
28377S的Flash Bank 0和Flash Bank 1可以整合成一块大的FLASH使用嘛

28377S的Flash Bank 0和Flash Bank 1可以整合成一块大的FLASH使用嘛?

我看例程里面都是只用了Flash Bank 0,全部都用有需要注意或配置的地方?

Green Deng:

不可以整合成一块flash,datasheet中有一句话提到:Only one bank can be programmed or erased at a time.

Green Deng:

Couple of things to keep in mind while using both the banks for your application:

1. Bank1 has an extra wait-state for fetch/read accesses.Hence, performance will be different than that of Bank0.Please map code that needs more performance

2. Do not use the last two 128-bit (16 16-bit addresses) locations in each bank.This should already be taken care by the linker cmd files provided in C2000Ware.When Flash prefetch is enabled, if the last two 128-bit locations are used, FMC will read beyond the implemented Flash size and can end up in ITRAPs/ECC errors.

Two banks are provided so that needed customers can use one of them for code and one for data.Also, users can maintain two images if they want for firmware upgrade reasons.

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