
About ISET setup and parameter config. by using LED171596AWVM with TM4C123GXL

Hi everyone, 

I need to control some LEDs (duration 10-50ms; Frequency 10-50Hz; Current 10-600uA; ) by using LED171596AWVM with TM4C123GXL. I already maximized the maxBri and the MasterBri with 0x1ff. So, the PWM should be 100%. The current output should only rely on the current value itself. However, I have some issue regarding ISET setup and some config. parameter.

1) I know how to set them but I don't know how parameter of the LED Driver, PWM and Sloper config,  is reasonable to my project? (as fig,1)

2) I can see the log in EVM software and I can select them (e.g. 10mA, 12.5, …, 60mA) (as fig.2). But I don't know how to I2C write this ISET to initial peak current with a program?

Thank you in advance!

Ben Qin:


Thank you for your interest in TI products! To help solve your problem more effectively, we recommend that you post your question on the E2E English Technical Forum(e2e.ti.com/…/arm-based-microcontrollers-forum), which will be assisted by a qualified English forum engineer. 

Best Regards,




Thank you, Ben! Cause I use an university account, I cannot post my question on the E2E English Technical Forum. However, I eventually figured out how to deal with the above issue by reading datasheet.

Thank you, anyway!


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