
1 how to modify terminal device retransmission logic 2the gateway sends commands to the device continuously at 60ms intervals, causing the gateway to issue no commands or linkstatus.

Recently, there was a project that used End devices. There are two problems.

1, the End devices in normal work, occasionally encountered signal poor or signal interference, causing the device to send datarequest, in the transmission of datarequest will appear retransmission, the retransmission of the device for the rejoin.

At the same time, when sending rejoin, there will be a retransmission phenomenon, resulting in the lack of power supply for the sleeping equipment, causing the reboot of the equipment. If the retransmission number or retransmission logic can be modified,

2, in the process of testing, the coordinfo (CC2530) sends data to the end device in a 200ms cycle (the teend device datarequest cycle is one second), and sends 30 control instructions at a time.

There will be a probability that the gateway will not be able to generate data or linkstatus.

The device on the gateway will start with datarequest and ACK and will be offline for rejoin. Within 3-4 minutes, the gateway will not be able to send any data. After that, it will resume its normal working condition and the device will be able to be re launched.

It is necessary to change the sending period to 60ms interval to send data. There is also a macro definition inside the protocol stack, ACK_DONE_ISR_WORKAROUND

The test has not been solved.

YiKai Chen:

Do you have sniffer log to elaborate your issue? Do you mean to manipulate network retry mechanism?

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