
SK-AM62: [ERROR] XMODEM send failed, no response OR incorrect response from EVM OR cancelled by user,

Part Number:SK-AM62Other Parts Discussed in Thread:UNIFLASH


turing@ubuntu:~/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am62x_08_06_00_18/tools/boot$ python3 uart_uniflash.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 –cfg=sbl_prebuilt/am62x-sk/default_sbl_ospi_linux.cfg

Parsing config file …
Parsing config file … SUCCESS. Found 9 command(s) !!!

Executing command 1 of 9 …
Found flash writer … sending sbl_prebuilt/am62x-sk/sbl_uart_uniflash_stage1.release.tiimage
Sending sbl_prebuilt/am62x-sk/sbl_uart_uniflash_stage1.release.tiimage: 0%| | 0/244873 [00:00<?, ?bytes/s]
[ERROR] XMODEM send failed, no response OR incorrect response from EVM OR cancelled by user,
Power cycle EVM and run this script again !!!

我在windows下可以烧录的,为啥ununtu下总是报[ERROR] XMODEM send failed, no response OR incorrect response from EVM OR cancelled by user,
Power cycle EVM and run this script again !!!这个错误


Turing Alan 说:我在windows下可以烧录的


Turing Alan 说:[ERROR] XMODEM send failed, no response OR incorrect response from EVM OR cancelled by user,

请看一下下面的FAQ。Flash tool error messages and solutionshttps://software-dl.ti.com/mcu-plus-sdk/esd/AM62X/latest/exports/docs/api_guide_am62x/TOOLS_FLASH.html#TOOLS_FLASH_ERROR_MESSAGES


Turing Alan:

win10下用python uart_uniflash.py -p COM33 –cfg=sbl_prebuilt/am62x-sk/default_sbl_ospi_linux.cfg,这个FAQ我看过了,没有解决问题







Is the customer using Linux on a Virtual Machine or a dedicated PC. Additionally, is the customer seeing 'C' characters getting printed on UART serial console in Linux before trying the flashing procedure.

Please refer to the following guide: Flash SOC Initialization Binary


Turing Alan:

I have seen 'C' characters using Linux on a Virtual Machine 


Turing Alan:

but it fail




This may be a problem of root access. Could you ask the customer to once try the flashing command with sudo like below

sudo python3 uart_uniflash.py -p /dev/ttyUSB0 –cfg=sbl_prebuilt/am62x-sk/default_sbl_ospi_linux.cfg



Turing Alan:







请看下面e2e工程师的回复。I am also running Linux on a Virtual Machine and able to successfully perform the flashing procedure as shown below

Shine said:
Is there any other advice?

Could you please ask the customer to try sending only the first image "sbl_uart_uniflash_stage1.release.tiimage" from some other tools like Picocom, Minicom. If the image is sent successfully with any of these tools, we would know something is wrong with MCU+ SDK UART Uniflash.

To transfer a ROM bootable image (here sbl_uart_uniflash_stage1.release.tiimage) using Picocom, the customer can follow the below procedure:

Power off the board.
Run the below command from the <MCU+ SDK PATH>/tools/boot



sudo picocom -b 115200 -s "sx -vv" /dev/ttyUSB0

Power on the board.
Make sure the UART string comes & character 'C' is getting printed every 2-3 seconds.
Press "Ctrl+A" then "Ctrl+S". Picocom would then ask for the file to be sent.
Enter the file path. The file transfer should start.
If the transfer is successful, Picocom logs "Transfer complete".

A sample run of the above procedure is shown below


Turing Alan:

it can‘t printed character 'C' every 2-3 seconds.




The customer confirmed in this response that the 'C' characters were seen. What tool the customer was using before which confirmed the 'C' characters are coming? 

Since, we now see that the 'C' characters are not coming, the flashing procedure can't be perfomed. This explains why MCU+ SDK UART Uniflash is failing. Now, first we would want to confirm the UART string & 'C' characters are coming. The first step to that is to make sure we are connected to the right serial port.

Could you please ask the customer to share the output of the command "ls /dev" which would show the devices enumerated by Linux.


Turing Alan:

turing@ubuntu:~$ ls /dev | grep ttyUSB*ttyUSB0ttyUSB1ttyUSB2ttyUSB3turing@ubuntu:~$


Turing Alan:

I have solved it

Because I don't have Closed the UART terminal as shown below. This is important, else the UART script in next step wont be able to connect to the UART port.




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