
求Error connecting to the target(Error – 1143 @0x0)问题解决办法呢

各位大神好,本人是第一次调试C6678的板子,现采用Seed XDS520V2 PLAUS仿真器连接到DSP的JTAG口上,用JTAG在CCS下的test connection是没有问题。板子上接了个SPI的Flash用于Boot程序存储但是还没有烧写,请问这样不Boot的情况下能不能给核LOAD程序成功?我在给每个核加载程序时显示

Error connecting to the target(Error – 1143 @0x0)C66xx_0: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1143 @ 0x0) Device core was hung. The debugger has forced the device to a ready state and recovered debug control, but your application's state is now corrupt. You should have limited access to memory and registers, but you may need to reset the device to debug further。


Error connecting to the target(Error – 1180 @0x0) Device is held in reset.Take the device out of reset,and retry the operation之后我改了几个GPIO的电平才变成上面的错误,求大神们不吝赐教,拜托了!!!


DSP没有正确上电,先把bootmode置于no boot看看,测量SYSCLKOUT确保芯片已经是正常工作了,另外测量电压,时钟以及上电时序确认正确。

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