
TPS65988: How to use a software solution to upgrade hirmware to TPS65988 in Qualcomm 865 platform and Android 10 OS.

Part Number:TPS65988

Hi TI maters,

Our product is based on ARM (Qualcomm 865), Android 10;which use TPS65988 as PD solution.

Our customer asked that the PD firmware must be upgraded by software ways,it's forbiden to use a hardware tools to upgrade firmware.

We want to know if PD TPS65988 can be upgraded firmware by its I2Cs (I2C1,I2C2,I2C3),or you can suggested a software upgrade solution.

If PD support through I2C to upgrate firmware, please help share develop code which can be usd in Android.



Johnsin Tao:

HI    建说明文档: www.ti.com.cn/…/slvae21a.pdf


Vackey Tang:

Hi Johnsin,

Thanks for your kindly support;

One more thing, please help confirmed if all three I2C port can be used to upgrade Firmware? or only some one dedicated I2C could be used in upgrading?



Johnsin Tao:

Hi   一般主I2C端口。

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