
issues for BIST temperature montoring of AWR 1642

I want to get the temperature of the chip, so I have transplant the code in C:\ti\mmwave_sdk_01_01_00_02\packages\ti\control\mmwavelink\test\xwr16xx\main_mss,
at first, I use the function Mmwavelink_initLink() to init the Mmwavelink, then use the function MmwaveLink_monitoring() configure the information which I want to montor,
in the MmwaveLink_monitoring(),there are MmwaveLink_setRfAnaMonConfig() and MmaveLink_setRfTemMonConfig().
the function prototype all in the Link_test.c.

when I debug the code , some errors occurs,
1. the result of montoring of temperature is 0x8011a54, it is a fault value;
2. and the dss core occurs an error in the asyn event callbackfxn function;
how can I modify the code to run correctly.

Thank you!


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