
MSP-GANG: hwo to upgrade to MSP_GANG from GANG430

Part Number:MSP-GANG

Dear All

   we use MSP-GANG because GANG430's no production. As reference MSG-GANG.pdf ,4.1 Gang430.dll Wrapper Description, we use wrapper GANG430.dll-, GANG430.ini, MSP-Gang.dll,copy these file to work directory. For example, need to download a program to a MSP2132 MCU. First we can download program success, but re-download ,there' a issue target Init Failed.

we compare the GANG430.ini :

[MSP430 F2132]
DevId= 0xF213
DevIdxD= 0x02
MemDef1= R, 0x0200, 0x0200
MemDef2= I, 0x1000, 0x0040
MemDef3= I, 0x1040, 0x0040
MemDef4= I, 0x1080, 0x0040
MemDef5= I, 0x10C0, 0x0040
MemDef6= C, 0x10F8, 0x0008
MemDef7= M, 0xE000, 0x2000
SbwAble= 1


[MSP430 F2132]
Group= 2
DevId= 0xF213
DevIdxD= 0x02
MemDef1= R, 0x0200, 0x0200
MemDef2= I, 0x1000, 0x0040
MemDef3= I, 0x1040, 0x0040
MemDef4= I, 0x1080, 0x0040
MemDef5= P, 0x10C0, 0x0040
MemDef6= C, 0x10C0, 0x0040
MemDef7= M, 0xE000, 0x2000
SbwAble= 1

Please help , Thank you!!!

Yale Li:

I already posted this issue to the relevant engineer. Pls focus the link below:



Yale Li:

That error could be due to hardware connection issues. Can you try programming the board once with the MSP-GANG GUI and see what the result is?

While using the GUI, can you also check the gang software revision and firmware versions?


zhanxin li:

Thank you for your reply!

1.Use MSP-GANG GUI,use Interactive mode, it can programming the board.

2.gang revision is below:


Yale Li:

I have already followed these information up.


zhanxin li:

Thank you! Yale!

  We must use VB6.0 upgrade to MSP-GANG from GANG430, there's 2 solution:

1. For MSP-GANG.pdf 4.1 ,use wrapper , copy GANG430.dll, GANG430.ini, MSG-Gang.dll to working directory. We can only program 1 times, then 2 times

LCD display target init Failed.

2. For software examples c#,C , re-write by VB6.0, can loadImage, can download and get a correct result, but there's a error Runtimes'49', Bad DLL Convention. 

Private Declare Function MSPGANG_GetProgressStatus Lib "MSP-Gang.dll" (lpData As Any) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal nLength As Long)Private Declare Function VarPtr Lib "MSVBVM60" (var As Any) As Long

Dim pOutputArray As Long Dim tempBData As Byte Dim outputArray(0 To 51) As Byte pOutputArray = VarPtr(outputArray(0))

VGangGetResult = MSPGANG_GetProgressStatus(pOutputArray) 这里会报错。

If VGangGetResult = 0 Then

CopyMemory outputArray(0), pOutputArray, 52 tempBData = outputArray(10)

So, please help! Thank you very much!


Yale Li:



zhanxin li:

Hi, Yale and Brandon

Thank you for your reply in detail!

1. Use wrapper, it can program in first times,   we think some memory address is erased so that MSP-GANG programmer cannot re-connect MCU. Although we use GANG430 F
2132 Unit information. We need a small code change if use this solution 

2. You're right. It should be mismatch the argument about lpData which is void *pointer. Anyway I cannot find what is correct to match void * in C#. We use vb6.0 in Windows10 OS and copy MSP-Gand.dll to working directory.

for example, we need *** parameter to check the result value of  current channel. As 3th channel, the result value is  00100000 , we can get it. There'r a Bad DLL Convention error after execute download function  because we need call MSPGANG_GetProgressStatus(void *lpData) function.  I am not sure which is conflict  with some VB syntax 

4. Although we can download success with c# example, but both of red light and green light is on. But is not in GUI interface, only green light is on.

Thank you so much for your help!


Yale Li:


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