

LMX2491,这个片可输出波形很多。外部钟是25mhz。另,2491寄存器较多,最多是三个三个一起配的。但是手册上有句这个话没有看懂。The device is programmed using several 24-bit registers. Each register consists of a data field, an address field,
and a R/W bit. The MSB is the R/W bit. 0 means register write while 1 means register read. The following 15 bits
of the register are the address, followed by the next 8 bits of data. The user has the option to pull the LE terminal
high after this data, or keep sending data and it applies this data to the next lower register. So instead of sending
three registers of 24 bits each, one could send a single 40-bit register with the 16 bits of address and 24 bits of
data. For that matter, the entire device could be programmed as a single register if desired.最后一句话说可以视作一个单独的寄存器编程,请问是怎么操作的?

Mickey Zhang:

“The MSB is the R/W bit. 0 means register write while 1 means register read. The following 15 bits
of the register are the address, followed by the next 8 bits of data.”这边已经说的很清晰,建议您还可以通过我们的TICSPRO-SW工具来进行寄存器配置,TICSPRO-SW下载:www.ti.com/…/ticspro-sw

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