


Susan Yang:


yifan hao:

回复 Susan Yang:

使用的是外部中断,P0_5口下降沿触发进入中断count计数,send函数发送count#include "OSAL.h"#include "ZGlobals.h"#include "AF.h"#include "aps_groups.h"#include "ZDApp.h"

#include "SampleApp.h"#include "SampleAppHw.h"

#include "OnBoard.h"

/* HAL */#include "hal_lcd.h"#include "hal_led.h"#include "hal_key.h"#include "hal_mcu.h"#include "MT_UART.h" //此处用于串口

#include "LCD.h"#include <ioCC2530.h>#include "adc.h"

#define uint unsigned int#define uchar unsigned char

/********************************************************************* * MACROS */

/********************************************************************* * CONSTANTS */

/********************************************************************* * TYPEDEFS */

/********************************************************************* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */

// This list should be filled with Application specific Cluster IDs.const cId_t SampleApp_ClusterList[SAMPLEAPP_MAX_CLUSTERS] ={ SAMPLEAPP_PERIODIC_CLUSTERID, SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_CLUSTERID};

const SimpleDescriptionFormat_t SampleApp_SimpleDesc ={ SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, // int Endpoint; SAMPLEAPP_PROFID, // uint16 AppProfId[2]; SAMPLEAPP_DEVICEID, // uint16 AppDeviceId[2]; SAMPLEAPP_DEVICE_VERSION, // int AppDevVer:4; SAMPLEAPP_FLAGS, // int AppFlags:4; SAMPLEAPP_MAX_CLUSTERS, // uint8 AppNumInClusters; (cId_t *)SampleApp_ClusterList, // uint8 *pAppInClusterList; SAMPLEAPP_MAX_CLUSTERS, // uint8 AppNumInClusters; (cId_t *)SampleApp_ClusterList // uint8 *pAppInClusterList;};

// This is the Endpoint/Interface description. It is defined here, but// filled-in in SampleApp_Init(). Another way to go would be to fill// in the structure here and make it a "const" (in code space). The// way it's defined in this sample app it is define in RAM.endPointDesc_t SampleApp_epDesc;

/********************************************************************* * EXTERNAL VARIABLES */

/********************************************************************* * EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS */

/********************************************************************* * LOCAL VARIABLES */uint8 SampleApp_TaskID; // Task ID for internal task/event processing // This variable will be received when // SampleApp_Init() is called.devStates_t SampleApp_NwkState;

uint8 SampleApp_TransID; // This is the unique message ID (counter)

afAddrType_t SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr;afAddrType_t SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr;

afAddrType_t Point_To_Point_DstAddr;//网蜂点对点通信定义

aps_Group_t SampleApp_Group;

uint8 SampleAppPeriodicCounter = 0;uint8 SampleAppFlashCounter = 0;

/********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */void SampleApp_HandleKeys( uint8 shift, uint8 keys );void SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pckt );void SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage( void );void SampleApp_SendFlashMessage( uint16 flashTime );void SampleApp_SendPointToPointMessage(void );void Delay(uint); //延时函数声明void Initial(void); //初始化函数声明void InitKey(void); //初始化按键函数声明uchar KeyScan(void); //按键扫描函数声明

uint count = 0 ; //定义变量记录按键次数void Delay(uint n){ uint i; for(i = 0;i<n;i++); for(i = 0;i<n;i++); for(i = 0;i<n;i++); for(i = 0;i<n;i++); for(i = 0;i<n;i++);}

/****************************//中断处理函数*****************************/HAL_ISR_FUNCTION(P0_ISR,P0INT_VECTOR) { if(P0IFG>0) //中断 { P0IFG = 0; Delay(100); if(P0IFG==0) //中断 { Delay(100); count++; //每次中断发生时记录按键次数加1 } } P0IF = 0; //清中断标志 }

/********************************************************************* * NETWORK LAYER CALLBACKS */

/********************************************************************* * PUBLIC FUNCTIONS */

/********************************************************************* * @fn SampleApp_Init * * @brief Initialization function for the Generic App Task. * This is called during initialization and should contain * any application specific initialization (ie. hardware * initialization/setup, table initialization, power up * notificaiton … ). * * @param task_id – the ID assigned by OSAL. This ID should be * used to send messages and set timers. * * @return none */void SampleApp_Init( uint8 task_id ){ SampleApp_TaskID = task_id; SampleApp_NwkState = DEV_INIT; SampleApp_TransID = 0; MT_UartInit();//串口初始化 MT_UartRegisterTaskID(task_id);//登记任务号 HalUARTWrite(0,"Hello World\n",12); //(串口0,'字符',字符个数。) /******光敏电阻电路初始化******/ P0INP |= 0x20; //上拉 P0IEN |= 0X20; //P0_4设置为中断方式 PICTL |= 0X01; //下降沿触发 EA = 1; IEN1 |= 0X20; // P0_4设置为中断方式; P0IFG |= 0x00; //初始化中断标志位 P2DIR &= ~0x00; LCD_Init(); //oled 初始化 LCD_CLS(); //屏全亮 // Device hardware initialization can be added here or in main() (Zmain.c). // If the hardware is application specific – add it here. // If the hardware is other parts of the device add it in main().

#if defined ( BUILD_ALL_DEVICES ) // The "Demo" target is setup to have BUILD_ALL_DEVICES and HOLD_AUTO_START // We are looking at a jumper (defined in SampleAppHw.c) to be jumpered // together – if they are – we will start up a coordinator. Otherwise, // the device will start as a router. if ( readCoordinatorJumper() ) zgDeviceLogicalType = ZG_DEVICETYPE_COORDINATOR; else zgDeviceLogicalType = ZG_DEVICETYPE_ROUTER;#endif // BUILD_ALL_DEVICES

#if defined ( HOLD_AUTO_START ) // HOLD_AUTO_START is a compile option that will surpress ZDApp // from starting the device and wait for the application to // start the device. ZDOInitDevice(0);#endif

// Setup for the periodic message's destination address // Broadcast to everyone SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)AddrBroadcast; SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = 0xFFFF;

// Setup for the flash command's destination address – Group 1 SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)afAddrGroup; SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_GROUP; // 网蜂点对点通讯定义 Point_To_Point_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)Addr16Bit;//点播 Point_To_Point_DstAddr.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; Point_To_Point_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = 0x0000; //发给协调器

// Fill out the endpoint description. SampleApp_epDesc.endPoint = SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT; SampleApp_epDesc.task_id = &SampleApp_TaskID; SampleApp_epDesc.simpleDesc = (SimpleDescriptionFormat_t *)&SampleApp_SimpleDesc; SampleApp_epDesc.latencyReq = noLatencyReqs;

// Register the endpoint description with the AF afRegister( &SampleApp_epDesc );

// Register for all key events – This app will handle all key events RegisterForKeys( SampleApp_TaskID );

// By default, all devices start out in Group 1 SampleApp_Group.ID = 0x0001; osal_memcpy( SampleApp_Group.name, "Group 1", 7 ); aps_AddGroup( SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, &SampleApp_Group );

#if defined ( LCD_SUPPORTED ) HalLcdWriteString( "SampleApp", HAL_LCD_LINE_1 );#endif}

/********************************************************************* * @fn SampleApp_ProcessEvent * * @brief Generic Application Task event processor. This function * is called to process all events for the task. Events * include timers, messages and any other user defined events. * * @param task_id – The OSAL assigned task ID. * @param events – events to process. This is a bit map and can * contain more than one event. * * @return none */uint16 SampleApp_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, uint16 events ){ afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt; (void)task_id; // Intentionally unreferenced parameter

if ( events & SYS_EVENT_MSG ) { MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive( SampleApp_TaskID ); while ( MSGpkt ) { switch ( MSGpkt->hdr.event ) { // Received when a key is pressed case KEY_CHANGE: SampleApp_HandleKeys( ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->state, ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->keys ); break;

// Received when a messages is received (OTA) for this endpoint case AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD: SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( MSGpkt ); break;

// Received whenever the device changes state in the network case ZDO_STATE_CHANGE: SampleApp_NwkState = (devStates_t)(MSGpkt->hdr.status); if ( //(SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_ZB_COORD)|| //协调器不给自己点播 (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_ROUTER) || (SampleApp_NwkState == DEV_END_DEVICE) ) { // Start sending the periodic message in a regular interval. osal_start_timerEx( SampleApp_TaskID, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_TIMEOUT ); } else { // Device is no longer in the network } break;

default: break; }

// Release the memory osal_msg_deallocate( (uint8 *)MSGpkt );

// Next – if one is available MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive( SampleApp_TaskID ); }

// return unprocessed events return (events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG); }

// Send a message out – This event is generated by a timer // (setup in SampleApp_Init()). if ( events & SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT ) { // Send the periodic message //SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage();//周期性发送函数 SampleApp_SendPointToPointMessage();//此处替换成点播函数 // Setup to send message again in normal period (+ a little jitter) osal_start_timerEx( SampleApp_TaskID, SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT, (SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_TIMEOUT + (osal_rand() & 0x00FF)) );

// return unprocessed events return (events ^ SAMPLEAPP_SEND_PERIODIC_MSG_EVT); }

// Discard unknown events return 0;}

/********************************************************************* * Event Generation Functions *//********************************************************************* * @fn SampleApp_HandleKeys * * @brief Handles all key events for this device. * * @param shift – true if in shift/alt. * @param keys – bit field for key events. Valid entries: * HAL_KEY_SW_2 * HAL_KEY_SW_1 * * @return none */void SampleApp_HandleKeys( uint8 shift, uint8 keys ){ (void)shift; // Intentionally unreferenced parameter if ( keys & HAL_KEY_SW_1 ) { /* This key sends the Flash Command is sent to Group 1. * This device will not receive the Flash Command from this * device (even if it belongs to group 1). */ SampleApp_SendFlashMessage( SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_DURATION ); }

if ( keys & HAL_KEY_SW_2 ) { /* The Flashr Command is sent to Group 1. * This key toggles this device in and out of group 1. * If this device doesn't belong to group 1, this application * will not receive the Flash command sent to group 1. */ aps_Group_t *grp; grp = aps_FindGroup( SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_GROUP ); if ( grp ) { // Remove from the group aps_RemoveGroup( SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_GROUP ); } else { // Add to the flash group aps_AddGroup( SAMPLEAPP_ENDPOINT, &SampleApp_Group ); } }}

/********************************************************************* * LOCAL FUNCTIONS */

/********************************************************************* * @fn SampleApp_MessageMSGCB * * @brief Data message processor callback. This function processes * any incoming data – probably from other devices. So, based * on cluster ID, perform the intended action. * * @param none * * @return none */void SampleApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt ){ uint16 flashTime; switch ( pkt->clusterId ) { case SAMPLEAPP_POINT_TO_POINT_CLUSTERID: HalUARTWrite(0,&pkt->cmd.Data[0],4); //ASCII码发给PC机 HalUARTWrite(0,"\n",1); //ASCII码发给PC机 LCD_Init(); //oled 初始化 LCD_CLS(); //屏全亮 LCD_welcome(); LCD_P8x16Str(16*2, 2,&pkt->cmd.Data[0]); break;

case SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_CLUSTERID: flashTime = BUILD_UINT16(pkt->cmd.Data[1], pkt->cmd.Data[2] ); HalLedBlink( HAL_LED_4, 4, 50, (flashTime / 4) ); break; }}

/********************************************************************* * @fn SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage * * @brief Send the periodic message. * * @param none * * @return none */void SampleApp_SendPeriodicMessage( void ){ uint8 data[10]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};//自定义数据 if ( AF_DataRequest( &SampleApp_Periodic_DstAddr, &SampleApp_epDesc, SAMPLEAPP_PERIODIC_CLUSTERID, 10,//字节数 data,//指针头 &SampleApp_TransID, AF_DISCV_ROUTE, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS ) == afStatus_SUCCESS ) { } else { // Error occurred in request to send. }}

/********************************************************************* * @fn SampleApp_SendFlashMessage * * @brief Send the flash message to group 1. * * @param flashTime – in milliseconds * * @return none */void SampleApp_SendFlashMessage( uint16 flashTime ){ uint8 buffer[3]; buffer[0] = (uint8)(SampleAppFlashCounter++); buffer[1] = LO_UINT16( flashTime ); buffer[2] = HI_UINT16( flashTime );

if ( AF_DataRequest( &SampleApp_Flash_DstAddr, &SampleApp_epDesc, SAMPLEAPP_FLASH_CLUSTERID, 3, buffer, &SampleApp_TransID, AF_DISCV_ROUTE, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS ) == afStatus_SUCCESS ) { } else { // Error occurred in request to send. }}


void SampleApp_SendPointToPointMessage( void ){ if(P2_0==0) { Delay(100); if(P2_0==0) { count=0; LCD_Init(); //oled 初始化 LCD_CLS(); LCD_P8x16Str(16, 2, "000"); } } unsigned char adc[4]=0; //adc采样字符串 adc[0]=count/100+'0'; adc[1]=count%100/10+'0'; adc[2]=count%10+'0'; adc[3]='\0'; LCD_Init(); //oled 初始化 LCD_CLS(); LCD_P8x16Str(16, 2, adc); if ( AF_DataRequest( &Point_To_Point_DstAddr, &SampleApp_epDesc, SAMPLEAPP_POINT_TO_POINT_CLUSTERID, 4, adc, &SampleApp_TransID, AF_DISCV_ROUTE, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS ) == afStatus_SUCCESS ) { } else { // Error occurred in request to send. } }

未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » cc2530怎么在协议栈的发送端写外部中断呢?
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