
TDA4VM: How to process raw data before VISS

Part Number:TDA4VM


I try to add some function to process Raw data before VISS Node in the TDA4VM's Single Cam example,

My RTOS SDK is ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-07_03_00_07.

I use 'tivxMapRawImagePatch' to get the data point of cap_frames in function app_run_graph(before call vxGraphParameterEnqueueReadyRef(cap_frames)), then try to modify the data e.g. *data = 129(loop for all pixels), then call tivxUnmapRawImagePatch.

But the preview does not change, seems VISS still use the original Raw.

How to modify/process Raw data before Viss?


Cherry Zhou:

Hi we have got your issue and ask help from e2e, please expect the response! Thanks.


Cherry Zhou:


In this case, can you update capture node itself, so that it updates buffer before sending it to the viss node? 

Btw, is the capture output declared as graph parameter? and is it dequeued before calling maprawimagepatch?


bruce li:

Hi Cherry,

How to process the raw in Capture node?

Btw, I call maprawimagepatch after 'vxGraphParameterDequeueDoneRef' (single cam main.c, app_run_graph's for[frm_loop_cnt] loop)


Cherry Zhou:


You could update the capture node, implemented in the file ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_00_00_12\tiovx\kernels_j7\hwa\capture\vx_capture_target.c. Once the buffer is dequeued using fvid2_dequeue API, then you could be update the buffer..

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