Part Number:TMS320F280039C
The relevant registers are defined in and in the TMS320F28003x Real-Time Microcontrollers documentation, but there is no specific implementation method in and
In the related routine, I found that your company implements non master access violation via the NMAVSET.DMAWRITE=1 field in force
Pls are the following 4 functions implemented in 280039C?
non-master DMA write violation;
non-master DMA read violation;
non-master HIC write violation;
non-master HIC read violation;
Yale Li:
I have already transferred your issue to the relevant engineer, pls focus on the link below:
Yale Li:
joyce_zhou 说:Pls are the following 4 functions implemented in 280039C?
Please have a look at the MemCfg_enableViolationInterrupt and MemCfg_disableViolationInterrupt function in the memcfg module in driverlib function which is used to enable/disable the individual RAM access violation interrupt sources.
You can pass the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled/disabled.
Let me know if you were asking the same.
joyce_zhou 说:The relevant registers are defined in and in the TMS320F28003x Real-Time Microcontrollers documentation, but there is no specific implementation method in and
I think you are referring to old TRM for the section numbers. Please take a look at the latest TRM.