

void uDMAInit()
// Put the attributes in a known state for the uDMA UART1TX channel. These
// should already be disabled by default.

// Set the USEBURST attribute for the uDMA UART TX channel. This will
// force the controller to always use a burst when transferring data from
// the TX buffer to the UART. This is somewhat more effecient bus usage
// than the default which allows single or burst transfers.
// Configure the control parameters for the UART TX. The uDMA UART TX
// channel is used to transfer a block of data from a buffer to the UART.
// The data size is 8 bits. The source address increment is 8-bit bytes
// since the data is coming from a buffer. The destination increment is
// none since the data is to be written to the UART data register. The
// arbitration size is set to 4, which matches the UART TX FIFO trigger
// threshold.
// Set up the transfer parameters for the uDMA UART TX channel. This will
// configure the transfer source and destination and the transfer size.
// Basic mode is used because the peripheral is making the uDMA transfer
// request. The source is the TX buffer and the destination is the UART
// data register.
(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),

// Now both the uDMA UART TX and RX channels are primed to start a
// transfer. As soon as the channels are enabled, the peripheral will
// issue a transfer request and the data transfers will begin.
// Enable the UART DMA TX/RX interrupts.

void usart_init_all(void)
ROM_UARTIntEnable(UART0_BASE,UART_INT_DMATX); IntEnable(INT_UART0); //enable the UART interrupt
//UARTIntEnable(UART0_BASE, UART_INT_RX | UART_INT_RT); //only enable RX and TX interrupts

void UART0IntHandler()
uint32_t ui32Status,ui32Mode;
ui32Status = UARTIntStatus(UART0_BASE,true);
// Start another DMA transfer to UART1 TX.
(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),

// The uDMA TX channel must be re-enabled.



// udma_demo.c - uDMA example.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Texas Instruments Incorporated.All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
//// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
//// This is part of revision of the DK-TM4C123G Firmware Package.
//*****************************************************************************#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "inc/hw_uart.h"
#include "driverlib/fpu.h"
#include "driverlib/gpio.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"
#include "driverlib/systick.h"
#include "driverlib/uart.h"
#include "driverlib/udma.h"
#include "driverlib/interrupt.h"
#include "driverlib/rom.h"
#include "grlib/grlib.h"
#include "utils/cpu_usage.h"
#include "utils/ustdlib.h"
#include "drivers/cfal96x64x16.h"//*****************************************************************************
//! \addtogroup example_list
//! <h1>uDMA (udma_demo)</h1>
//! This example application demonstrates the use of the uDMA controller to
//! transfer data between memory buffers, and to transfer data to and from a
//! UART.The test runs for 10 seconds before exiting.
// The number of SysTick ticks per second used for the SysTick interrupt.
#define SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND100//*****************************************************************************
// The size of the memory transfer source and destination buffers (in words).
#define MEM_BUFFER_SIZE1024//*****************************************************************************
// The size of the UART transmit and receive buffers.They do not need to be
// the same size.
#define UART_TXBUF_SIZE256
#define UART_RXBUF_SIZE256//*****************************************************************************
// Graphics context used to show text on the CSTN display.
static tContext g_sContext;//*****************************************************************************
// The source and destination buffers used for memory transfers.
static uint32_t g_ui32SrcBuf[MEM_BUFFER_SIZE];
static uint32_t g_ui32DstBuf[MEM_BUFFER_SIZE];//*****************************************************************************
// The transmit and receive buffers used for the UART transfers.There is one
// transmit buffer and a pair of recieve ping-pong buffers.
static uint8_t g_ui8TxBuf[UART_TXBUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_ui8RxBufA[UART_RXBUF_SIZE];
static uint8_t g_ui8RxBufB[UART_RXBUF_SIZE];//*****************************************************************************
// The count of uDMA errors.This value is incremented by the uDMA error
// handler.
static uint32_t g_ui32uDMAErrCount = 0;//*****************************************************************************
// The count of times the uDMA interrupt occurred but the uDMA transfer was not
// complete.This should remain 0.
static uint32_t g_ui32BadISR = 0;//*****************************************************************************
// The count of UART buffers filled, one for each ping-pong buffer.
static uint32_t g_ui32RxBufACount = 0;
static uint32_t g_ui32RxBufBCount = 0;//*****************************************************************************
// The count of memory uDMA transfer blocks.This value is incremented by the
// uDMA interrupt handler whenever a memory block transfer is completed.
static uint32_t g_ui32MemXferCount = 0;//*****************************************************************************
// The CPU usage in percent, in 16.16 fixed point format.
static uint32_t g_ui32CPUUsage;//*****************************************************************************
// The number of seconds elapsed since the start of the program.This value is
// maintained by the SysTick interrupt handler.
static uint32_t g_ui32Seconds = 0;//*****************************************************************************
// The number of ticks elapsed since the start of the program.This value is
// maintained by the SysTick interrupt handler.
static uint32_t g_ui32TickCount = 0;//*****************************************************************************
// The control table used by the uDMA controller.This table must be aligned
// to a 1024 byte boundary.
#if defined(ewarm)
#pragma data_alignment=1024
uint8_t ui8ControlTable[1024];
#elif defined(ccs)
#pragma DATA_ALIGN(ui8ControlTable, 1024)
uint8_t ui8ControlTable[1024];
uint8_t ui8ControlTable[1024] __attribute__ ((aligned(1024)));
// The error routine that is called if the driver library encounters an error.
#ifdef DEBUG
__error__(char *pcFilename, uint32_t ui32Line)
// The interrupt handler for the SysTick timer.This handler will increment a
// seconds counter whenever the appropriate number of ticks has occurred.It
// will also call the CPU usage tick function to find the CPU usage percent.
{//// Increment the tick counter.//g_ui32TickCount++;//// If the number of ticks per second has occurred, then increment the// seconds counter.//if(!(g_ui32TickCount % SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND)){g_ui32Seconds++;}//// Call the CPU usage tick function.This function will compute the amount// of cycles used by the CPU since the last call and return the result in// percent in fixed point 16.16 format.//g_ui32CPUUsage = CPUUsageTick();
// The interrupt handler for uDMA errors.This interrupt will occur if the
// uDMA encounters a bus error while trying to perform a transfer.This
// handler just increments a counter if an error occurs.
{uint32_t ui32Status;//// Check for uDMA error bit//ui32Status = ROM_uDMAErrorStatusGet();//// If there is a uDMA error, then clear the error and increment// the error counter.//if(ui32Status){ROM_uDMAErrorStatusClear();g_ui32uDMAErrCount++;}
// The interrupt handler for uDMA interrupts from the memory channel.This
// interrupt will increment a counter, and then restart another memory
// transfer.
{uint32_t ui32Mode;//// Check for the primary control structure to indicate complete.//ui32Mode = ROM_uDMAChannelModeGet(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW);if(ui32Mode == UDMA_MODE_STOP){//// Increment the count of completed transfers.//g_ui32MemXferCount++;//// Configure it for another transfer.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW, UDMA_MODE_AUTO,g_ui32SrcBuf, g_ui32DstBuf,MEM_BUFFER_SIZE);//// Initiate another transfer.//ROM_uDMAChannelEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW);ROM_uDMAChannelRequest(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW);}//// If the channel is not stopped, then something is wrong.//else{g_ui32BadISR++;}
// The interrupt handler for UART0.This interrupt will occur when a DMA
// transfer is complete using the UART0 uDMA channel.It will also be
// triggered if the peripheral signals an error.This interrupt handler will
// switch between receive ping-pong buffers A and B.It will also restart a TX
// uDMA transfer if the prior transfer is complete.This will keep the UART
// running continuously (looping TX data back to RX).
{uint32_t ui32Status;uint32_t ui32Mode;//// Read the interrupt status of the UART.//ui32Status = ROM_UARTIntStatus(UART0_BASE, 1);//// Clear any pending status, even though there should be none since no UART// interrupts were enabled.If UART error interrupts were enabled, then// those interrupts could occur here and should be handled.Since uDMA is// used for both the RX and TX, then neither of those interrupts should be// enabled.//ROM_UARTIntClear(UART0_BASE, ui32Status);//// Check the DMA control table to see if the ping-pong "A" transfer is// complete.The "A" transfer uses receive buffer "A", and the primary// control structure.//ui32Mode = ROM_uDMAChannelModeGet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT);//// If the primary control structure indicates stop, that means the "A"// receive buffer is done.The uDMA controller should still be receiving// data into the "B" buffer.//if(ui32Mode == UDMA_MODE_STOP){//// Increment a counter to indicate data was received into buffer A.In// a real application this would be used to signal the main thread that// data was received so the main thread can process the data.//g_ui32RxBufACount++;//// Set up the next transfer for the "A" buffer, using the primary// control structure.When the ongoing receive into the "B" buffer is// done, the uDMA controller will switch back to this one.This// example re-uses buffer A, but a more sophisticated application could// use a rotating set of buffers to increase the amount of time that// the main thread has to process the data in the buffer before it is// reused.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_PINGPONG,(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),g_ui8RxBufA, sizeof(g_ui8RxBufA));}//// Check the DMA control table to see if the ping-pong "B" transfer is// complete.The "B" transfer uses receive buffer "B", and the alternate// control structure.//ui32Mode = ROM_uDMAChannelModeGet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_ALT_SELECT);//// If the alternate control structure indicates stop, that means the "B"// receive buffer is done.The uDMA controller should still be receiving// data into the "A" buffer.//if(ui32Mode == UDMA_MODE_STOP){//// Increment a counter to indicate data was received into buffer A.In// a real application this would be used to signal the main thread that// data was received so the main thread can process the data.//g_ui32RxBufBCount++;//// Set up the next transfer for the "B" buffer, using the alternate// control structure.When the ongoing receive into the "A" buffer is// done, the uDMA controller will switch back to this one.This// example re-uses buffer B, but a more sophisticated application could// use a rotating set of buffers to increase the amount of time that// the main thread has to process the data in the buffer before it is// reused.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_ALT_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_PINGPONG,(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),g_ui8RxBufB, sizeof(g_ui8RxBufB));}//// If the UART0 DMA TX channel is disabled, that means the TX DMA transfer// is done.//if(!ROM_uDMAChannelIsEnabled(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX)){//// Start another DMA transfer to UART0 TX.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_BASIC, g_ui8TxBuf,(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),sizeof(g_ui8TxBuf));//// The uDMA TX channel must be re-enabled.//ROM_uDMAChannelEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX);}
// Initializes the UART0 peripheral and sets up the TX and RX uDMA channels.
// The UART is configured for loopback mode so that any data sent on TX will be
// received on RX.The uDMA channels are configured so that the TX channel
// will copy data from a buffer to the UART TX output.And the uDMA RX channel
// will receive any incoming data into a pair of buffers in ping-pong mode.
{uint_fast16_t ui16Idx;//// Fill the TX buffer with a simple data pattern.//for(ui16Idx = 0; ui16Idx < UART_TXBUF_SIZE; ui16Idx++){g_ui8TxBuf[ui16Idx] = ui16Idx;}//// Enable the UART peripheral, and configure it to operate even if the CPU// is in sleep.//ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0);ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0);//// Configure the UART communication parameters.//ROM_UARTConfigSetExpClk(UART0_BASE, ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), 115200,UART_CONFIG_WLEN_8 | UART_CONFIG_STOP_ONE |UART_CONFIG_PAR_NONE);//// Set both the TX and RX trigger thresholds to 4.This will be used by// the uDMA controller to signal when more data should be transferred.The// uDMA TX and RX channels will be configured so that it can transfer 4// bytes in a burst when the UART is ready to transfer more data.//ROM_UARTFIFOLevelSet(UART0_BASE, UART_FIFO_TX4_8, UART_FIFO_RX4_8);//// Enable the UART for operation, and enable the uDMA interface for both TX// and RX channels.//ROM_UARTEnable(UART0_BASE);ROM_UARTDMAEnable(UART0_BASE, UART_DMA_RX | UART_DMA_TX);//// This register write will set the UART to operate in loopback mode.Any// data sent on the TX output will be received on the RX input.//HWREG(UART0_BASE + UART_O_CTL) |= UART_CTL_LBE;//// Enable the UART peripheral interrupts.Note that no UART interrupts// were enabled, but the uDMA controller will cause an interrupt on the// UART interrupt signal when a uDMA transfer is complete.//ROM_IntEnable(INT_UART0);//// Put the attributes in a known state for the uDMA UART0RX channel.These// should already be disabled by default.//ROM_uDMAChannelAttributeDisable(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX,UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT | UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST |UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY |UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK);//// Configure the control parameters for the primary control structure for// the UART RX channel.The primary contol structure is used for the "A"// part of the ping-pong receive.The transfer data size is 8 bits, the// source address does not increment since it will be reading from a// register.The destination address increment is byte 8-bit bytes.The// arbitration size is set to 4 to match the RX FIFO trigger threshold.// The uDMA controller will use a 4 byte burst transfer if possible.This// will be somewhat more effecient that single byte transfers.//ROM_uDMAChannelControlSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_SIZE_8 | UDMA_SRC_INC_NONE | UDMA_DST_INC_8 |UDMA_ARB_4);//// Configure the control parameters for the alternate control structure for// the UART RX channel.The alternate contol structure is used for the "B"// part of the ping-pong receive.The configuration is identical to the// primary/A control structure.//ROM_uDMAChannelControlSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_ALT_SELECT,UDMA_SIZE_8 | UDMA_SRC_INC_NONE | UDMA_DST_INC_8 |UDMA_ARB_4);//// Set up the transfer parameters for the UART RX primary control// structure.The mode is set to ping-pong, the transfer source is the// UART data register, and the destination is the receive "A" buffer.The// transfer size is set to match the size of the buffer.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_PINGPONG,(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),g_ui8RxBufA, sizeof(g_ui8RxBufA));//// Set up the transfer parameters for the UART RX alternate control// structure.The mode is set to ping-pong, the transfer source is the// UART data register, and the destination is the receive "B" buffer.The// transfer size is set to match the size of the buffer.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX | UDMA_ALT_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_PINGPONG,(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),g_ui8RxBufB, sizeof(g_ui8RxBufB));//// Put the attributes in a known state for the uDMA UART0TX channel.These// should already be disabled by default.//ROM_uDMAChannelAttributeDisable(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX,UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT |UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY |UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK);//// Set the USEBURST attribute for the uDMA UART TX channel.This will// force the controller to always use a burst when transferring data from// the TX buffer to the UART.This is somewhat more effecient bus usage// than the default which allows single or burst transfers.//ROM_uDMAChannelAttributeEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX, UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST);//// Configure the control parameters for the UART TX.The uDMA UART TX// channel is used to transfer a block of data from a buffer to the UART.// The data size is 8 bits.The source address increment is 8-bit bytes// since the data is coming from a buffer.The destination increment is// none since the data is to be written to the UART data register.The// arbitration size is set to 4, which matches the UART TX FIFO trigger// threshold.//ROM_uDMAChannelControlSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_SIZE_8 | UDMA_SRC_INC_8 | UDMA_DST_INC_NONE |UDMA_ARB_4);//// Set up the transfer parameters for the uDMA UART TX channel.This will// configure the transfer source and destination and the transfer size.// Basic mode is used because the peripheral is making the uDMA transfer// request.The source is the TX buffer and the destination is the UART// data register.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_BASIC, g_ui8TxBuf,(void *)(UART0_BASE + UART_O_DR),sizeof(g_ui8TxBuf));//// Now both the uDMA UART TX and RX channels are primed to start a// transfer.As soon as the channels are enabled, the peripheral will// issue a transfer request and the data transfers will begin.//ROM_uDMAChannelEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0RX);ROM_uDMAChannelEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_UART0TX);
// Initializes the uDMA software channel to perform a memory to memory uDMA
// transfer.
{uint_fast16_t ui16Idx;//// Fill the source memory buffer with a simple incrementing pattern.//for(ui16Idx = 0; ui16Idx < MEM_BUFFER_SIZE; ui16Idx++){g_ui32SrcBuf[ui16Idx] = ui16Idx;}//// Enable interrupts from the uDMA software channel.//ROM_IntEnable(INT_UDMA);//// Put the attributes in a known state for the uDMA software channel.// These should already be disabled by default.//ROM_uDMAChannelAttributeDisable(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW,UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST | UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT |(UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY |UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK));//// Configure the control parameters for the SW channel.The SW channel// will be used to transfer between two memory buffers, 32 bits at a time.// Therefore the data size is 32 bits, and the address increment is 32 bits// for both source and destination.The arbitration size will be set to 8,// which causes the uDMA controller to rearbitrate after 8 items are// transferred.This keeps this channel from hogging the uDMA controller// once the transfer is started, and allows other channels cycles if they// are higher priority.//ROM_uDMAChannelControlSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_SIZE_32 | UDMA_SRC_INC_32 | UDMA_DST_INC_32 |UDMA_ARB_8);//// Set up the transfer parameters for the software channel.This will// configure the transfer buffers and the transfer size.Auto mode must be// used for software transfers.//ROM_uDMAChannelTransferSet(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW | UDMA_PRI_SELECT,UDMA_MODE_AUTO, g_ui32SrcBuf, g_ui32DstBuf,MEM_BUFFER_SIZE);//// Now the software channel is primed to start a transfer.The channel// must be enabled.For software based transfers, a request must be// issued.After this, the uDMA memory transfer begins.//ROM_uDMAChannelEnable(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW);ROM_uDMAChannelRequest(UDMA_CHANNEL_SW);
// This example demonstrates how to use the uDMA controller to transfer data
// between memory buffers and to and from a peripheral, in this case a UART.
// The uDMA controller is configured to repeatedly transfer a block of data
// from one memory buffer to another.It is also set up to repeatedly copy a
// block of data from a buffer to the UART output.The UART data is looped
// back so the same data is received, and the uDMA controlled is configured to
// continuously receive the UART data using ping-pong buffers.
// The processor is put to sleep when it is not doing anything, and this allows
// collection of CPU usage data to see how much CPU is being used while the
// data transfers are ongoing.
{static uint32_t ui32PrevSeconds;static uint32_t ui32PrevXferCount;static uint32_t ui32PrevUARTCount = 0;static char pcStrBuf[40];tRectangle sRect;uint32_t ui32CenterX;uint32_t ui32XfersCompleted;uint32_t ui32BytesTransferred;//// Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers.This allows floating-point// instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of// extra stack usage.//ROM_FPULazyStackingEnable();//// Set the clocking to run from the PLL at 50 MHz.//ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN |SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ);//// Enable peripherals to operate when CPU is in sleep.//ROM_SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(true);//// Initialize the display driver.//CFAL96x64x16Init();//// Initialize the graphics context and find the middle X coordinate.//GrContextInit(&g_sContext, &g_sCFAL96x64x16);//// Get the center X coordinate of the screen, since it is used a lot.//ui32CenterX = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) / 2;//// Fill the top part of the screen with blue to create the banner.//sRect.i16XMin = 0;sRect.i16YMin = 0;sRect.i16XMax = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) - 1;sRect.i16YMax = 9;GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrDarkBlue);GrRectFill(&g_sContext, &sRect);//// Change foreground for white text.//GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrWhite);//// Put the application name in the middle of the banner.//GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, g_psFontFixed6x8);GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, "udma-demo", -1, ui32CenterX, 4, 0);//// Show the clock frequency on the display.//GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, g_psFontFixed6x8);usnprintf(pcStrBuf, sizeof(pcStrBuf), "%u MHz",ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / 1000000);GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, pcStrBuf, -1, ui32CenterX, 14, 0);//// Show static text and field labels on the display.//GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Mem", -1, 0, 22, 0);GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "UART", -1, 0, 32, 0);//// Configure SysTick to occur 100 times per second, to use as a time// reference.Enable SysTick to generate interrupts.//ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND);ROM_SysTickIntEnable();ROM_SysTickEnable();//// Initialize the CPU usage measurement routine.//CPUUsageInit(ROM_SysCtlClockGet(), SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND, 2);//// Enable the uDMA controller at the system level.Enable it to continue// to run while the processor is in sleep.//ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UDMA);ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UDMA);//// Enable the uDMA controller error interrupt.This interrupt will occur// if there is a bus error during a transfer.//ROM_IntEnable(INT_UDMAERR);//// Enable the uDMA controller.//ROM_uDMAEnable();//// Point at the control table to use for channel control structures.//ROM_uDMAControlBaseSet(ui8ControlTable);//// Initialize the uDMA memory to memory transfers.//InitSWTransfer();//// Initialize the uDMA UART transfers.//InitUART0Transfer();//// Remember the current SysTick seconds count.//ui32PrevSeconds = g_ui32Seconds;//// Remember the current count of memory buffer transfers.//ui32PrevXferCount = g_ui32MemXferCount;//// Loop until the button is pressed.The processor is put to sleep// in this loop so that CPU utilization can be measured.//while(1){//// Check to see if one second has elapsed.If so, the make some// updates.//if(g_ui32Seconds != ui32PrevSeconds){//// Print a message to the display showing the CPU usage percent.// The fractional part of the percent value is ignored.//usnprintf(pcStrBuf, sizeof(pcStrBuf), "CPU %2u%%",g_ui32CPUUsage >> 16);GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, pcStrBuf, -1, ui32CenterX, 44,1);//// Tell the user how many seconds we have to go before ending.//usnprintf(pcStrBuf, sizeof(pcStrBuf), " %d seconds ",10 - g_ui32Seconds);GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, pcStrBuf, -1, ui32CenterX, 54,1);//// Remember the new seconds count.//ui32PrevSeconds = g_ui32Seconds;//// Calculate how many memory transfers have occurred since the last// second.//ui32XfersCompleted = g_ui32MemXferCount - ui32PrevXferCount;//// Remember the new transfer count.//ui32PrevXferCount = g_ui32MemXferCount;//// Compute how many bytes were transferred in the memory transfer// since the last second.//ui32BytesTransferred = ui32XfersCompleted * MEM_BUFFER_SIZE * 4;//// Print a message to the display showing the memory transfer rate.//usnprintf(pcStrBuf, sizeof(pcStrBuf), "%8u B/s ",ui32BytesTransferred);GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, pcStrBuf, -1, 24, 22, 1);//// Calculate how many UART transfers have occurred since the last// second.//ui32XfersCompleted = (g_ui32RxBufACount + g_ui32RxBufBCount -ui32PrevUARTCount);//// Remember the new UART transfer count.//ui32PrevUARTCount = g_ui32RxBufACount + g_ui32RxBufBCount;//// Compute how many bytes were transferred by the UART.The number// of bytes received is multiplied by 2 so that the TX bytes// transferred are also accounted for.//ui32BytesTransferred = ui32XfersCompleted * UART_RXBUF_SIZE * 2;//// Print a message to the display showing the UART transfer rate.//usnprintf(pcStrBuf, sizeof(pcStrBuf), "%7u B/s ",ui32BytesTransferred);GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, pcStrBuf, -1, 30, 32, 1);}//// Put the processor to sleep if there is nothing to do.This allows// the CPU usage routine to measure the number of free CPU cycles.// If the processor is sleeping a lot, it can be hard to connect to// the target with the debugger.//ROM_SysCtlSleep();//// See if we have run int32_t enough and exit the loop if so.//if(g_ui32Seconds >= 10){break;}}//// Indicate on the display that the example is stopped.//GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrRed);GrStringDrawCentered(&g_sContext, "Stopped", -1,ui32CenterX, 54, 1);//// Loop forever with the CPU not sleeping, so the debugger can connect.//while(1){}


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