
DM368 RDK 5.0 文件系统问题

我用NFS挂载文件系统后,重启开发板总是提示 deflate.ko des_generic.ko md5.ko文件找不到

av_server.out 在启动时提示

[ 7.595958] CMEMK Error: ioctl: no heap available in block 0
CMEM Error: allocHeap: ioctl CMEM_IOCALLOCHEAP failed: -1
DRV LDC: GetConfig 0004 0x0
Starting internet superserver: inetd[ 7.687983] CMEMK Error: Failed to find a pool which fits 28672
CMEM Error: getP[ 7.695734] CMEMK Error: get_phys: Unable to find phys addr for 0x00000000
ool: Failed to get a pool fitting a size 28672
[ 7.708947] CMEMK Error: get_phys: get_user_pages() failed: -14
[ 7.714890] CMEMK Error: GETPHYS: Failed to convert virtual 0x0 to physical.
CMEM Error: getP[ 7.723739] CMEMK Error: get_phys: Unable to find phys addr for 0x00000000
hys: Failed to get physical addr[ 7.733339] CMEMK Error: get_phys: get_user_pages() failed: -14
ess of 0
[ 7.744772] CMEMK Error: FREE: Failed to convert virtual 0x0 to physical
CMEM Error: free: failed to free 0
ERROR (alg.c|ALG_sysInit|86): VICP Protocol regn failed
ERROR (avServerApi.c|AVSERVER_init|628): ALG_sysInit()
ERROR (avServerUi.c|UI_start|85): AVSERVER_init()


有没人能帮我解答下,是不是这个5.0 RDK的文件系统少了些东西啊

Eason Wang:

你用的都是pre build binary和原始的target里面解压出来的文件系统吗?

orlando chen:

回复 Eason Wang:


Eason Wang:

回复 orlando chen:

在ipnc的 user guide里面,有一段是清除自动启动的设置并还原默认的命令,请尝试:

#  cd /opt/ipnc# ./killall.sh# rm /mnt/nand/sysenv.cfg# rm /mnt/nand/logfile.log# sync

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