
AFE5832LPEVM: Issue with AFE5832LP GUI Launch through HSDC Pro – Error 7 File Not Found

Part Number:AFE5832LPEVMOther Parts Discussed in Thread:AFE5832LP,

I have encountered an issue while using the HSDC Pro software to control the TSW1400EVM evaluation module. When initiating control through HSDC Pro, the software attempts to automatically launch the GUI for the AFE5832LP, but an error occurs during this process. The GUI for AFE5832LP fails to launch properly when initiated from the HSDC Pro software, and I encounter the following error message:

Error 7 occurred at HSDC Pro Version Check.vi -> HMC-DAQ GUI Pro.lvlib:Main.vi in the Call Library Function Node
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted. Verify that the file path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer.

It is important to note that when I launch the AFE5832LP GUI software directly, it opens without any issues, which indicates that the software is installed correctly and the files are present. However, this error only occurs when the AFE5832LP GUI is launched through the HSDC Pro software.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? It is critical for my application that the integration between HSDC Pro and AFE5832LP’s GUI operates flawlessly, as I rely on this setup for ultrasound echo signal acquisition and analysis.

Thank you for your assistance!

Kailyn Chen:

zhuofan wan 说:LabVIEW: File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted. Verify that the file path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer.

您好,AFE5832LP GUI不需要安装labview engine,所以您打开GUI没问题的,但是HSDCPro是需要安装的,所以也通过报错来看,Labview files没有找到。

您在官网下载并安装labview engine看下是否能解决您的问题:



zhuofan wan:

你好我已经下载了labview engine 2023Q3版本,重新运行HSDCPro仍然会弹出这个报错,是不是软件没有检测到labview?应该怎么解决呢


Kailyn Chen:

AFE5832LPEVM  user‘s guide有申请下来吗?因为我看这个EVM板的资料包括user’s guide需要申请,官网没有提供。

如果已经申请下来,看下User‘s guide中的介绍,GUI需要32bit还是64bit labview run time。您安装的labview engine 2023Q3是32bit还是64bit,另外,安装路径也要看下是否有要求,我看您这里提示:LabVIEW: File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted. Verify that the file path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer.

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