
请问TMS570LS1227芯片如何进入SLEEP状态,如何WAKE UP


有没有小伙伴使用过TMS570芯片进入SLEEP状态,并在SLEEP状态下wake up。谢谢!



TMS570LS12x/11x 16/32-Bit RISC Flash Microcontroller Technical Reference Manual (Rev. B)

ying guan:

回复 noaming:

谢谢!我就是想IO 高电平中断唤醒,现在不能唤醒了。


void Doze(){ Flash_Sleep(); systemREG1->GHVSRC = 0x00000000; systemREG1->VCLKASRC = 0x00000000; systemREG1->RCLKSRC = 0x00000000;

// All clock Domains are disabled except RTI /** @b Initialize @b Clock @b Tree: */ // Write to Clock Source Disable Register – systemREG1->CSDIS = 0xFE; // disable all clock sources except OSCIN

/** – Disable / Enable clock domain */ systemREG1->CDDIS = 0x0 | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 0U ) /* GCLKOFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 1U ) /* HCLK OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 2U ) /* VCLKP OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 3U ) /* VCLK2 OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 4U ) /* AVCLK 1 OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 5U ) /* AVCLK 2 OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 8U ) /* VCLK3 OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 9U ) /* VCLK4 OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 10U) /* AVCLK 3 OFF */ | (uint32)((uint32)1U << 11U); /* AVCLK 4 OFF */

asm( " NOP"); asm( " NOP"); asm( " NOP");

// Execute ARM instructions with IDLE cycles to trigger CPU clock stoppage asm( " WFI"); asm( " NOP"); asm( " b #-8"); asm( " NOP"); asm( " NOP"); asm( " NOP"); asm( " NOP");


这样调用Doze(); 以后,有中断产生,但是不能唤醒,请问如何唤醒,还需要配置一些寄存器吗


回复 ying guan:

示波器测量一下wakeup single信号

ying guan:

回复 noaming:


ying guan:

回复 noaming:

#pragma WEAK(gioNotification)void gioNotification(gioPORT_t *port, uint32 bit){/* enter user code between the USER CODE BEGIN and USER CODE END. *//* USER CODE BEGIN (19) */ if (gioPORTA == port) { if(2 == bit) { qca_notification(gioGetBit(port, bit)); } else if (5 == bit) { evcc_auxiliary_notification(); } else { //do nothing } }/* USER CODE END */}

这个是我的IO口中断函数,DOZE时候可以进这里,但我什么也没做 ,系统有个呼吸灯,但是呼吸灯不再继续闪烁了,CAN消息也不能处理,是不是就是没WAKEUP成功?

ying guan:

回复 noaming:

#pragma WEAK(gioNotification)void gioNotification(gioPORT_t *port, uint32 bit){/* enter user code between the USER CODE BEGIN and USER CODE END. *//* USER CODE BEGIN (19) */ if (gioPORTA == port) { if(2 == bit) { qca_notification(gioGetBit(port, bit)); } else if (5 == bit) { evcc_auxiliary_notification(); } else { //do nothing } }/* USER CODE END */}

这是我的中断处理函数 , Doze下我能进到这个中断函数中来,但是can任务收不到任何信息,感觉程序没有继续运行,是不是就是没WAKEUP

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