
TMS320C6678: 6678 udp组播(client)的例程

Part Number:TMS320C6678

1、请问有6678 有udp 组播客户端的案例可供参考吗?或者参考资料;

2、已经udp单播正常接收数据,修改为udp组播(client)时,无法接收到数据。查阅手册SPRU524H中3.6节第77页中提到NDK不支持server mode,但是支持client operation(The NDK does not currently support IP multicast routing, so there is no need to use IGMP in server mode.However, the software does support IGMP client operation.)。



static void UDP_Recv_GDJ_Tsk(void)
{SOCKETsudp = INVALID_SOCKET;char*pBufPing = NULL,*pBufPong = NULL;HANDLEhBuffer;int32_tbytes;uint32_ttsMsec, ts1Msec, startMsec, endMsec;uint32_tts, ts1, tn;uint32_ttotalBytes = 0;int32_tcounter = 0;floatlost_rate =0;struct timevaltimeout;struct sockaddr_in sin1,sin2;struct ip_mreq group;uint32_t FrameNum0 = 0;char flag_Firt= 1;int *pData;pData = GDJDATA_PING;Task_sleep(150);
//Semaphore_pend(sem5_START_RECV_GDJ, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);printf( "3 UDP_Recv_GDJ_Tsk started\n");/* Allocate the file environment for this task */fdOpenSession(TaskSelf());/* 1 Create the main UDP listen socket */sudp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);if(sudp == INVALID_SOCKET) {printf( "Failed to create the receive socket \n");goto leave;}/* 2 Set Port = 65000, leaving IP address = Any */bzero(&sin1, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));sin1.sin_family = AF_INET;sin1.sin_len= sizeof(sin1);//sin1.sin_addr.s_addr= inet_addr("");sin1.sin_addr.s_addr= inet_addr(INADDR_ANY);sin1.sin_port= htons(65000);/* 3 Bind the socket */if(bind( sudp, (PSA) &sin1, sizeof(sin1)) < 0) {printf("Failed to bind the receive socket \n");goto leave;}/* Set a time out for the receive in case there is data loss.. time out is in seconds */timeout.tv_sec= 5;/* wait up to 5 seconds per packet */timeout.tv_usec = 0;if(setsockopt(sudp, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout)) < 0) {printf( "Failed to set the sockopt for receive socket \n");goto leave;}//4 join multicastbzero(&group, sizeof(struct ip_mreq));group.imr_multiaddr.s_addr = inet_addr("");//组播IPgroup.imr_interface.s_addr = inet_addr("");//本机IPif(setsockopt(sudp, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &group, sizeof(group)) < 0) {printf("Failed to adding multicast group, %d\n", fdError());goto leave;}bzero(&sin2, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));/* Allocate a working buffer */if(!(pBufPing = (char *)malloc(2048))) {printf("UDP_Send_ZT_Tsk Failed pBufPing buffer allocation\n");goto leave;}totalBytes = 0;int tmp;tmp=sizeof(sin2);for(;;){bytes = (int)recvncfrom(sudp, (void **)&pBufPing, 0, (PSA)&sin2, &tmp, &hBuffer);}leave:if(pBufPing) {free(pBufPing);}if(pBufPong) {free(pBufPong);}if(sudp != INVALID_SOCKET)fdClose(sudp);UARTprintf(&uart0cfg,"leave : %d \n", fdError());TaskSleep(2000);fdCloseSession(TaskSelf());TaskDestroy(TaskSelf());return;





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