


NOTE: When high-resolution period mode is enabled, an EPWMxSYNC pulse will introduce +/- 1-2
cycle jitter to the PWM (+/- 1 cycle in up-count mode and +/- 2 cycle in up-down count
mode). For this reason, TBCTL[SYNCOSEL] should not be set to 1 (CTR = 0 is
EPWMxSYNCO source) or 2 (CTR = CMPB is EPWMxSYNCO source). Otherwise the jitter
will occur on every PWM cycle with the synchronization pulse.
When TBCTL[SYNCOSEL] = 0 (EPWMxSYNCI is EPWMxSYNCO source), a software
synchronization pulse whould be issued only once during high-resolution period initialization.
If a software sync pulse is applied while the PWM is running, the jitter will appear on the
PWM output at the time of the sync pulse.

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