


Description Resource Path Location Type
#10247-D creating output section ".cinit" without a SECTIONS specification tmIoT_boot C/C++ Problem

#10278-D LOAD placement specified for section ".text:decompress:none:rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib<copy_decompress_none.obj>". This section contains decompression routines required for linker generated copy tables and C/C++ auto-initialization. Must ensure that this section is copied to run address before the C/C++ boot code is executed or is placed with single allocation specifier (ex. "> MEMORY"). tmIoT_boot C/C++ Problem

#10278-D LOAD placement specified for section ".text:decompress:rle24:rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib<copy_decompress_rle.obj>". This section contains decompression routines required for linker generated copy tables and C/C++ auto-initialization. Must ensure that this section is copied to run address before the C/C++ boot code is executed or is placed with single allocation specifier (ex. "> MEMORY"). tmIoT_boot C/C++ Problem

#10278-D LOAD placement specified for section ".text:rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib<copy_decompress_rle.obj>". This section contains decompression routines required for linker generated copy tables and C/C++ auto-initialization. Must ensure that this section is copied to run address before the C/C++ boot code is executed or is placed with single allocation specifier (ex. "> MEMORY"). tmIoT_boot C/C++ Problem

#10278-D LOAD placement specified for section ".text:rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib<memcpy_t2.obj>". This section contains decompression routines required for linker generated copy tables and C/C++ auto-initialization. Must ensure that this section is copied to run address before the C/C++ boot code is executed or is placed with single allocation specifier (ex. "> MEMORY"). tmIoT_boot C/C++ Problem

#10278-D LOAD placement specified for section ".text:rtsv7M4_T_le_v4SPD16_eabi.lib<memset_t2.obj>". This section contains decompression routines required for linker generated copy tables and C/C++ auto-initialization. Must ensure that this section is copied to run address before the C/C++ boot code is executed or is placed with single allocation specifier (ex. "> MEMORY"). tmIoT_boot C/C++ Problem

Susan Yang:





回复 Susan Yang:


Susan Yang:

回复 user4550157:




When doing an EMAC based boot loader the first thing to note is that you must have a DHCP server for IP address allocation. Then the LMFlashProgrammer can use the IP address and MAC ID to download a program.


回复 Susan Yang:

/******************************************************************************** bl_link_ccs.cmd – CCS linker configuration file for boot loader.** Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Texas Instruments Incorporated.All rights reserved.* Software License Agreement* * Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and* exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by* TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright* laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source* software in order to form a larger program.* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.* NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT* NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY* CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL* DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.* * This is part of revision of the Tiva Firmware Development Package.******************************************************************************/


/* The following command line options are set as part of the CCS project.*/
/* If you are building using the command line, or for some reason want to*/
/* define them here, you can uncomment and modify these lines as needed.*/
/* If you are using CCS for building, it is probably better to make any such */
/* modifications in your CCS project and leave this file alone.*/
/* –heap_size=0*/
/* –stack_size=256*/
/* –library=rtsv7M3_T_le_eabi.lib*/

/* System memory map */

{FLASH (RX) : origin = 0x00000000, length = 0x00010000SRAM (RWX) : origin = 0x20000000, length = 0x00010000

/* Section allocation in memory */

{GROUP{.intvecs.text.const.data} load = FLASH, run = 0x20000000, LOAD_START(init_load), RUN_START(init_run), SIZE(init_size)
GROUP{.bss.stack} run = SRAM, RUN_START(bss_run), RUN_END(bss_end), SIZE(bss_size), RUN_END(__STACK_TOP)


Susan Yang:

回复 user4550157:

可以上传工程的。您可以使用右下角的“使用高级编辑器编辑文本” 以附件形式发送给我 或者 点击我的头像私信给我


回复 Susan Yang:



回复 Susan Yang:


Susan Yang:

回复 user4550157:


未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » ccs编译TM4C微控制器bootloader时,出现警告,烧录bin文件后不能正常运行
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