
FDC2112: some questions about the resonant wave

Part Number:FDC2112

1、Does the chip require oscillating waveforms as shown in the figure below?

2, how does the internal core calculate the frequency of Fin, and is the number of pulses calculated by a fixed time? How does the counter convert a sine wave to a square wave? 

Amy Luo:

Hi Eric,

1. Yes.

2. The core uses a reference frequency (fREF) to measure the sensor frequency. fREF is derived from either an internal reference clock (oscillator), or an externally supplied clock. The digitized output for each channel is proportional to the ratio of fSENSOR/fREF. 

The FDC estimates the LC resonant frequency by counting the LC waveform's axis crossings over a time interval described in equation (5) in the data sheet:tcx = (CHx_RCOUNT x 16 + 4)/fREFx

where CHx_RCOUNT is the number of reference clock cycles used to measure the sensor frequency for that channel, and fREFx is the reference clock frequency.

For the FDC2112, the output data is related to the LC sensor resonant frequency via equation (1) in the data sheet.

DATAx = fSENSORx x 212/fREFx


Eric Liu(SZ-FAE):

Amy 您好,我直接中文吧,我想确认两个问题,1、第一个内部core计算振荡频率是通过比较参考时钟和外部lc振荡波形在一固定窗口时间的波形重复计数吗?



Amy Luo:


2、看上述波形幅值不满足规格范围:1.2V~1.8V,建议您参照datasheet 第10部分的设计步骤调节 IDRIVE值。

我不确定是否会影响FDC的输出,但是您可以根据输出DATAx和示波器测量的传感器fSENSORx 频率根据下面公式来验证输出是否正常

DATAx = fSENSORx x 212/fREFx

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