
DRV8301-69M-KIT 套件相关实验问题。

我是用DRV8301-69M-KIT相关套件(www.ti.com.cn/…/DRV8301-69M-KIT FOC系列 GUI自带的project.out并不能很好的进行电机参数参数辨识,电机只是轻微抖动,电源输出的电流显示也只有0.2A左右。于是我通过阅读InstaSPIN foc和instaSPIN MOTION用户手册及lab手册进行电机参数识别。由于我这个电机是2312s的psms电机,我用到了实验lab02c进行电机ID参数读取。用的是ccsv6平台,只对例程中的user.h进行了适当的参数更改。发现程序运行过程中,电机并没有转动,只是在辨识加速度的时候,电机会抖动。且电源输出电流始终为0.2A。参数识别不成功。

Susan Yang:建议您安装最新的CCSv9,然后用Motorware中的例程来运行电机。


我是用DRV8301-69M-KIT相关套件(www.ti.com.cn/…/DRV8301-69M-KIT FOC系列 GUI自带的project.out并不能很好的进行电机参数参数辨识,电机只是轻微抖动,电源输出的电流显示也只有0.2A左右。于是我通过阅读InstaSPIN foc和instaSPIN MOTION用户手册及lab手册进行电机参数识别。由于我这个电机是2312s的psms电机,我用到了实验lab02c进行电机ID参数读取。用的是ccsv6平台,只对例程中的user.h进行了适当的参数更改。发现程序运行过程中,电机并没有转动,只是在辨识加速度的时候,电机会抖动。且电源输出电流始终为0.2A。参数识别不成功。


回复 Susan Yang:



#ifndef _USER_H_#define _USER_H_/* –COPYRIGHT–,BSD * Copyright (c) 2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * –/COPYRIGHT–*/

//! \file solutions/instaspin_foc/boards/drv8301kit_revD/f28x/f2806xF/src/user.h//! \brief Contains the public interface for user initialization data for the CTRL, HAL, and EST modules //!//! (C) Copyright 2012, Texas Instruments, Inc.

// **************************************************************************// the includes

// modules#include "sw/modules/types/src/types.h"#include "sw/modules/motor/src/32b/motor.h"#include "sw/modules/est/src/32b/est.h"#include "sw/modules/est/src/est_states.h"#include "sw/modules/est/src/est_Flux_states.h"#include "sw/modules/est/src/est_Ls_states.h"#include "sw/modules/est/src/est_Rs_states.h"#include "sw/modules/ctrl/src/32b/ctrl_obj.h"

// platforms#include "sw/modules/fast/src/32b/userParams.h"

//!//!//! \defgroup USER USER//!//@{

#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif

// **************************************************************************// the defines

//! \brief CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES// **************************************************************************//! \brief Defines the full scale frequency for IQ variable, Hz//! \brief All frequencies are converted into (pu) based on the ratio to this value//! \brief this value MUST be larger than the maximum speed that you are expecting from the motor #define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz (300.0) // 800 Example with buffer for 8-pole 6 KRPM motor to be run to 10 KRPM with field weakening; Hz =(RPM * Poles) / 120

//! \brief Defines full scale value for the IQ30 variable of Voltage inside the system//! \brief All voltages are converted into (pu) based on the ratio to this value//! \brief WARNING: this value MUST meet the following condition: USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V > 0.5 * USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT * USER_MOTOR_Ls_d * USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_rps, //! \brief WARNING: otherwise the value can saturate and roll-over, causing an inaccurate value//! \brief WARNING: this value is OFTEN greater than the maximum measured ADC value, especially with high Bemf motors operating at higher than rated speeds//! \brief WARNING: if you know the value of your Bemf constant, and you know you are operating at a multiple speed due to field weakening, be sure to set this value higher than the expected Bemf voltage//! \brief It is recommended to start with a value ~3x greater than the USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V and increase to 4-5x if scenarios where a Bemf calculation may exceed these limits//! \brief This value is also used to calculate the minimum flux value: USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V/USER_EST_FREQ_Hz/0.7#define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V (60.0) // 24.0 Example for drv8301_revd typical usage and the Anaheim motor

//! \brief Defines the maximum voltage at the input to the AD converter//! \brief The value that will be represented by the maximum ADC input (3.3V) and conversion (0FFFh)//! \brief Hardware dependent, this should be based on the voltage sensing and scaling to the ADC input#define USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V (66.32) // 66.32 drv8301_revd voltage scaling

//! \brief Defines the voltage scale factor for the system//! \brief Compile time calculation for scale factor (ratio) used throughout the system#define USER_VOLTAGE_SF ((float_t)((USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V)/(USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V)))

//! \brief Defines the full scale current for the IQ variables, A//! \brief All currents are converted into (pu) based on the ratio to this value//! \brief WARNING: this value MUST be larger than the maximum current readings that you are expecting from the motor or the reading will roll over to 0, creating a control issue #define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A (9.949) // 更改//9.949//! \brief Defines the maximum current at the AD converter//! \brief The value that will be represented by the maximum ADC input (3.3V) and conversion (0FFFh)//! \brief Hardware dependent, this should be based on the current sensing and scaling to the ADC input#define USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A (19.897) // 更改硬件

//! \brief Defines the current scale factor for the system//! \brief Compile time calculation for scale factor (ratio) used throughout the system#define USER_CURRENT_SF ((float_t)((USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A)/(USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A)))

//! \brief Defines the number of current sensors used//! \brief Defined by the hardware capability present//! \brief May be (2) or (3)#define USER_NUM_CURRENT_SENSORS (3) // 3 Preferred setting for best performance across full speed range, allows for 100% duty cycle

//! \brief Defines the number of voltage (phase) sensors//! \brief Must be (3)#define USER_NUM_VOLTAGE_SENSORS (3) // 3 Required

//! \brief ADC current offsets for A, B, and C phases//! \brief One-time hardware dependent, though the calibration can be done at run-time as well//! \brief After initial board calibration these values should be updated for your specific hardware so they are available after compile in the binary to be loaded to the controller#define I_A_offset (0.9939797521)#define I_B_offset (1.014363647)#define I_C_offset (1.005615234)

//! \brief ADC voltage offsets for A, B, and C phases//! \brief One-time hardware dependent, though the calibration can be done at run-time as well//! \brief After initial board calibration these values should be updated for your specific hardware so they are available after compile in the binary to be loaded to the controller#define V_A_offset (0.5020679235)#define V_B_offset (0.4977650046)#define V_C_offset (0.4986107945)

//! \brief CLOCKS & TIMERS// **************************************************************************//! \brief Defines the system clock frequency, MHz#define USER_SYSTEM_FREQ_MHz (90.0)

//! \brief Defines the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequency, kHz//! \brief PWM frequency can be set directly here up to 30 KHz safely (60 KHz MAX in some cases)//! \brief For higher PWM frequencies (60 KHz+ typical for low inductance, high current ripple motors) it is recommended to use the ePWM hardware//! \brief and adjustable ADC SOC to decimate the ADC conversion done interrupt to the control system, or to use the software Que example.//! \brief Otherwise you risk missing interrupts and disrupting the timing of the control state machine#define USER_PWM_FREQ_kHz (45.0) //30.0 Example, 8.0 – 30.0 KHz typical; 45-80 KHz may be required for very low inductance, high speed motors

//! \brief Defines the maximum Voltage vector (Vs) magnitude allowed. This value sets the maximum magnitude for the output of the//! \brief Id and Iq PI current controllers. The Id and Iq current controller outputs are Vd and Vq.//! \brief The relationship between Vs, Vd, and Vq is: Vs = sqrt(Vd^2 + Vq^2). In this FOC controller, the//! \brief Vd value is set equal to USER_MAX_VS_MAG*USER_VD_MAG_FACTOR. Vq = sqrt(USER_MAX_VS_MAG^2 – Vd^2).//! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 0.5 for a pure sinewave with a peak at SQRT(3)/2 = 86.6% duty cycle. No current reconstruction is needed for this scenario.//! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 1/SQRT(3) = 0.5774 for a pure sinewave with a peak at 100% duty cycle. Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x).//! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 2/3 = 0.6666 to create a trapezoidal voltage waveform. Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x).//! \brief For space vector over-modulation, see lab 10 for details on system requirements that will allow the SVM generator to go all the way to trapezoidal.#define USER_MAX_VS_MAG_PU (0.5) // Set to 0.5 if a current reconstruction technique is not used. Look at the module svgen_current in lab10a-x for more info.

//! \brief Defines the address of controller handle//!#define USER_CTRL_HANDLE_ADDRESS (0x13C40)

//! \brief Defines the address of estimator handle//!#define USER_EST_HANDLE_ADDRESS (0x13840)

//! \brief Defines the direct voltage (Vd) scale factor//!#define USER_VD_SF (0.95)

//! \brief Defines the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) period, usec//! \brief Compile time calculation#define USER_PWM_PERIOD_usec (1000.0/USER_PWM_FREQ_kHz)

//! \brief Defines the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) frequency, Hz//!#define USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz ((float_t)USER_PWM_FREQ_kHz * 1000.0 / (float_t)USER_NUM_PWM_TICKS_PER_ISR_TICK)

//! \brief Defines the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) period, usec//!#define USER_ISR_PERIOD_usec (USER_PWM_PERIOD_usec * (float_t)USER_NUM_PWM_TICKS_PER_ISR_TICK)

//! \brief DECIMATION// **************************************************************************//! \brief Defines the number of pwm clock ticks per isr clock tick//! Note: Valid values are 1, 2 or 3 only#define USER_NUM_PWM_TICKS_PER_ISR_TICK (3)

//! \brief Defines the number of isr ticks (hardware) per controller clock tick (software)//! \brief Controller clock tick (CTRL) is the main clock used for all timing in the software//! \brief Typically the PWM Frequency triggers (can be decimated by the ePWM hardware for less overhead) an ADC SOC//! \brief ADC SOC triggers an ADC Conversion Done//! \brief ADC Conversion Done triggers ISR//! \brief This relates the hardware ISR rate to the software controller rate//! \brief Typcially want to consider some form of decimation (ePWM hardware, CURRENT or EST) over 16KHz ISR to insure interrupt completes and leaves time for background tasks#define USER_NUM_ISR_TICKS_PER_CTRL_TICK (1) // 2 Example, controller clock rate (CTRL) runs at PWM / 2; ex 30 KHz PWM, 15 KHz control

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per current controller clock tick//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to current controller (FOC) rate#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_CURRENT_TICK (1) // 1 Typical, Forward FOC current controller (Iq/Id/IPARK/SVPWM) runs at same rate as CTRL.

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per estimator clock tick//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to estimator (FAST) rate//! \brief Depends on needed dynamic performance, FAST provides very good results as low as 1 KHz while more dynamic or high speed applications may require up to 15 KHz#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_EST_TICK (1) // 1 Typical, FAST estimator runs at same rate as CTRL;

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per speed controller clock tick//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to speed loop rate#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_SPEED_TICK (15) // 15 Typical to match PWM, ex: 15KHz PWM, controller, and current loop, 1KHz speed loop

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per trajectory clock tick//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to trajectory loop rate//! \brief Typically the same as the speed rate#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_TRAJ_TICK (15) // 15 Typical to match PWM, ex: 10KHz controller & current loop, 1KHz speed loop, 1 KHz Trajectory

//! \brief Defines the controller frequency, Hz//! \brief Compile time calculation#define USER_CTRL_FREQ_Hz (uint_least32_t)(USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz/USER_NUM_ISR_TICKS_PER_CTRL_TICK)

//! \brief Defines the estimator frequency, Hz//! \brief Compile time calculation#define USER_EST_FREQ_Hz (uint_least32_t)(USER_CTRL_FREQ_Hz/USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_EST_TICK)

//! \brief Defines the trajectory frequency, Hz//! \brief Compile time calculation#define USER_TRAJ_FREQ_Hz (uint_least32_t)(USER_CTRL_FREQ_Hz/USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_TRAJ_TICK)

//! \brief Defines the controller execution period, usec//! \brief Compile time calculation#define USER_CTRL_PERIOD_usec (USER_ISR_PERIOD_usec * USER_NUM_ISR_TICKS_PER_CTRL_TICK)

//! \brief Defines the controller execution period, sec//! \brief Compile time calculation#define USER_CTRL_PERIOD_sec ((float_t)USER_CTRL_PERIOD_usec/(float_t)1000000.0)

//! \brief LIMITS// **************************************************************************//! \brief Defines the maximum negative current to be applied in Id reference//! \brief Used in field weakening only, this is a safety setting (e.g. to protect against demagnetization)//! \brief User must also be aware that overall current magnitude [sqrt(Id^2 + Iq^2)] should be kept below any machine design specifications#define USER_MAX_NEGATIVE_ID_REF_CURRENT_A (-0.5 * USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT) // -0.5 * USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT Example, adjust to meet safety needs of your motor

//! \brief Defines the low speed limit for the flux integrator, pu //! \brief This is the speed range (CW/CCW) at which the ForceAngle object is active, but only if Enabled//! \brief Outside of this speed – or if Disabled – the ForcAngle will NEVER be active and the angle is provided by FAST only#define USER_ZEROSPEEDLIMIT (0.5 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz) // 0.002 pu, 1-5 Hz typical; Hz = USER_ZEROSPEEDLIMIT * USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz

//! \brief Defines the force angle frequency, Hz//! \brief Frequency of stator vector rotation used by the ForceAngle object//! \brief Can be positive or negative#define USER_FORCE_ANGLE_FREQ_Hz (2.0 * USER_ZEROSPEEDLIMIT * USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz) // 1.0 Typical force angle start-up speed

//! \brief Defines the maximum current slope for Id trajectory during PowerWarp//! \brief For Induction motors only, controls how fast Id input can change under PowerWarp control#define USER_MAX_CURRENT_SLOPE_POWERWARP (0.3*USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT/USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A/USER_TRAJ_FREQ_Hz) // 0.3*RES_EST_CURRENT / IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT / TRAJ_FREQ Typical to produce 1-sec rampup/down

//! \brief Defines the starting maximum acceleration AND deceleration for the speed profiles, Hz/s//! \brief Updated in run-time through user functions//! \brief Inverter, motor, inertia, and load will limit actual acceleration capability#define USER_MAX_ACCEL_Hzps (20.0) // 20.0 Default

//! \brief Defines maximum acceleration for the estimation speed profiles, Hz/s//! \brief Only used during Motor ID (commission)#define USER_MAX_ACCEL_EST_Hzps (5.0) // 5.0 Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines the maximum current slope for Id trajectory during estimation#define USER_MAX_CURRENT_SLOPE (USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT/USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A/USER_TRAJ_FREQ_Hz) // USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT/USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A/USER_TRAJ_FREQ_Hz Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines the fraction of IdRated to use during rated flux estimation//!#define USER_IDRATED_FRACTION_FOR_RATED_FLUX (1.0) // 1.0 Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines the fraction of IdRated to use during inductance estimation//!#define USER_IDRATED_FRACTION_FOR_L_IDENT (1.0) // 1.0 Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines the IdRated delta to use during estimation//!#define USER_IDRATED_DELTA (0.00002)

//! \brief Defines the fraction of SpeedMax to use during inductance estimation//!#define USER_SPEEDMAX_FRACTION_FOR_L_IDENT (1.0) // 1.0 Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines flux fraction to use during inductance identification//!#define USER_FLUX_FRACTION (1.0) // 1.0 Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines the PowerWarp gain for computing Id reference//! \brief Induction motors only#define USER_POWERWARP_GAIN (1.0) // 1.0 Default, don't change

//! \brief Defines the R/L estimation frequency, Hz//! \brief User higher values for low inductance motors and lower values for higher inductance//! \brief motors. The values can range from 100 to 300 Hz.#define USER_R_OVER_L_EST_FREQ_Hz (100) // 300 Default

//! \brief POLES// **************************************************************************//! \brief Defines the analog voltage filter pole location, Hz//! \brief Must match the hardware filter for Vph#define USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_Hz (335.648) // 335.648, value for drv8301_revd hardware

//! \brief Defines the analog voltage filter pole location, rad/s//! \brief Compile time calculation from Hz to rad/s#define USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_rps (2.0 * MATH_PI * USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_Hz)

//! \brief Defines the software pole location for the voltage and current offset estimation, rad/s//! \brief Should not be changed from default of (20.0)#define USER_OFFSET_POLE_rps (20.0) // 20.0 Default, do not change

//! \brief Defines the software pole location for the flux estimation, rad/s//! \brief Should not be changed from default of (100.0)#define USER_FLUX_POLE_rps (100.0) // 100.0 Default, do not change

//! \brief Defines the software pole location for the direction filter, rad/s#define USER_DIRECTION_POLE_rps (6.0) // 6.0 Default, do not change

//! \brief Defines the software pole location for the speed control filter, rad/s#define USER_SPEED_POLE_rps (100.0) // 100.0 Default, do not change

//! \brief Defines the software pole location for the DC bus filter, rad/s#define USER_DCBUS_POLE_rps (100.0) // 100.0 Default, do not change

//! \brief Defines the convergence factor for the estimator//! \brief Do not change from default for FAST#define USER_EST_KAPPAQ (1.5) // 1.5 Default, do not change

// **************************************************************************// end the defines

//! \brief USER MOTOR & ID SETTINGS// **************************************************************************

//! \brief Define each motor with a unique name and ID number// BLDC & SMPM motors#define Estun_EMJ_04APB22 101#define Anaheim_BLY172S 102#define Anaheim_BLWS235D 103#define My_Motor 104#define hobby_3p5T 105#define hobby_4p5T 106#define small_hobby 107#define teknic_2310P 108#define hobbywing_ezrun_8p5T 109#define eflite_helicopter_420 110#define GE_pump 111

// IPM motors// If user provides separate Ls-d, Ls-q// else treat as SPM with user or identified average Ls#define ebike_48v_large_dia_afsel_hfi 201#define Anaheim_Salient 202#define Tamagawa_A01001033000 203

// ACIM motors//#define Marathon_5K33GN2A 301//#define Kinetek_YDQ1p3_4 302//#define LPKF_CAD_CAM 303

//! \brief Uncomment the motor which should be included at compile//! \brief These motor ID settings and motor parameters are then available to be used by the control system//! \brief Once your ideal settings and parameters are identified update the motor section here so it is available in the binary code//#define USER_MOTOR Estun_EMJ_04APB22 ////#define USER_MOTOR Anaheim_BLY172S ////#define USER_MOTOR Anaheim_BLWS235D//#define USER_MOTOR hobby_3p5T ////#define USER_MOTOR hobby_4p5T ////#define USER_MOTOR GE_pump#define USER_MOTOR My_Motor ////#define USER_MOTOR small_hobby ////#define USER_MOTOR teknic_2310P ////#define USER_MOTOR hobbywing_ezrun_8p5T ////#define USER_MOTOR eflite_helicopter_420 ////#define USER_MOTOR ebike_48v_large_dia_afsel_hfi ////#define USER_MOTOR Anaheim_Salient ////#define USER_MOTOR Tamagawa_A01001033000 ////#define USER_MOTOR Marathon_5K33GN2A

#if (USER_MOTOR == Estun_EMJ_04APB22) // Name must match the motor #define#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm // Motor_Type_Pm (All Synchronous: BLDC, PMSM, SMPM, IPM) or Motor_Type_Induction (Asynchronous ACI)#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4) // PAIRS, not total poles. Used to calculate user RPM from rotor Hz only#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL) // Induction motors only, else NULL#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (2.303403) // Identified phase to neutral resistance in a Y equivalent circuit (Ohms, float)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.008464367) // For PM, Identified average stator inductance (Henry, float)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.008464367) // For PM, Identified average stator inductance (Henry, float)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.38) // Identified TOTAL flux linkage between the rotor and the stator (V/Hz)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL) // Induction motors only, else NULL#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (1.0) // During Motor ID, maximum current (Amperes, float) used for Rs estimation, 10-20% rated current#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0) // During Motor ID, maximum current (negative Amperes, float) used for Ls estimation, use just enough to enable rotation#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (3.82) // CRITICAL: Used during ID and run-time, sets a limit on the maximum current command output of the provided Speed PI Controller to the Iq controller#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0) // During Motor ID, maximum commanded speed (Hz, float), ~10% rated

#elif (USER_MOTOR == hobbywing_ezrun_8p5T)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (1)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.01366183)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (1.556967e-05)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (1.556967e-05)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.009272549)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (3.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-2.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (10.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (60.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == eflite_helicopter_420)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (3)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.01953091)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (2.998549e-06)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (2.998549e-06)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.003449948)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (3.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-3.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (15.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (80.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == GE_pump)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.1931403)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.0001903657)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.0001903657)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.06034314)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (8.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == ebike_48v_large_dia_afsel_hfi) //Set pwm to 15KHz and decimation to 1 when using IPD_HFI#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (23)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.08971651)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.0002238307)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.0002238307)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.1752851)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (4.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (40.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0)

#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (937.5) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (10.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (20.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (15.7) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.2) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.1) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.5) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.2) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/1.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(1.0))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.7))

#elif (USER_MOTOR == hobby_3p5T)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.0149275)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (2.575126e-06)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (2.575126e-06)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.003589415)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (15.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-5.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (30.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (60.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == hobby_4p5T)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.01420126)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (6.466606e-06)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (6.466606e-06)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.004845501)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (5.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-5.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (10.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (60.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == teknic_2310P)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.3654691)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.0002068772)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.0002068772)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.04052209)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (5.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == small_hobby)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (6)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (1.277921)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.0001230481)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.0001230481)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.004417491)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (0.5)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-0.5)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (5.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (200.0)

#elif (USER_MOTOR == Anaheim_BLY172S)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (6)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.009329688)//0.3968007//7.540394e+08//0.002322656//0.02166937#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.000114888)//0.0006708066//5.138702e-10//0.003878234//5.001035e-7#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.000114888)//0.0006708066//5.138702e-10//0.003878234//5.001035e-7#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.02111049)//0.03433958//3.043474//0.1085258//0.01006353#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (10.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (50.0)

#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_LOW (80.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 10% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_HIGH (800.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 100% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_MAX (960.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 120% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_VOLT_MIN (7.2) // Volt – suggested to set to 15% of rated motor voltage#define USER_MOTOR_VOLT_MAX (48.0) // Volt – suggested to set to 100% of rated motor voltage

// IPD and AFSEL settings below are not necessarily valid for this motor// Added so that proj_lab21 compiles without errors with default user.h settings#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (750.0) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (35.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (100.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (60.0) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.25) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.2) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.5) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.5) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/10.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(0.4))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.4))

#elif (USER_MOTOR == Anaheim_BLWS235D)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm // Motor_Type_Pm (All Synchronous: BLDC, PMSM, SMPM, IPM) or Motor_Type_Induction (Asynchronous ACI)#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4) // PAIRS, not total poles. Used to calculate user RPM from rotor Hz only#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL) // Induction motors only, else NULL#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (5.310565) // Identified phase to neutral resistance in a Y equivalent circuit (Ohms, float)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.02047198) // For PM, Identified average stator inductance (Henry, float)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.02047198) // For PM, Identified average stator inductance (Henry, float)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.6824858) // Identified TOTAL flux linkage between the rotor and the stator (V/Hz)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL) // Induction motors only, else NULL#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (1.0) // During Motor ID, maximum current (Amperes, float) used for Rs estimation, 10-20% rated current#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0) // During Motor ID, maximum current (negative Amperes, float) used for Ls estimation, use just enough to enable rotation#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (3.82) // CRITICAL: Used during ID and run-time, sets a limit on the maximum current command output of the provided Speed PI Controller to the Iq controller#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0) // During Motor ID, maximum commanded speed (Hz, float), ~10% rated

#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (750.0) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (35.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (100.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (60.0) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.25) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.2) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.5) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.5) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/10.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(0.4))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.4))

#elif (USER_MOTOR == Anaheim_Salient) //Set pwm to 15KHz and decimation to 1 when using IPD_HFI#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.1215855)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.0002298828)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.0002298828)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.04821308)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (2.0) // Enter amperes(float)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-0.5) // Enter negative amperes(float)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (10.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0)#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (750.0) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (35.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (100.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (60.0) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.25) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.2) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.5) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.5) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/10.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(0.4))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.4))

#elif (USER_MOTOR == Tamagawa_A01001033000)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Pm#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (4)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (0.2763638)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (0.0004606206)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (0.0004606206)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.04945183)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (1.0) // Enter amperes(float)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-1.0) // Enter negative amperes(float)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (3.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (20.0)#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (750.0) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (10.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (20.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (31.4) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.2) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.2) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.2) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.1) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/1.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(0.4))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.4))


#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_LOW (30.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 10% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_HIGH (300.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 100% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_MAX (360.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 120% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_VOLT_MIN (9.0) // Volt – suggested to set to 15% of rated motor voltage#define USER_MOTOR_VOLT_MAX (60.0) // Volt – suggested to set to 100% of rated motor voltage

#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (750.0) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (10.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (20.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (31.4) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.2) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.2) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.2) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.1) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/1.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(0.4))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.4))

#elif (USER_MOTOR == Marathon_5K33GN2A)#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE MOTOR_Type_Induction#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS (6)#define USER_MOTOR_Rr (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Rs (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX (0.8165*48.0/300.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT (NULL)#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT (3.0)#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT (-3.0)#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT (9.0)#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz (15.0)

#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_LOW (30.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 10% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_HIGH (300.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 100% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_FREQ_MAX (360.0) // Hz – suggested to set to 120% of rated motor frequency#define USER_MOTOR_VOLT_MIN (7.2) // Volt – suggested to set to 15% of rated motor voltage#define USER_MOTOR_VOLT_MAX (48.0) // Volt – suggested to set to 100% of rated motor voltage/*#define IPD_HFI_EXC_FREQ_HZ (750.0) // excitation frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_LP_SPD_FILT_HZ (10.0) // lowpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_HP_IQ_FILT_HZ (20.0) // highpass filter cutoff frequency, Hz#define IPD_HFI_KSPD (31.4) // the speed gain value#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_COARSE_PU (0.2) // coarse IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_MAG_FINE_PU (0.2) // fine IPD excitation magnitude, pu#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_COARSE_S (0.2) // coarse wait time, sec max 0.64#define IPD_HFI_EXC_TIME_FINE_S (0.1) // fine wait time, sec max 0.4#define AFSEL_FREQ_HIGH_PU (_IQ(20.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_FREQ_LOW_PU (_IQ(10.0 / USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_EST (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.1/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_HFI (_IQ((float)(1.0/1.0/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_IQ_SLOPE_THROTTLE_DWN (_IQ((float)(1.0/0.05/USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz)))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_EST (_IQ(0.4))#define AFSEL_MAX_IQ_REF_HFI (_IQ(0.4))*/

#else#error No motor type specified#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR#error Motor is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_TYPE#error The motor type is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS#error Number of motor pole pairs is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_Rr#error The rotor resistance is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_Rs#error The stator resistance is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_Ls_d#error The direct stator inductance is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_Ls_q#error The quadrature stator inductance is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX#error The rated flux of motor is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT#error The magnetizing current is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT#error The resistance estimation current is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT#error The inductance estimation current is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT#error The maximum current is not defined in user.h#endif

#ifndef USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz#error The flux estimation frequency is not defined in user.h#endif

// **************************************************************************// the functions

//! \brief Sets the user parameter values//! \param[in] pUserParams The pointer to the user param structureextern void USER_setParams(USER_Params *pUserParams);

//! \brief Checks for errors in the user parameter values//! \param[in] pUserParams The pointer to the user param structureextern void USER_checkForErrors(USER_Params *pUserParams);

//! \brief Gets the error code in the user parameters//! \param[in] pUserParams The pointer to the user param structure//! \return The error codeextern USER_ErrorCode_e USER_getErrorCode(USER_Params *pUserParams);

//! \brief Sets the error code in the user parameters//! \param[in] pUserParams The pointer to the user param structure//! \param[in] errorCode The error codeextern void USER_setErrorCode(USER_Params *pUserParams,const USER_ErrorCode_e errorCode);

//! \brief Recalculates Inductances with the correct Q Format//! \param[in] handle The controller (CTRL) handleextern void USER_softwareUpdate1p6(CTRL_Handle handle);

//! \brief Updates Id and Iq PI gains//! \param[in] handle The controller (CTRL) handleextern void USER_calcPIgains(CTRL_Handle handle);

//! \brief Computes the scale factor needed to convert from torque created by Ld, Lq, Id and Iq, from per unit to Nm//! \return The scale factor to convert torque from (Ld – Lq) * Id * Iq from per unit to Nm, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeTorque_Ls_Id_Iq_pu_to_Nm_sf(void);

//! \brief Computes the scale factor needed to convert from torque created by flux and Iq, from per unit to Nm//! \return The scale factor to convert torque from Flux * Iq from per unit to Nm, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeTorque_Flux_Iq_pu_to_Nm_sf(void);

//! \brief Computes the scale factor needed to convert from per unit to Wb//! \return The scale factor to convert from flux per unit to flux in Wb, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeFlux_pu_to_Wb_sf(void);

//! \brief Computes the scale factor needed to convert from per unit to V/Hz//! \return The scale factor to convert from flux per unit to flux in V/Hz, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeFlux_pu_to_VpHz_sf(void);

//! \brief Computes Flux in Wb or V/Hz depending on the scale factor sent as parameter//! \param[in] handle The controller (CTRL) handle//! \param[in] sf The scale factor to convert flux from per unit to Wb or V/Hz//! \return The flux in Wb or V/Hz depending on the scale factor sent as parameter, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeFlux(CTRL_Handle handle, const _iq sf);

//! \brief Computes Torque in Nm//! \param[in] handle The controller (CTRL) handle//! \param[in] torque_Flux_sf The scale factor to convert torque from (Ld – Lq) * Id * Iq from per unit to Nm//! \param[in] torque_Ls_sf The scale factor to convert torque from Flux * Iq from per unit to Nm//! \return The torque in Nm, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeTorque_Nm(CTRL_Handle handle, const _iq torque_Flux_sf, const _iq torque_Ls_sf);

//! \brief Computes Torque in lbin//! \param[in] handle The controller (CTRL) handle//! \param[in] torque_Flux_sf The scale factor to convert torque from (Ld – Lq) * Id * Iq from per unit to lbin//! \param[in] torque_Ls_sf The scale factor to convert torque from Flux * Iq from per unit to lbin//! \return The torque in lbin, in IQ24 formatextern _iq USER_computeTorque_lbin(CTRL_Handle handle, const _iq torque_Flux_sf, const _iq torque_Ls_sf);

#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif // extern "C"

//@} // ingroup#endif // end of _USER_H_ definition

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