
DRA821U: 2G中的PORT1不能正常的发送报文,超出配置的发送buffer个数后,请求无空闲buffer,导致发送失败。

Part Number:DRA821U

Hi  @Zhang, Semon

在使用821 MCU域中的2G CPSW中的Port2作为以太网实体时和5G中的一个port互联,在macl中配置发送和接收的buffer个数为48。初始化成功后,2G侧PORT1发送报文,发送超过配置的buffer后,不能再发送数据,请求不到空闲的buffer,能正常的接收报文。数组gEthTxCqRingMem不能写入数据。

uint8 ArpData_VLAN3[32] =
{0x00,0x03,0x08,06,0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,0xa9, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa9, 0xfe, 0xab, 0xa8
uint8 MacDestUncastAddress[8] = {0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0x06};
uint8 *TmpBuffPtr;

void Tx_EthFrame_VLAN3(void)
	boolean Txstatus=0; 
	uint16 Tmp_Txlenghth1 = 32;
	Global_TempUSage[1] = Eth_ProvideTxBuffer(0, 0, &TmpBuffIdx, &TmpBuffPtr, &Tmp_Txlenghth1);

	ArpData[15] = gCnt++;if(TmpBuffPtr != NULL_PTR){TxBufferFill(TmpBuffPtr, Tmp_Txlenghth1, ArpData_VLAN3);EthDemoRetVal[1] = Eth_Transmit(0, TmpBuffIdx, ETH_VLAN_PROTOCOL, Txstatus, Tmp_Txlenghth1, &MacDestUncastAddress[0]);}elseEthDemoRetVal[1] = 1;


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* ========================================================================== */
/*Macros & Typedefs*/
/* ========================================================================== */
*  \brief ETH Build Variant
*STD_ON for VariantPreCompile / STD_OFF for VariantPostBuild
/** \brief Enable/disable SPI get version info API */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth time sync related API  */
/** \brief Enable/Disable Development Error Detection */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth get counter values API  */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth get RX stats count API  */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth get TX stats count API  */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth get TX error stats count API  */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth zero-copy transmit API */
/** \brief Enable/disable Eth queue-based APIs */

/** \brief Enable/disable Eth MII related API  */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_UpdatePhysAddrFilter */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_NotifyVirtmacMsgReceived */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacSubscribeAllTraffic */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacUnsubscribeAllTraffic */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacSubscribeDstMac */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacUnsubscribeDstMac */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacAssociateIPv4Macaddr */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacDisassociateIPv4Macaddr */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddUnicastAddr */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddMcastAddr */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacDelAddr */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_SendCustomNotify */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddVlan */
/** \brief Enable/disable optional API Eth_DispatchVirtmacDelVlan */

/** \brief Enable/disable transmit interrupt */
/** \brief Enable/disable receive interrupt */
/** \brief Number of TX buffers */
/** \brief Number of RX buffers */
/** \brief Limits the maximum transmit buffer length (frame length) in bytes */
#define ETH_TX_BUF_LEN_BYTE(1522U)
/** \brief Limits the maximum receive buffer length (frame length) in bytes */
#define ETH_RX_BUF_LEN_BYTE(1522U)

/** \brief Enable/Disable DMA descriptors in cached memory */
/** \brief Enable/Disable DMA rings in cached memory */

/** \brief ISR type */
/** \name Pre-compile switches for MAC addr configuration, ALE conf. etc. */
/** \brief Counter ID for counter used to count wait ticks */
#define ETH_OS_COUNTER_ID((CounterType)OsCounter_Core0)
/** \brief Timeout value for a wait (busy wait) */

/** \brief MAC address of the controller in network byte order */
#define ETH_CTRL_PHY_ADDRESS{ 0xaaU,0xbbU,0xccU,0xddU,0xeeU,0x07U,}

/** \brief Enable/disable Virtual MAC support for CPSW9G */

/** \brief Timeout value for Firmware Attach msg received from server*  Units of timeout is in terms of number of invocations of Eth_MainFunction*/

/* ========================================================================== */
/*External Function Prototype*/
/* ========================================================================== */
/** \brief Function to write-back and invalidate cache */
extern void EthApp_wbInvCache(uint8 *buf, uint16 len);
/** \brief Function to write-back cache */
extern void EthApp_wbCache(uint8 *buf, uint16 len);
/** \brief Function to invalidate cache */
extern void EthApp_invCache(uint8 *buf, uint16 len);

 *  \name ETH DEM Error codes to report
 *  Pre-compile switches for enabling/disabling DEM events
 *  @{
#define DemConf_DemEventParameter_ETH_DEM_NO_EVENT (0xFFFFU)
#define ETH_DEM_NO_EVENT DemConf_DemEventParameter_ETH_DEM_NO_EVENT

/** \brief Hardware failed */

/** \brief Late collision */

/** \brief Multiple collision */

/** \brief Single collision */

/** \brief Alignment error */

/** \brief Oversize Frame */

/** \brief Undersize frame */

#ifndef ETH_E_CRC
/** \brief CRC Error */

/** \brief Received Frames lost */

#ifndef ETH_E_ACCESS
/** \brief Hardware failed */

/** \brief TX packet descriptor returned by UDMA is corrupted.
 *Invalid data pointer in descriptor

/* @} */

/* ========================================================================== */
/*Structures and Enums*/
/* ========================================================================== */

/* ========================================================================== */
/*Generate Configuration*/
/* ========================================================================== */
/**< \brief Pointer to the generated configuration */
extern const struct Eth_ConfigType_s EthConfig_MCU_PC;

/**< \brief Configuration of the driver */
#define ETH_DRV_CONFIG_0((const Eth_ConfigType *) &EthConfig_MCU_PC)

/* ========================================================================== */
/*Function Declarations*/
/* ========================================================================== */

/* None */

#ifdef __cplusplus
/**< \brief Ethernet configurationsGenerated, not expected be modified manually */
{.ctrlIdx = ETH_CONTROLLER_ID_0,/**< Controller index, 0 always */.udmaInstId = UDMA_INST_ID_MCU_0,/**< Instance of UDMA to be used */.dmaTxChIntrNum=80U,/**< DMA TX channel interrupt number */.dmaRxChIntrNum=81U,/**< DMA RX channel interrupt number */.mdioBusFreq=2200000U,/**< MDIO bus clock (MDCLK) frequency (in Hz) */.connType=ETH_MAC_CONN_TYPE_RMII_100,/**< MII connection type */.loopback=false,/**< Loopback enable */.enableCacheOps=(uint32)TRUE,/**< Packet memory is cacheable */.cacheWbInv=(Eth_CacheWbInv) &EthApp_wbInvCache,/**< Cache write-back invalidate function */.cacheWb=(Eth_CacheWb) &EthApp_wbCache,/**< Cache write-back function */.cacheInv=(Eth_CacheInv) &EthApp_invCache,/**< Cache invalidate function */.enetType=ETH_ENETTYPE_CPSW2G,/**< CPSW type */.macPort=ETH_PORT_MAC_PORT_1,/**< Port mode */.enableVirtualMac=FALSE,/**< Virtual MAC mode */
#include "Eth_MemMap.h"

??? ?:

Eth_SetControllerMode(0, ETH_MODE_ACTIVE);
BufReq_ReturnType Global_TempUSage;
Eth_BufIdxType TmpBuffIdx;
Std_ReturnType EthDemoRetVal;
uint8 ArpData_VLAN3[32] =
{0x00,0x03,0x08,06,0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,0xa9, 0xfe, 0xfe, 0xab, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa9, 0xfe, 0xab, 0xa8
uint8 MacDestBrodaddress[6] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
uint8 MacDestUncastAddress[8] = {0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0x06};
uint8 *TmpBuffPtr;
void Tx_EthFrame_VLAN3(void)
{boolean Txstatus=0;uint16 Tmp_Txlenghth1 = 32;Global_TempUSage[1] = Eth_ProvideTxBuffer(0, 0, &TmpBuffIdx, &TmpBuffPtr, &Tmp_Txlenghth1);if(TmpBuffPtr != NULL_PTR){TxBufferFill(TmpBuffPtr, Tmp_Txlenghth1, ArpData_VLAN3);EthDemoRetVal[1] = Eth_Transmit(0, TmpBuffIdx, ETH_VLAN_PROTOCOL, Txstatus, Tmp_Txlenghth1, &MacDestUncastAddress[0]);}}



??? ?:

STACK_SIZE = 0x00004000;Mode_SYS_Stack_Size = 8192;Mode_EXE_Stack_Size = 1024;Mode_SVC_Stack_Size = 1024;Mode_IRQ_Stack_Size = 1024;Mode_FIQ_Stack_Size = 1024;OSEE_HEAP_SIZE = 8096;


ENTRY(_start)MEMORY{ ATCM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00007FFF BTCM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x41010000, LENGTH = 0x00007FFF SRAM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x41C02000, LENGTH = 0x41CBFFFF + 1 – 0x41C02000 DDR (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x80100000, LENGTH = 2M DDR_DS (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x80300000, LENGTH = 1M /* DDR for MCU2_1 for Linux resource table [ size 1024 B ] */ DDR_IPC_RESOURCE_TABLE(RW) : ORIGIN = 0xA3300000, LENGTH = 0x400

/* Memory for IPC Vring's. MUST be non-cached or cache-coherent [ size 8.00 MB ] */ DDR_IPC_VRING_MEM(RW) : ORIGIN = 0xA4000000, LENGTH = 8M /* Dummy area for unspecified input sections. Size 0 */ /* causes an linker error if there is an input section not considered in linker command file. */ must_be_empty : ORIGIN = 0, LENGTH = 0}SECTIONS{ /DISCARD/ : { *(.comment) *(.ARM.exidx*) *(.gnu.linkonce.armexidix.*.*) } .vectors : { . = ALIGN(64); osee_vector_start = .; KEEP(*(.vectors)) . = ALIGN(0x80); osee_vector_end = . – 1; osee_vector_log2ceil_size = ((osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_vector_end – osee_vector_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); } > ATCM .kernel_bss_percpu (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_kernel_bss_percpu) } > BTCM .kernel_data_percpu : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_kernel_data_percpu) } > BTCM AT > SRAM

.startup : { . = ALIGN(64); *(.startup) *(osee_boot_kernel_text) *(.startupCode) . = ALIGN(8); } > SRAM .rodata.ipc : { *(.rodata.CddIpcConfiguraions_PC) . = ALIGN(8); } > SRAM .bss.ipc_vring_mem (NOLOAD) : { *(.bss.ipc_vring_mem) . = ALIGN(8); } > DDR_IPC_VRING_MEM .resource_table : { __RESOURCE_TABLE = .; *(.resource_table) . = ALIGN(8); __RESOURCE_TABLE_END = . – 1; } > DDR_IPC_RESOURCE_TABLE kernel_code_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_kernel_code_size_to_align); osee_kernel_code_start = .; } > DDR .kernel_text : { *(.boot) *(.kernel_text) *(osee_kernel_text) *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*) *(.plt) *(.gnu_warning) *(.gcc_execpt_table) *(.glue_7) *(.glue_7t) *(.vfp11_veneer) *(.ARM.extab) *(.gnu.linkonce.armextab.*) } > DDR OsApplication_Core0_code_start_align : { osee_OsApplication_Core0_code_start = .; } > DDR .OsApplication_Core0_text : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_OsApplication_Core0_text) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_text) } > DDR OsApplication_Core0_code_stop_align : { osee_OsApplication_Core0_code_end = .; } > DDR .text_cpu0 : { *(osee_core0_text) *(*_core0_text.*) } > DDR .init : { KEEP (*(.init)) } > DDR .fini : { KEEP (*(.fini)) } > DDR .interp : { KEEP (*(.interp)) } > DDR .note-ABI-tag : { KEEP (*(.note-ABI-tag)) } > DDR .ctors : { __CTOR_LIST__ = .; ___CTORS_LIST___ = .; KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend.o) .ctors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*))) KEEP (*(.ctors)) __CTOR_END__ = .; ___CTORS_END___ = .; } > DDR .dtors : { __DTOR_LIST__ = .; ___DTORS_LIST___ = .; KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*crtend.o) .dtors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*))) KEEP (*(.dtors)) __DTOR_END__ = .; ___DTORS_END___ = .; } > DDR .fixup : { *(.fixup) } > DDR .eh_frame : { *(.eh_frame) } > DDR .eh_framehdr : { *(.eh_framehdr) } > DDR .gcc_except_table : { *(.gcc_except_table) } > DDR kernel_code_stop_align : { osee_kernel_code_stop = .; osee_kernel_code_log2ceil_size = ((osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_kernel_code_stop – osee_kernel_code_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_kernel_code_size_to_align = 1 << osee_kernel_code_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_kernel_code_size_to_align); osee_kernel_code_end = .; } > DDR api_code_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_api_code_size_to_align); osee_api_code_start = .; } > DDR .api_text : { *(osee_api_text) *(*_api_text) } > DDR .text : { *(.text) *(.text.*) *(*_TEXT_SECTION) } > DDR api_code_stop_align : { osee_api_code_stop = .; osee_api_code_log2ceil_size = ((osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_api_code_stop – osee_api_code_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_api_code_size_to_align = 1 << osee_api_code_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_api_code_size_to_align); osee_api_code_end = .; } > DDR all_const_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_all_const_size_to_align); osee_all_const_start = .; } > DDR .rodata : ALIGN(4) { *(*_const) *(*api_const_64) *(*api_const_32) *(*api_const_ptr) *(*api_const_16) *(*api_const_8) *(*api_const_bool) *(*api_const_unspecified) *(*api_const) *(*_const_64) *(*_const_32) *(*_const_ptr) *(*_const_16) *(*_const_8) *(*_const_bool) *(*_const_unspecified) *(*_postbuildstruct) *(*_postbuildconfig) *(.rodata) *(.rodata.*) *(.rodata1) *(.rodata1.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.r.*) *(.const.devgroup.*) *(.boardcfg_data) *(*_CONFIG_SECTION) . = ALIGN(8) ; PROVIDE(__clear_table = .); LONG(0 + ADDR(.kernel_bss_global)); LONG(SIZEOF(.kernel_bss_global)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.kernel_bss)); LONG(SIZEOF(.kernel_bss)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.sbss)); LONG(SIZEOF(.sbss)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.sbss2)); LONG(SIZEOF(.sbss2)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.tbss)); LONG(SIZEOF(.tbss)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.api_bss)); LONG(SIZEOF(.api_bss)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.bss)); LONG(SIZEOF(.bss)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.OsApplication_Core0_bss)); LONG(SIZEOF(.OsApplication_Core0_bss)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.kernel_bss_cpu0)); LONG(SIZEOF(.kernel_bss_cpu0)); LONG(0 + ADDR(.api_bss_cpu0)); LONG(SIZEOF(.api_bss_cpu0)); LONG(-1); LONG(-1); PROVIDE(__copy_table = .) ; LONG(LOADADDR(.kernel_data_percpu)); LONG(ADDR(.kernel_data_percpu)); LONG(SIZEOF(.kernel_data_percpu)); LONG(-1); LONG(-1); LONG(-1); . = ALIGN(8); } > DDR .stack_sizes : ALIGN(4) { osEE_unwind_start = .; KEEP (*(.stack_sizes)) osEE_unwind_end = .; } > DDR all_const_stop_align : { osee_all_const_stop = .; osee_all_const_log2ceil_size = ((osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_all_const_stop – osee_all_const_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_all_const_size_to_align = 1 << osee_all_const_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_all_const_size_to_align); osee_all_const_end = .; } > DDR core0_kernel_ram_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_core0_kernel_ram_size_to_align); osee_core0_kernel_ram_start = .; } > DDR OsApplication_Core0_ram_start_align : { osee_OsApplication_Core0_ram_start = .; } > DDR .OsApplication_Core0_bss : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_OsApplication_Core0_bss) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_64) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_32) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_ptr) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_16) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_8) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_bool) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_bss_unspecified) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_postbuildbufbss) . = ALIGN(8); *(.bss.gEthRxBufMem) *(.bss.gEthTxBufMem) *(.bss.gEthCpswTxPkt) *(.bss.gEthCpswRxPkt) *(.bss.Cdd_IpcCommChBuf_0) . = ALIGN(8); *(.bss.Cdd_IpcCommChBuf_1) . = ALIGN(8); *(.bss.Cdd_IpcCommChBuf_2) . = ALIGN(8); *(ipc_data_buffer) . = ALIGN(8); *(.bss.Cdd_IpcRpMsgCtrlBuffer) . = ALIGN(8); *(.bss.*Ipc*) . = ALIGN(8); *(.bss.ddr) } > DDR .OsApplication_Core0_data : ALIGN(4) { osee_OsApplication_Core0_data_start = .; *(osee_OsApplication_Core0_data) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_64) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_32) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_ptr) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_16) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_8) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_bool) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_data_unspecified) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_postbuildbuf) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_postbuildbufdata) } > DDR . = ALIGN(64); OsApplication_Core0_ram_stop_align : { osee_OsApplication_Core0_ram_end = .; } > DDR .kernel_bss_cpu0 : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_core0_bss) *(*_core0_bss) . = ALIGN(8); } > DDR .kernel_data_cpu0 : ALIGN(4) { *(osee_core0_data) *(*_core0_data) } > DDR core0_kernel_ram_stop_align : { osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop = .; osee_core0_kernel_ram_log2ceil_size = ((osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_core0_kernel_ram_stop – osee_core0_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_core0_kernel_ram_size_to_align = 1 << osee_core0_kernel_ram_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_core0_kernel_ram_size_to_align); osee_core0_kernel_ram_end = .; } > DDR kernel_ram_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_kernel_ram_size_to_align); osee_kernel_ram_start = .; } > SRAM .kernel_bss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8) { osEE_bss_start = .; *(.bss_cpu) *(ioc_kernel_bss) *(osee_kernel_bss) *(osee_core*_kernel_bss) *(*_kernel_bss) *(.gnu.linkonce.b.*) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(8); osEE_bss_end = .; } > SRAM .kernel_bss_global (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_gbl_kernel_bss) } > SRAM .tbss : ALIGN(8) { *(.tbss) *(.tbss.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.tb.*) . = ALIGN(8); } > SRAM .sbss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8) { osEE_sbss_start = .; *(.sbss) *(.sbss.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.sb.*) . = ALIGN(8); osEE_sbss_end = .; } > SRAM .sbss2 : ALIGN(8) { *(.sbss2) *(.sbss2.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.sb2.*) . = ALIGN(8); } > SRAM .kernel_data : ALIGN(4) { osee_kernel_data_start = .; *(.data_cpu*) *(ioc_kernel_data) *(osee_kernel_data) *(osee_core*_kernel_data) *(*_kernel_data) *(.gnu.linkonce.d.*) } > SRAM .kernel_data_global : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_gbl_kernel_data) } > SRAM .data1 : ALIGN(4) { *(.data1) *(.data1.*) } > SRAM .sdata : ALIGN(4) { *(.sdata) *(.sdata.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.s.*) } > SRAM .sdata2 : ALIGN(4) { *(.sdata2) *(.sdata2.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.s2.*) } > SRAM .tdata : ALIGN(4) { *(.tdata) *(.tdata.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.td.*) } > SRAM .heap (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(64) { end = .; } > SRAM kernel_ram_stop_align : { osee_kernel_ram_stop = .; osee_kernel_ram_log2ceil_size = ((osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_kernel_ram_stop – osee_kernel_ram_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_kernel_ram_size_to_align = 1 << osee_kernel_ram_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_kernel_ram_size_to_align); osee_kernel_ram_end = .; } > SRAM api_ram_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_api_ram_size_to_align); osee_api_ram_start = .; } > SRAM .api_bss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_api_bss) *(*_api_bss_32) *(*_api_bss_ptr) *(*_api_bss_16) *(*_api_bss_8) *(*_api_bss_bool) *(*_api_bss_unspecified) *(*_api_bss) *(*_api_postbuildbufbss) . = ALIGN(8); } > SRAM .bss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8) { *(.bss) *(.bss.*) } > SRAM .api_data : ALIGN(4) { osee_api_data_start = .; *(osee_api_data) *(*_api_data_ptr) *(*_api_data_32) *(*_api_data_16) *(*_api_data_8) *(*_api_data_bool) *(*_api_data_unspecified) *(*_api_data) *(*_api_postbuildbuf) *(*_api_postbuildbufdata) } > SRAM .data : ALIGN(8) { *(.data) *(.data.*) *(*_DATA_INIT_*_SECTION) } > SRAM api_ram_stop_align : { osee_api_ram_stop = .; osee_api_ram_log2ceil_size = ((osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_api_ram_stop – osee_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_api_ram_size_to_align = 1 << osee_api_ram_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_api_ram_size_to_align); osee_api_ram_end = .; } > SRAM core0_api_ram_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_core0_api_ram_size_to_align); osee_core0_api_ram_start = .; } > SRAM .api_bss_cpu0 : ALIGN(8) { *(osee_core0_api_bss) *(*_core0_api_bss) . = ALIGN(8); } > SRAM .api_data_cpu0 : ALIGN(4) { *(osee_core0_api_data) *(*_core0_api_data) } > SRAM core0_api_ram_stop_align : { osee_core0_api_ram_stop = .; osee_core0_api_ram_log2ceil_size = ((osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_core0_api_ram_stop – osee_core0_api_ram_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_core0_api_ram_size_to_align = 1 << osee_core0_api_ram_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_core0_api_ram_size_to_align); osee_core0_api_ram_end = .; } > SRAM os_stack_start_align : { . = ALIGN(osee_os_stack_size_to_align); osee_os_stack_start = .; } > SRAM .stack (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(64) { *(.stack) } > SRAM . += 32; . = ALIGN(32); osee_OsApplication_Core0_stack_start = .; . = ALIGN(1024); .OsApplication_Core0_stack : ALIGN(4) { *(osee_OsApplication_Core0_stack) *(*_OsApplication_Core0_stack) } > SRAM . = ALIGN(32); osee_OsApplication_Core0_stack_end = .; . += 32; . = ALIGN(32); .cpu0.stack (NOLOAD): ALIGN(16) { osee_core0_stack_start = .; *(.stack_cpu0) *(.ustack_cpu0*) . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_sys_stack_top = .); . += Mode_SYS_Stack_Size; . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_sys_stack = .); PROVIDE(osee_core0_sys_stack_bottom = .); osEE_core0_svc_stack_top = .; . += Mode_SVC_Stack_Size; osEE_core0_svc_stack_bottom = .; . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_svc_stack = .); osEE_core0_irq_stack_top = .; . += Mode_IRQ_Stack_Size; osEE_core0_irq_stack_bottom = .; . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_irq_stack = .); osEE_core0_fiq_stack_top = .; . += Mode_FIQ_Stack_Size; osEE_core0_fiq_stack_bottom = .; . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_fiq_stack = .); osEE_core0_abt_stack_top = .; . += Mode_EXE_Stack_Size; osEE_core0_abt_stack_bottom = .; . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_abt_stack = .); osEE_core0_und_stack_top = .; . += Mode_EXE_Stack_Size; osEE_core0_und_stack_bottom = .; . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE(osee_core0_und_stack = .); osee_core0_stack_end = .; } > SRAM os_stack_stop_align : { osee_os_stack_stop = .; osee_os_stack_log2ceil_size = ((osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 5) ? 5 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 6) ? 6 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 7) ? 7 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 8) ? 8 :(osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 9) ? 9 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 10) ? 10 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 11) ? 11 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 12) ? 12 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 13) ? 13 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 14) ? 14 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 15) ? 15 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 16) ? 16 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 17) ? 17 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 18) ? 18 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 19) ? 19 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 20) ? 20 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 21) ? 21 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 22) ? 22 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 23) ? 23 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 24) ? 24 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 25) ? 25 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 26) ? 26 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 27) ? 27 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 28) ? 28 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 29) ? 29 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 30) ? 30 : (osee_os_stack_stop – osee_os_stack_start) <= (1 << 31) ? 31 : -1); osee_os_stack_size_to_align = 1 << osee_os_stack_log2ceil_size; . = ALIGN(osee_os_stack_size_to_align); osee_os_stack_end = .; } > SRAM

.caldata : { __DS_CALDATA_START = .; *(.caldata.asw) . = ALIGN(8); __DS_CALDATA_LVL2_START = .; *(.caldata.lvl2) . = ALIGN(8); __DS_CALDATA_LVL2_END = . – 1; *(.caldata) . = ALIGN(8); __DS_CALDATA_END = . – 1; } > DDR_DS

/***********************************************************/ /* virtual sections without memory */ /***********************************************************/ .debug_aranges 0 : { *(.debug_aranges) } .debug_macinfo 0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) } .debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) } .debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info) } .debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line) }

.debug_frame 0 : { *(.debug_frame) } .debug_ranges 0 : { *(.debug_ranges) } .debug_str 0 : { *(.debug_str) } .debug_loc 0 : { *(.debug_loc) } .ARM.attributes 0 : { *(.ARM.attributes)} .rel.plt 0 : { *(.rel.plt) } .rel.dyn 0 : { *(.rel.dyn) } .symtab 0 : { *(.symtab) } .symtab_shndxr 0 : { *(.symtab_shndxr) } .shstrtab 0 : { *(.shstrtab) } .strtab 0 : { *(.strtab) } .unspecified_sections : { *(*) } > must_be_empty}


Cherry Zhou:




Cherry Zhou:



未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » DRA821U: 2G中的PORT1不能正常的发送报文,超出配置的发送buffer个数后,请求无空闲buffer,导致发送失败。
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