

 Z-Stack 中发送数据通过在应用层调用函数void SampleApp_SendFlashMessage( uint16 flashTime )完成,其中flash Time 为发送的数据,这个函数在应用中通过调用

afStatus_t  AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,

                                              uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,

                                              uint8 options, uint8 radius )



第一个参数 dstAddr,在文件AF.h中,该参数是一个结构体的指针。在该参数中除了指定了网络地址外,还需要指定目的地址的模式参数。

typedef struct
{union{uint16 shortAddr;} addr;afAddrMode_t addrMode; //afAddrMode_t是一个枚举类型 模式参数byte endPoint; //指定的端点号 端点241—254保留端点 范围 1-240} afAddrType_t;

下面的是 afAddrMode_t结构体的定义 

typedef enum
{afAddrNotPresent = AddrNotPresent, //按照绑定表进行绑定传输afAddr16Bit = Addr16Bit, // 指定目标网络地址进行单薄传输 16位afAddrGroup = AddrGroup, // 组播传输afAddrBroadcast = AddrBroadcast //广播传输} afAddrMode_t;enum
{AddrNotPresent = 0,AddrGroup = 1,Addr16Bit = 2,Addr64Bit = 3, // 指定IEEE地址进行单播传输 64位AddrBroadcast = 15




第二个参数endPointDesc_t *srcEP,也是一个结构体的指针,源网络地址描述,每个终端都必须要有一个ZigBeezz的简单描述。

typedef struct
{byte endPoint; //端点号byte *task_id; // Pointer to location of the Application task ID.SimpleDescriptionFormat_t *simpleDesc; //设备的简单描述afNetworkLatencyReq_t latencyReq; //枚举结构 必须用 noLatencyReqs 填充} endPointDesc_t;目标设备的简单描述结构
typedef struct
{byte EndPoint; //EP ID (EP=End Point)uint16 AppProfId; // profile ID(剖面ID)uint16 AppDeviceId; // Device IDbyte AppDevVer:4; //Device Version 0x00 为 Version 1.0byte Reserved:4; // AF_V1_SUPPORT uses for AppFlags:4.byte AppNumInClusters; //终端支持的输入簇的个数cId_t *pAppInClusterList;//指向输入Cluster ID列表的指针byte AppNumOutClusters;//输出簇的个数cId_t *pAppOutClusterList; //指向输出Cluseter ID列表的指针} SimpleDescriptionFormat_t;typedef enum
} afNetworkLatencyReq_t;

第三个参数:uint16 cID 簇ID

第四个参数:len  要发送的数据的长度

第五个参数:uint8 *buf  指向发送数据缓冲的指针

第六个参数:uint8 *transID事务序列号指针。如果消息缓存发送,这个函数将增加这个数字


AF_ACK_REQUEST 0x10 要求APS应答,这是应用层的应答,只在直接发送(单播)时使用。

AF_DISCV_ROUTE 0x20 总要包含这个选项

AF_SKIP_ROUTING 0x80 设置这个选项将导致设备跳过路由而直接发送消息。终点设备将不向其父亲发送消息。在直接发送(单播)和广播消息时很好用。

第八个参数:uint8 radius 最大的跳数,用默认值AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS


该函数的返回值:afStatus_t类型 枚举型的,成功 或

afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,uint8 options, uint8 radius )
{pDescCB pfnDescCB;ZStatus_t stat;APSDE_DataReq_t req;afDataReqMTU_t mtu;// Verify source end point 判断源节点是否为空if ( srcEP == NULL ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}#if !defined( REFLECTOR )if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrNotPresent ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}
#endif// Verify destination address 判断目的地址req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr = dstAddr->addr.shortAddr;// Validate broadcasting 判断地址的模式if ( ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddr16Bit ) ||( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast ) ){// Check for valid broadcast values 核对有效的广播值if( ADDR_NOT_BCAST != NLME_IsAddressBroadcast( dstAddr->addr.shortAddr ) ){// Force mode to broadcast 强制转换成广播模式dstAddr->addrMode = afAddrBroadcast;}else{// Address is not a valid broadcast type 地址不是一个有效的广播地址类型if ( dstAddr->addrMode == afAddrBroadcast ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}}}else if ( dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrGroup &&dstAddr->addrMode != afAddrNotPresent ){return afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}req.dstAddr.addrMode = dstAddr->addrMode;req.profileID = ZDO_PROFILE_ID;if ( (pfnDescCB = afGetDescCB( srcEP )) ){uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pfnDescCB(AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, srcEP->endPoint ));if ( pID ){req.profileID = *pID;osal_mem_free( pID );}}else if ( srcEP->simpleDesc ){req.profileID = srcEP->simpleDesc->AppProfId;}req.txOptions = 0;if ( ( options & AF_ACK_REQUEST ) &&( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrBroadcast ) &&( req.dstAddr.addrMode != AddrGroup ) ){req.txOptions |= APS_TX_OPTIONS_ACK;}if ( options & AF_SKIP_ROUTING ){req.txOptions |= APS_TX_OPTIONS_SKIP_ROUTING;}if ( options & AF_EN_SECURITY ){req.txOptions |= APS_TX_OPTIONS_SECURITY_ENABLE;mtu.aps.secure = TRUE;}else{mtu.aps.secure = FALSE;}mtu.kvp = FALSE;req.transID = *transID;req.srcEP = srcEP->endPoint;req.dstEP = dstAddr->endPoint;req.clusterID = cID;req.asduLen = len;req.asdu = buf;req.discoverRoute = TRUE;//(uint8)((options & AF_DISCV_ROUTE) ? 1 : 0);req.radiusCounter = radius;if (len > afDataReqMTU( &mtu ) ){if (apsfSendFragmented){req.txOptions |= AF_FRAGMENTED | APS_TX_OPTIONS_ACK;stat = (*apsfSendFragmented)( &req );}else{stat = afStatus_INVALID_PARAMETER;}}else{stat = APSDE_DataReq( &req );}if ( (req.dstAddr.addrMode == Addr16Bit) &&(req.dstAddr.addr.shortAddr == NLME_GetShortAddr()) ){afDataConfirm( srcEP->endPoint, *transID, stat );}if ( stat == afStatus_SUCCESS ){(*transID)++;}return (afStatus_t)stat;


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