



#ifndef HAL_AES_H_
#define HAL_AES_H_

#include "ZComDef.h"

#define STATE_BLENGTH 16 // Number of bytes in State
#define KEY_BLENGTH 16 // Number of bytes in Key
#define KEY_EXP_LENGTH 176 // Nb * (Nr+1) * 4

/* AES Engine is default to hardware AES. To turn on software AES, #define one of the followings:
* #define SOFTWARE_AES TRUE, uses software aes ( slowest setting )
* #define SW_AES_AND_KEY_EXP TRUE, enables software aes with key expansion ( improves speed at the cost of 176 bytes of data (RAM) )
#if ((defined SOFTWARE_AES) && (SOFTWARE_AES == TRUE)) && ((defined SW_AES_AND_KEY_EXP) && (SW_AES_AND_KEY_EXP == TRUE))
#error "SOFTWARE_AES and SW_AES_AND_KEY_EXP cannot be both defined."

extern void HalAesInit( void );
extern void AesLoadBlock( uint8 * );
extern void AesStartBlock( uint8 *, uint8 * );
extern void AesStartShortBlock( uint8 *, uint8 * );
extern void AesLoadIV(uint8 *);
extern void AesDmaSetup( uint8 *, uint16, uint8 *, uint16 );
extern void AesLoadKey( uint8 * );

extern void (*pSspAesEncrypt)( uint8 *, uint8 * );
extern void ssp_HW_KeyInit (uint8 *);
extern void sspKeyExpansion (uint8 *, uint8 *);

extern void sspAesEncryptHW (uint8 *, uint8 *);
extern void sspAesEncryptKeyExp (uint8 *, uint8 *);
extern void sspAesEncryptBasic (uint8 *, uint8 *);
extern void sspAesEncrypt( uint8 *key, uint8 *buf );

#define AES_BUSY 0x08
#define ENCRYPT 0x00
#define DECRYPT 0x01

// Macro for setting the mode of the AES operation
#define AES_SETMODE(mode) do { ENCCS &= ~0x70; ENCCS |= mode; } while (0)

// _mode_ is one of
#define CBC 0x00
#define CFB 0x10
#define OFB 0x20
#define CTR 0x30
#define ECB 0x40
#define CBC_MAC 0x50

// Macro for starting or stopping encryption or decryption
#define AES_SET_ENCR_DECR_KEY_IV(mode) \
do { \
ENCCS = (ENCCS & ~0x07) | mode \
} while(0)

// Where _mode_ is one of
#define AES_ENCRYPT 0x00;
#define AES_DECRYPT 0x02;
#define AES_LOAD_KEY 0x04;
#define AES_LOAD_IV 0x06;

// Macro for starting the AES module for either encryption, decryption,
// key or initialisation vector loading.
#define AES_START() ENCCS |= 0x01

/* Used by DMA macros to shift 1 to create a mask for DMA registers. */
#define HAL_DMA_AES_IN 1
#define HAL_DMA_AES_OUT 2

/* AES registers */
#define HAL_AES_IN_ADDR 0x70B1
#define HAL_AES_OUT_ADDR 0x70B2

#if !defined (HAL_AES_DMA) || (HAL_AES_DMA == FALSE)
#define HAL_AES_DELAY() \
do { \
uint8 delay = 15; \
while(delay–); \
} while(0)

// End of CC2530 hardware AES engine definitions

#endif // HAL_AES_H_

zhou jiangtao:

回复 Alvin Chen:


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » cc2530的如何使用硬件AES,来加解密自定义的buf,百度找了下,一个例子也没有找到。
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