
BQ24715: Some question about the voltage of BATDRV pin

Part Number:BQ24715

Hi TI Teams,

我这边关于BQ24715 BATDRV 引脚(Pin11) 有一个疑问,从BQ24715 Datasheet 上可以看到BATDRV的 用于控制电池包充电的MOS管的开断

在未插入Adapter的情况下,我们测量到的BATDRV引脚电平为低电平,但是在Datasheet Figure 12 Charge Startup and Shutdown 波形图上看到初始BATDRV的电平为高,想确认Figure 12 的波形图是在什么条件下测到的,或者说未插入Adapter的情况下BATDRV的电平情况如何?如何控制BATDRV 电平的高低?


Kind Regards

Star Xu:


/BATDRV goes low (SRN – 6V) to turn on the BATFET when the BQ24715 is operating in battery-only mode (adapter not present), or when the BQ24715 is fast charging the battery. /BATDRV goes high (SRN) to turn off the BATFET when charging is disabled. The BATFET can also operate in linear mode in order to regulate VSYS above the MinSystemVoltage() setting, 详细请参考数据手册8.4.1 LDO Mode and Minimum System Voltage

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