
DLP LightCrafter MSVC编译问题咨询

最近完成使用MSVC编译器重新生成了DLP_SDK,并且将TIDA-00254项目也在msvc编译器下重新生成成功,但是在执行Prepare DLP LightCrafter 4500时,生成的两张格雷码编码图片有问题,如附件,请问,这种情况是怎么回事?

Jeremy Wu:

通常是系统兼容性问题. 基于QT的对齐方式和WINDOWS MSVC有些不一样,是否高低反了?

Yuyang Luo:

回复 Jeremy Wu:

那个是我放反了,根据投影出来的结果看,竖直方向编码没问题,水平方向的编码是错的,我现在是WIN8.1 X64 系统,VS2013 X64平台 ,您看,是不是换WIN7会不会有效果 ?

Jeremy Wu:

回复 Yuyang Luo:

输入图片是912X1140的.你们是这样的格式吗? 我们是使用WIn7 + QT的. 你们平台可以在



Yuyang Luo:

回复 Jeremy Wu:

输入图片格式是正确的,我现在使用的是mingw 编译生成的bin 文件 和格雷码图片,可以完成点云获取,但是出现一个问题,就是分别投影vertical only / horizontal only 时,生成的点云数据和彩色深度图都没有问题,但是投影vertical and horizontal 时,彩色深度图没有问题,而生成的点云就特别稀疏,vertical only / horizontal only 都有50W+个点,而 vertical and horizontal 只有几千个点,找了半天,没找出原因?

Jeremy Wu:

回复 Yuyang Luo:

你调试一下: generate_graycode_patterns.cpp


和int main()

Gray Code


Yuyang Luo:

回复 Jeremy Wu:

Jeremy , 4500SDK 格雷码编解码对应的论文有不?我想研究一下

Jeremy Wu:

回复 Yuyang Luo:




We provide a review of recent advances in 3D surface imaging technologies. We focus particularly on noncontact 3D surface measurement techniques based on structured illumination. The high-speed and high-resolution pattern projection capability offered by the digital light projection technology, together with the recent advances in imaging sensor technologies, may enable new generation systems for 3D surface measurement applications that will provide much better functionality and performance than existing ones in terms of speed, accuracy, resolution, modularization, and ease of use. Performance indexes of 3D imaging system are discussed, and various 3D surface imaging schemes are categorized, illustrated, and compared. Calibration techniques are also discussed, since they play critical roles in achieving the required precision. Numerous applications of 3D surface imaging technologies are discussed with several examples.

shun pan:

回复 Yuyang Luo:

你好,我最近也在编译DLP_SDK到vs project,但是编译过程中遇到了一些问题,请问您是否能够给于我一些帮助,万分感谢。


您好 ,请问您是用什么版本的MSVC编译器编译DLP_SDK的?我这两天用了VS2015、VS2017编译,现在报错
4>d:\texasinstruments-dlp\dlp-alc-lightcrafter-sdk-2.0\dlp-alc-lightcrafter-sdk\3rd_party\asio-1.10.4\include\asio/impl/error.ipp(96): error C2694: “const char *asio::error::detail::misc_category::name(void) const”: 重写虚函数的限制性异常规范比基类虚成员函数“const char *std::error_category::name(void) noexcept const”少
4>d:\texasinstruments-dlp\dlp-alc-lightcrafter-sdk-2.0\dlp-alc-lightcrafter-sdk\3rd_party\asio-1.10.4\include\asio/impl/error.ipp(96): note: 参见“asio::error::detail::misc_category::name”的声明
4>E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\system_error(83): note: 参见“std::error_category::name”的声明



回复 user5879957:

你好 ,请问问题解决了吗?我最近也在用vs2017搭建3d扫描仪,也遇到了相同的错误。请问这个问题是什么原因,该怎么解决?先行谢过了!

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