
TMS320C6678: spiboot引导失败问题

Part Number:TMS320C6678

配置spiboot,烧写到nor中,上电通过频谱仪抓到,flash被重复读0地址,03 00 00 00 地址一直未递增  而且重复读到的0地址数据和flash烧写的一致


请尝试用附件中的步骤跟踪一下bootloader的过程,看一下bootloader代码执行到哪里出现了这个问题?6014.Debugging Boot Issues.zip


feifei zhang:

在线仿真器 boot程序运行都OK的  。我的程序生成的bin格式  

4字节bootmagicaddr 4字节段地址 4字节段长度 数据   。。。。。。00 00 00 00 

是否需要增加boot parameter table 才能正确引导


feifei zhang:

请确认你给我的附件是可用的  解压后,附件中都是一些无法识别的文件 也没有操作步骤和应用程序




"Load Symbols" instead of "Load Program"[edit]

When debugging an application from flash, you want to let the application boot in its normal manner. If you select "load program" in CCS then you are overwriting the application that loaded from flash and not debugging the code as it runs normally. You should instead do "load symbols" in CCS and then select your .out file. This will allow you to debug your code using variable/function names without overwriting the code that boots from the flash.

CCS 3.3: Go to File -> Load Symbols -> Load Symbols Only
CCS 4.x: Right-click on the project and select Debug Options. On the "Debugger" tab choose "Load Symbols" instead of "Load Program"
CCS 5.x: In the "Debug View" tab choose "Run"–> "Load" –> "Load Symbols"

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