
ADS1015配置问题 配置寄存器配置的与读取的结果不一样


if(I2cMsgOut1.MsgStatus == I2C_MSGSTAT_SEND_WITHSTOP)
Error = I2CA_WriteData(&I2cMsgOut1,0x48,0x01,0xC483,0x01);
// If communication is correctly initiated, set msg status to busy
// and update CurrentMsgPtr for the interrupt service routine.
// Otherwise, do nothing and try again next loop. Once message is
// initiated, the I2C interrupts will handle the rest. Search for
// i2c_int1a_isr in this file.
if (Error == I2C_SUCCESS)
CurrentMsgPtr = &I2cMsgOut1;
I2cMsgOut1.MsgStatus = I2C_MSGSTAT_WRITE_BUSY;
} // end of write section
// Read data from EEPROM section //

// Check outgoing message status. Bypass read section if status is
// not inactive.
if (I2cMsgOut1.MsgStatus == I2C_MSGSTAT_INACTIVE)
// Check incoming message status.
if(I2cMsgIn1.MsgStatus == I2C_MSGSTAT_SEND_NOSTOP)
// EEPROM address setup portion
while(I2CA_ReadData(&I2cMsgIn1,0x48,0x01) != I2C_SUCCESS)
// Maybe setup an attempt counter to break an infinite while
// loop. The EEPROM will send back a NACK while it is performing
// a write operation. Even though the write communique is
// complete at this point, the EEPROM could still be busy
// programming the data. Therefore, multiple attempts are
// necessary.
// Update current message pointer and message status
CurrentMsgPtr = &I2cMsgIn1;
// Once message has progressed past setting up the internal address
// of the EEPROM, send a restart to read the data bytes from the
// EEPROM. Complete the communique with a stop bit. MsgStatus is
// updated in the interrupt service routine.
else if(I2cMsgIn1.MsgStatus == I2C_MSGSTAT_RESTART)
// Read data portion
while(I2CA_ReadData(&I2cMsgIn1,0x48,0x01) != I2C_SUCCESS)
// Maybe setup an attempt counter to break an infinite while
// loop.
// Update current message pointer and message status
CurrentMsgPtr = &I2cMsgIn1;
I2cMsgIn1.MsgStatus = I2C_MSGSTAT_READ_BUSY;
} // end of read section


要分析这个寄存器的功能,也许有些位是不能同时置位的, 系统会自动配置为合适的配置吧

B Z:

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