
BQ24735: BQ24735充电管理与智能电池连接问题

Part Number:BQ24735


Star Xu:



jia rong:

您看下这个链接里面提到的智能系统  Figure 1-2 Smart Battery System,就是没有mcu的,那么bq24735是不是可以使用这种方式?


jia rong:



Star Xu:

您好,查到了,BQ24735可以使用charge smart batteries

these chargers can be used to charge smart batteries, but please note that there are a few features which are not fully implemented:

Our SMBus chargers are not fully SBS 1.1 (Smart Battery System 1.1) capable as a Level 2 charger. The ChargeCurrent() and ChargeVoltage() register addresses match the SBS spec, but our chargers do not have register 0x16 for the AlarmWarning(). In many applications, our SMBus chargers are paired with a TI battery gauge, which is SBS 1.1 compliant.  These gauges typically have a broadcast mode where they will communicate with our SMBus chargers and write to the ChargeCurrent() and ChargeVoltage() registers. Please refer to the following E2E thread for more discussion about this topic:


We currently do not have a charger in our portfolio that supports PEC (packet error checking). Please disable PEC from the smart battery's broadcasts to the charger.

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