
BQ27531与BQ24195之间的通讯问题和unsealed BQ27531的问题


      另外,Host System Calibration Method.pdf中提到要进入校准模式需要unsealed BQ27531,unsealed的操作是怎样的呢?



只有在以下system reset status才会写入配置到charger

The fuel gauge can change the values of these registers during the system reset state. Three classes of system reset states are available:

• CHG (Charger) State: The fuel gauge retains the register value based on the charger reset state.

• DF (Data Flash) State: The fuel gauge uses the shadow data flash values as described in Section 5.4, Data Flash Summary, to determine the system reset state of these registers.

• FG (Fuel Gauge) State: The fuel gauge uses an embedded charging algorithm to determine the Fuel Gauge Reset State of these registers. The charging algorithm can be configured using the data flash as described in Section 5.4, Data Flash Summary.


http://www.ti.com/lit/ug/sluua96/sluua96.pdf  page 21 22

unseal 也在上述文档中有描述

Lang Deng:

回复 Cheng.W:

谢谢,正在研究这个文档。我按照这个文档的5.5.1节修改Data Flash的一个字节,但是操作后再读Data flash,它的值没有改变。寄存器写上了,checksum通过2个方法算到都是0X32,但data flash的值没有改变。请问前辈,可能的原因是什么?是需要进行某个状态吗?我是在没有插入电池的状态下执行以上操作的。

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