

新手学习C28系列DSP,对数据类型有些疑问,因为头文件的定义的数据类型和C语言不一致,比如int在C中是4 bytes=32 bits。 


typedef int int16;
typedef long int32;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned int Uint16;
typedef unsigned long Uint32;
typedef unsigned long long Uint64;
typedef float float32;
typedef long double float64;



By ANSI/ISO C definition, the sizeof operator yields the number of bytes required to store an object. ANSI/ISO further stipulates that when sizeof is applied to char, the result is 1. Since

the TMS320C28x char is 16 bits (to make it separately addressable), a byte is also 16 bits. This yields results you may not expect; for example, size of (int) = = 1 (not 2).

mangui zhang:数据类型是有些区别的编程时按照C2000数据类型进行设计

新手学习C28系列DSP,对数据类型有些疑问,因为头文件的定义的数据类型和C语言不一致,比如int在C中是4 bytes=32 bits。 


typedef int int16;
typedef long int32;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned int Uint16;
typedef unsigned long Uint32;
typedef unsigned long long Uint64;
typedef float float32;
typedef long double float64;



By ANSI/ISO C definition, the sizeof operator yields the number of bytes required to store an object. ANSI/ISO further stipulates that when sizeof is applied to char, the result is 1. Since

the TMS320C28x char is 16 bits (to make it separately addressable), a byte is also 16 bits. This yields results you may not expect; for example, size of (int) = = 1 (not 2).

Susan Yang:参考 www.ti.com/…/spru514p.pdf的6.13.1 C99 Support (–c99)

我觉得可以使能 C99 Support

The compiler supports the 1999 standard of C as standardized by the ISO.

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