
如何理解DM814x 说明手册中系统邮箱框图

您好。我在看DM8148的手册《TMS320DM814x DaVinci.pdf》,其中在第1.9节是对系统邮箱的讲解,请问系统邮箱框图中Mailbox(x12)是什么意思?DM8148的系统邮箱只有一个MBX1,这里的12是说MBX1包含12个子模块吗?系统邮箱是DM8148的硬件装置,所以系统邮箱MBX1和它所包含的12个子模块在硬件层面上要怎么理解?非常感谢您的解答


The device Mailbox module facilitates communication between the ARM Cortex-A8, C674x DSP, and the Media Controller. It consists of twelve mailboxes, each supporting communication between two of the above processors. The sender sends information to the receiver by writing a message to the mailbox registers. Interrupt signaling is used to notify the receiver that a message has been queued or to notify the sender about an overflow situation.

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