

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 C3这几个函数大致的用法是什么意思?谢谢
//——————————— FRAMEWORK ————————————-
void A0(void)
 // loop rate synchronizer for A-tasks
 if(CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)
  CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TIF = 1; // clear flag
  (*A_Task_Ptr)();  // jump to an A Task (A1,A2,A3,…)
  VTimer0[0]++;   // virtual timer 0, instance 0 (spare)
 Alpha_State_Ptr = &B0;  // Comment out to allow only A tasks
void B0(void)
 // loop rate synchronizer for B-tasks
 if(CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)
  CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TIF = 1;    // clear flag
  (*B_Task_Ptr)();  // jump to a B Task (B1,B2,B3,…)
  VTimer1[0]++;   // virtual timer 1, instance 0 (spare)
 Alpha_State_Ptr = &C0;  // Allow C state tasks
void C0(void)
 // loop rate synchronizer for C-tasks
 if(CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)
  CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.bit.TIF = 1;    // clear flag
  (*C_Task_Ptr)();  // jump to a C Task (C1,C2,C3,…)
  VTimer2[0]++;   //virtual timer 2, instance 0 (spare)
 Alpha_State_Ptr = &A0; // Back to State A0
// A – TASKS
void A1(void)//——————————————————–
 // Channel On/Off control
/* if(ChannelEnable == 1)
  VrefNetBus = Vbus_set;
  VrefNetBus = 0;*/
//OV Protection moved to 10kHz ISR
 if (VbusAvg > VBUS_OVP_THRSHLD)//Check for Vbus OV Condition
    OV_flag = 1; 
    EPwm1Regs.TZFRC.bit.OST = 1;
    EPwm2Regs.TZFRC.bit.OST = 1;
    VbusTargetSlewed = 0;
    VbusTarget = 0;  
    Gui_Vbus_set = 0;   
  }  */         
 if (INCR_BUILD == 3)
  Pgain_I = Gui_Pgain_I*67108.86; // Q26. Since GUI P gain (I loop) is scaled up by 1000.00, the scaling
          // factor in this case is 2e26/1000 = 67108.864
  Igain_I = Gui_Igain_I*67108.86; // Q26. Since GUI I gain (I loop) is scaled up by 1000.00, the scaling
          // factor in this case is 2e26/1000 = 67108.864
  Dgain_I = Gui_Dgain_I*67108.86; // Q26. Since GUI D gain (I loop) is scaled up by 1000.00, the scaling
          // factor in this case is 2e26/1000 = 67108.864
  Pgain_V = Gui_Pgain_V*6710.89;  // Q26; Since GUI P gain (V loop) is scaled up by 10000.00, the scaling
          // factor in this case is 2e26/10000 = 6710.8864
  Igain_V = Gui_Igain_V*6710.89;  // Q26.Since GUI I gain (V loop) is scaled up by 10000.00, the scaling
          // factor in this case is 2e26/10000 = 6710.8864
  Dgain_V = Gui_Dgain_V*6710.89;  // Q26.Since GUI D gain (V loop) is scaled up by 10000.00, the scaling
          // factor in this case is 2e26/10000 = 6710.8864
// Current loop coefficient update
 CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b2   = Dgain_I;                           // B2
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b1   =(Igain_I-Pgain_I-Dgain_I-Dgain_I);  // B1
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b0   =(Pgain_I + Igain_I + Dgain_I);      // B0
//    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.a2   =0.0;                               // A2 = 0
//    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.a1   =_IQ26(1.0);                        // A1 = 1//    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.max  =Dmax_I;            //Clamp Hi//    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.min  =_IQ24(0.0);         //Clamp Min    */    
// Update Voltage loop coefficients/* CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.b2   =Dgain_V;                            // B2
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.b1   =(Igain_V-Pgain_V-Dgain_V-Dgain_V);  // B1
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.b0   =(Pgain_V + Igain_V + Dgain_V);      // B0
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.a2   =0.0;                               // A2 = 0
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.a1   =_IQ26(1.0);                        // A1 = 1    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.max  =Dmax_V;            //Clamp Hi    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.min  =_IQ24(0.0);         //Clamp Min*/ 
//Update coefficients for current loop.
  if (coeff_change == 1)
   EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTEN = 0;    // Disable INT
   if (pid2p2z_Gui == 0)
   // Current loop coefficient update
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b2 = Dgain_I;        // B2
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b1 = (Igain_I – Pgain_I – Dgain_I – Dgain_I); // B1
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b0 = (Pgain_I + Igain_I + Dgain_I);   // B0
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.a2 = 0x00000000;       // A2
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.a1 = 0x04000000;       // A1 Corresponds to 1 in Q26
    // Coef2P2Z_1[5] = Dmax;        // Clamp Hi limit (Q26)
    // Coef2P2Z_1[6] = 0x00000000;
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b2 = b2_Gui*65536.0;      // B2 – I5Q10 scaled to I5Q26
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b1 = b1_Gui*65536.0;      // B1
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b0 = b0_Gui*65536.0;      // B0
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.a2 = a2_Gui*65536.0;      // A2
    CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.a1 = a1_Gui*65536.0;      // A1    // Coef2P2Z_1[5] = Dmax;        // Clamp Hi limit (Q26)
    // Coef2P2Z_1[6] = 0x00000000;   }
   EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTEN = 1;    // Enable INT
   coeff_change = 0;
   disable_auto_cloop_coeff_change = 1;
   //Disable auto adjustment of Cloop coeff when the user uses   //the GUI to change the Cloop coeff
// Update Voltage loop coefficients  
   if (vloop_coeff_change == 1)
   EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTEN = 0;    // Disable INT
   CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.b2   = Dgain_V;                            // B2
      CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.b1   = (Igain_V-Pgain_V-Dgain_V-Dgain_V);  // B1
      CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.b0   = (Pgain_V + Igain_V + Dgain_V);      // B0
      CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.a2   = 0x00000000;                               // A2 = 0
      CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.a1   = 0x04000000;//_IQ26(1.0);                        // A1 = 1      //CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.max  =Dmax_V;            //Clamp Hi      //CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct2.min  =_IQ24(0.0);         //Clamp Min 
   EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTEN = 1;    // Enable INT
   vloop_coeff_change = 0;
 //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A2
 A_Task_Ptr = &A2;
void A2(void)//—————————————————————–
{  SerialHostComms(); // Uncomment for FLASH config
 //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A1
 A_Task_Ptr = &A1;
// B – TASKS
//———————————– USER —————————————-
void B1(void)

 if (HistPtr >= HistorySize) 
  HistPtr = 0;
 // BoxCar Averages – Input Raw samples into BoxCar arrays
// Hist_Ipfc[HistPtr] = IpfcR;
 Hist_Vbus[HistPtr] = VbusR;
 Hist_VrectAvg[HistPtr] = (int16)(VrectAvg>>12);
 //VrectAvg is in Q24. So first make it Q12 and then change it to int16
 Hist_VrectRMS[HistPtr] = (int16)(VrectRMS>>12);
 //VrectRMS is in Q24. So first make it Q12 and then change it to int16
 Hist_Freq_Vin[HistPtr] = (int16)(Freq_Vin >>12);
 //Freq_Vin is in Q15.
 // Measurements
 // view following variables in Watch Window as:
 //  Gui_Ipfc = Q??
 //  Gui_Vbus = Q??
 //  Gui_VL_fb = Q??
 //  Gui_VN_fb = Q??
 for(i=0; i<HistorySize; i++)
  temp_Scratch = temp_Scratch + Hist_Vbus[i]; //Q12 * 8 = Q15
 Gui_Vbus = ((long)temp_Scratch*(long)K_Vbus) >> 15; //Q15*Q15 >> 15 = Q15
 for(i=0; i<HistorySize; i++)
  temp_Scratch = temp_Scratch + Hist_VrectAvg[i]; //Q12 * 8 = Q15
 Gui_VrectAvg = ((long)temp_Scratch*(long)K_VrectAvg) >> 15; //Q15*Q15 >> 15 = Q15
 for(i=0; i<HistorySize; i++)
  temp_Scratch = temp_Scratch + Hist_VrectRMS[i]; //Q12 * 8 = Q15
 Gui_VrectRMS = ((long)temp_Scratch*(long)K_Vrms) >> 15; //Q15*Q15 >> 15 = Q15
 for(i=0; i<HistorySize; i++)
  temp_Scratch = temp_Scratch + Hist_Freq_Vin[i]; //Q3 * 8 = Q6
  Gui_Freq_Vin = ((long)temp_Scratch); //Q6
/* temp_Scratch=0;
 for(i=0; i<HistorySize; i++)
  temp_Scratch = temp_Scratch + Hist_KDCM[i]; //Q12 * 8 = Q15
  Gui_KDCM = ((long)temp_Scratch)>> 3; //Q15
  Gui_KDCM = KDCM;
 //Multiply with longs to get proper result then shift by 14 to turn it back into an int16
 //Vbus_set = ((long)Gui_Vbus_set*(long)iK_Vbus_set) >> 14;
 //Vbus_set = ((long)Gui_Vbus_set*(long)iK_Vbus_set)>>5;//Q15*Q14 >> 5 =>Q24
 VbusTarget = ((long)Gui_Vbus_set*(long)iK_Vbus_set)>>5;//Q15*Q14 >> 5 =>Q24
 //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B2
 B_Task_Ptr = &B2; 
void B2(void) // Blink LED on the control CArd
   GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34 = 1; //turn on/off LD3 on the controlCARD
 //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B1
 B_Task_Ptr = &B1;
// C – TASKS
//——————————— USER ——————————————
void C1(void)  // Update Coefficients //——————————————————
 if ((INCR_BUILD == 1)||(INCR_BUILD == 2))
  GpioDataRegs.GPASET.bit.GPIO12 = 1;  // Set High to turn the relay ON for BUILD 1 & 2.
 if (INCR_BUILD == 3)
  if (VbusTargetSlewed == 0) //
   temp_zero = 0;
   // temp_handle = 0;
   CNTL_2P2Z_Ref2 = &temp_zero; // Slewed Voltage Command
//   start_flag = 0;
//  if (start_flag == 1 && Vbus > VBUS_MIN)//Use this to start PFC from CCS watch window using "start_flag"
  if (run_flag == 0 && Vbus > VBUS_MIN)//Use this to start PFC in stand alone mode.
           //Comment this line and uncomment the line above to start PFC from CCS watch window using start_flag
   VbusTargetSlewed = Vbus+ init_boost;   // Start slewing the boost command from a value slightly greater than the PFC output voltage   CNTL_2P2Z_Ref2 = &VbusTargetSlewed;   // Slewed Voltage Command   
   // start_flag = 1;         // This flag makes sure above code is executed only once when..
             // the VbusTarget command goes from zero to a value > 150V
  //the next time CpuTimer2 'counter' reaches Period value go to C2
   C_Task_Ptr = &C2; 
   //C_Task_Ptr = &C1;
   C_Task_Ptr = &C3;
void C2(void) //Slew Rate ("Soft Start")
 GpioDataRegs.GPASET.bit.GPIO12 = 1;  // Set High to turn the relay ON
// pfcSlewRate has to be a positive value
//pfc_slew_temp = VbusTarget – VbusTargetSlewed;
pfc_slew_temp = VBUS_TARGET – VbusTargetSlewed;//VBUS_TARGET=395v
if (pfc_slew_temp >= VbusSlewRate) // Positive Command. Slewed Vbus is less than VBUS_TARGET, so increase it. This is
         //VbusSlewRate=25600Q24.implement soft-start for Vbus. VbusSlewRate is initialized at the begining of this file.
 VbusTargetSlewed = VbusTargetSlewed + VbusSlewRate;
//Soft-start is complete. So set the flag for RUN mode and go to Task C3 for RUN time adjustment of Vbus
// if ((-1)*(pfc_slew_temp) >= VbusSlewRate) // Negative Command
// {
//  VbusTargetSlewed = VbusTargetSlewed – VbusSlewRate;
  VbusTargetSlewed = VBUS_TARGET;
  VbusTarget = VBUS_TARGET;
  Gui_Vbus_set = VBUS_RATED_VOLTS*64;//Q15, Set Gui Vbus set point to initial value VBUS_RATED_VOLTS
  start_flag = 0;
  run_flag = 1;
  C_Task_Ptr = &C3;
// }
 //the next time CpuTimer2 'counter' reaches Period value go to C3
 C_Task_Ptr = &C1; 
void C3(void) ////—————————————–
 if (run_flag == 1) //If soft-start is over and PFC running normally
  // pfcSlewRate has to be a positive value
  pfc_slew_temp = VbusTarget – VbusTargetSlewed;
  //pfc_slew_temp = VBUS_TARGET – VbusTargetSlewed;
  if (pfc_slew_temp >= VbusSlewRate) // Positive Command. Increase Vbus
   VbusTargetSlewed = VbusTargetSlewed + VbusSlewRate;
   if ((-1)*(pfc_slew_temp) >= VbusSlewRate) // Negative Command. Reduce Vbus
    VbusTargetSlewed = VbusTargetSlewed – VbusSlewRate;
    //  VbusTargetSlewed = VBUS_TARGET;
    //  start_flag = 0;
 //the next time CpuTimer2 'counter' reaches Period value go to C1
 C_Task_Ptr = &C1; 
未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » 无桥PFCcontrolsuit例程这几个多任务每个主要是干嘛的?
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