
CC1310: cc1310watchdog如何配置才是最恒缺德,目前没有喂狗为什么没有复位?

Part Number:CC1310Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2541

关于TI  CC1310遇到一个问题,就是会出现长时间掉线的情况,我这边初步判定是程序跑死看门狗没起作用,测试发现,看门狗没起作用,不知道是我这边配置有问题还是有什么限制

Alex Zhang:





Alex Zhang:

/*!******************************************************************************@fileWatchdog.h**@briefWatchdog driver interface**@anchor ti_drivers_Watchdog_Overview*# Overview #**A watchdog timer can be used to generate a reset signal if a system has*become unresponsive. The Watchdog driver simplifies configuring and*starting the watchdog peripherals. The watchdog peripheral can be*configured with resets either on or off and a user-specified timeout*period.**When the watchdog peripheral is configured not to generate a reset, it*can be used to cause a hardware interrupt at a programmable interval.*The driver provides the ability to specify a user-provided callback*function that is called when the watchdog causes an interrupt.**The Watchdog driver simplifies configuring and starting the Watchdog*peripherals. The Watchdog can be set up to produce a reset signal after a*timeout, or simply cause a hardware interrupt at a programmable interval.*The driver provides the ability to specify a callback function that is*called when the Watchdog causes an interrupt.**When resets are turned on, it is the user application's responsibility to*call Watchdog_clear() in order to clear the Watchdog and prevent a reset.*Watchdog_clear() can be called at any time.**@anchor ti_drivers_Watchdog_Usage*# Usage #**This section will cover driver usage.*@anchor ti_drivers_Watchdog_Synopsis*## Synopsis #**Open the driver with default settings:*@code*Watchdog_Handle watchdogHandle;**Watchdog_init();*watchdogHandle = Watchdog_open(WATCHDOG_INDEX, NULL);*if (watchdogHandle == NULL) {*// Spin forever*while(1);*}*@endcode**The Watchdog driver must be initialized by calling Watchdog_init(),*before any other Watchdog APIs can be called.*Once the watchdog is initialized, a Watchdog object can be created*through the following steps:*-Create and initialize the #Watchdog_Params structure.*-Assign desired values to parameters.*-Call Watchdog_open().*-Save the Watchdog_Handle returned by Watchdog_open(). This will be*used to interact with the Watchdog object just created.**To have a user-defined function run at the hardware interrupt caused by*a watchdog timer timeout, define a function of the following type:*@code*typedef void (*Watchdog_Callback)(uintptr_t);*@endcode*Then pass the function to Watchdog_open() through the #Watchdog_Params*structure.**An example of the Watchdog creation process that uses a callback*function:*@anchor ti_drivers_Watchdog_example_callback*@code*void UserCallbackFxn(Watchdog_Handle handle)*{*printf("Watchdog timer triggered!\n");*releaseResources();*}**...**Watchdog_Params params;*Watchdog_Handle watchdogHandle;**Watchdog_init();**Watchdog_Params_init(&params);*params.resetMode = Watchdog_RESET_ON;*params.callbackFxn = (Watchdog_Callback) UserCallbackFxn;**watchdogHandle = Watchdog_open(Board_WATCHDOG0, &params);*if (watchdogHandle == NULL) {*// Error opening Watchdog*while (1);*}**@endcode**If no #Watchdog_Params structure is passed to Watchdog_open(), the*default values are used. By default, the Watchdog driver has resets*turned on, no callback function specified, and stalls the timer at*breakpoints during debugging.**Options for the resetMode parameter are #Watchdog_RESET_ON and*#Watchdog_RESET_OFF. The latter allows the watchdog to be used like*another timer interrupt. When resetMode is #Watchdog_RESET_ON, it is up*to the application to call Watchdog_clear() to clear the Watchdog*interrupt flag to prevent a reset. Watchdog_clear() can be called at*any time.**@anchor ti_drivers_Watchdog_Examples*# Examples*- @ref ti_drivers_Watchdog_Synopsis "Default Example"*- @ref ti_drivers_Watchdog_example_callback "Callback Function before watchdog reset"**@anchor ti_drivers_Watchdog_Configuration*# Configuration**Refer to the @ref driver_configuration "Driver's Configuration" section*for more information.*********************************************************************************/



Alex Zhang:

cc1310看门狗的复位时间是多少? – 低于 1GHz 论坛 – 低于 1GHz – E2ETm 设计支持 (ti.com)






Alex Zhang:






Alex Zhang:







Alex Zhang:




Alex Zhang:



Alex Zhang:



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