
TMS320F28388D: flash_kernel_c28x_cm_ex1_c28x1–The routine doesn't run

Part Number:TMS320F28388D

Hello, everyone.

I am debugging the writing of CM kernel kernel of 28388D chip, the reference routine is: flash_kernel_c28x_cm_ex1_c28x1, I burn the routine to cpu1 core through JATG simulation interface, and then write the CM kernel txt format kernel file through SCIA according to the routine process, the process is roughly as follows: Send "A" for baud rate recognition, and then send the instruction, I sent is RESET_CPU1_LOAD_CM, this instruction first executes setBootModeForCM() function, set the BOOT state of CM core, and CM core starts to run from S0RAM. Device_bootCM function in the last while(SysCtl_isCMReset() == 0x1U) function, the execution of this function passed, does it mean that CM core has been started? When copyDataToCPU1ToCMMSGRAM() is executed, it will be stuck in the IPC_sync(IPC_CPU1_L_CM_R, IPC_FLAG1) function. First, IPC_SET of FLAG1 is set. Simulation when saw ,Cpu1toCmIpcRegs. CPU1TOCMIPCFLG. Bit. IPC1 already setting, but the program card in IPC_waitForFlag function, waiting for Cpu1toCmIpcRegs. CMTOCPU1IPCSTS. Bit. IPC1, This register should be in the S0RAM area of CM core and will be set when the boot runs, so is the CM core boot not running? What do I need to do to run the CM core bootstrap? The CM core BOOT status is shown as follows: ,The above operations are performed under cpu1 simulation.

Yale Li:

I already transferred this issue to the relevant engineer. Pls focus on the link below:


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