIER = PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.all;IER |= M_INT9;IER&= MINT9;// Set "global" priorityPieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.all &= MG9_5;// Set "group"priorityPieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = 0xFFFF;// Enable PIE interrupts__asm("NOP");EINT;uint32_t status;//// Read the CAN-A interrupt status to find the cause of the interrupt//status = CANIntStatus(CANA_BASE, CAN_INT_STS_CAUSE);//// If the cause is a controller status interrupt, then get the status//if(status == CAN_INT_INT0ID_STATUS){
//DSP_OUT1_TOGGLE;//// Read the controller status.This will return a field of status// error bits that can indicate various errors.Error processing// is not done in this example for simplicity.Refer to the// API documentation for details about the error status bits.// The act of reading this status will clear the interrupt.//status = CANStatusGet(CANA_BASE, CAN_STS_CONTROL);//// Check to see if an error occurred.//
//if(((status& ~(CAN_ES_RXOK)) != 7) &&
//((status& ~(CAN_ES_RXOK)) != 0))
//if(((status& ~(CAN_ES_RXOK | CAN_ES_TXOK | CAN_ES_BOFF)) != 7) &&
//((status& ~(CAN_ES_RXOK | CAN_ES_TXOK | CAN_ES_BOFF)) != 0))if(((status& ~(CAN_ES_RXOK | CAN_ES_TXOK)) != 7) &&((status& ~(CAN_ES_RXOK | CAN_ES_TXOK)) != 0)){//// Set a flag to indicate some errors may have occurred.//errorFlag = 1;// 调试CanConfigInit();
//DSP_OUT1_TOGGLE;// 调试}}else if(status == 15){DSP_OUT1_TOGGLE;errorFlag = 0;CanReceiveDsp01();CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 15);}else if(status == 16){CanReceiveDsp02();CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 16);}else if(status == 17){
//DSP_OUT1_TOGGLE;// 调试CanReceiveDsp03();CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 17);}//// Check if the cause is the CAN-A receive message object 1//else if(status == 25){//// Get the received message//
//CANMessageGet(CANA_BASE, 2, &sRXCANMsgChkInfo, true);CanReceiveSrhInfo();//// Getting to this point means that the RX interrupt occurred on// message object 1, and the message RX is complete.Clear the// message object interrupt.//CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 25);//// Increment a counter to keep track of how many messages have been// received. In a real application this could be used to set flags to// indicate when a message is received.//
//rxMsgCount++;//// Since the message was received, clear any error flags.//
//errorFlag = 0;}else if(status == 26){CanReceiveRdSet();CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 26);}else if(status == 27){CanReceiveCtlSet();CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 27);}else if(status == 28){CanReceiveParaSet();CANIntClear(CANA_BASE, 28);}//// If something unexpected caused the interrupt, this would handle it.//else{//// Spurious interrupt handling can go here.//
//errorFlag = 2;// 调试}//// Clear the global interrupt flag for the CAN interrupt line//CANGlobalIntClear(CANA_BASE, CAN_GLB_INT_CANINT0);//// Restore registers saved://DINT;PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.all = TempPIEIER;


Yale Li:




Yanyi Xing:

What could be happening is that the interrupts are not being serviced promptly leading to the impression that messages are being lost.

===== 什么会导致中断程序没有被及时服务呢?

If masking is not used and the message object is retaining the correct MSGID (ARBID), it will receive a transmitted message. It cannot suddenly stop receiving messages.

===== 程序中掩码没有用,MSGID (ARBID)也没有更改。



Yale Li:



Yanyi Xing:


If a message was indeed over-written (because it was not read in time by the software), this bit would be set.

===== 消息被重写丢失后,出错的消息对象会一直收不到数据吗?

The application could either configure more message objects for receive or otherwise ensure that CAN interrupts are serviced on time.

===== 我可以使用两个不同的消息对象接收同一个ID的数据吗?



Yale Li:


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