
DSP2808 eCAN中断

我在调试DSP2808 eCAN模块,我发现CANGIF1中GMIF1中断标志位清不掉是怎么回事,我按照芯片手册上给的方法,由发送数据成功引起的中断,通过向CANTA寄存器对应位写1来清除CANGIF1的GMIF1标志位,我按照手册上说的做了,但是通过不停查询GMIF1位发现他并没有被清除,为什么会这样?

The GMIFn bit is cleared by clearing the appropriate bit in TA or RMP register. For example, if
mailbox 19 has been configured as a transmit mailbox and has completed a transmission,
TA19 is set, which in turn sets GMIFn. The ISR (after taking appropriate actions) needs to clear
the TA19 bit in order to clear the GMIFn bit. If mailbox 8 has been configured as a receive
mailbox and has completed a reception, RMP8 is set, which in turn sets GMIFn. The ISR (after
taking appropriate actions) needs to clear the RMP8 bit in order to clear the GMIFn bit.

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