
如何修改zc706 Vadj 到3.3V?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread:UCD90120A

請問要如何將 zc706 Vadj 調整到 3.3V ?(default 2.5V)

我遵循了此文件 ZC706_Power_Controllers_Reprogramming_Steps.pdf ,

將Texas Instruments USB Interface Adapter 連接到 zc706,

使用 TI Digital Power Manufacturing Tool 來run script (ZC706_RevB_TI_Addr101_R1.xml),

卻遭遇了 Error 如下:

ON_OFF_CONFIG write Mode: OPERATION Only [0x18] on UCD90120A @ PMBus Address 101d error: WRITE VERIFICATION READ BACK FAILED; can not continue with project import


Johnsin Tao:

Hi参考这个回复:e2e.ti.com/…/960099用数字电源得另外一个工具 Fusion Digital power Designer。


Johnsin Tao:

Hi参考这个回复:e2e.ti.com/…/960099用数字电源得另外一个工具 Fusion Digital power Designer。


Eric Lee6:

Hi,我使用另一工具Fusion Digital power Designer,在Rail Configuration中, 將Rail#4Vout電壓設成3.3V,然後Write to Hardware, 確遭遇下列的錯誤訊息,請問要如何解決此錯誤訊息呢?谢谢。
UCD90120A @ 101d: LOGGED_FAULTS [MFR 26,0xEA]: wrote Common: <EMPTY>; GPI: <empty>; Rail #1: <EMPTY>; Rail #2: <EMPTY>; Rail #3: <EMPTY>; Rail #4: <EMPTY>; Rail #5: <EMPTY>; Rail #6: <EMPTY>; Rail #7: <EMPTY>; Rail #8: <EMPTY>; Rail #9: <EMPTY>; Rail #10: <EMPTY>; Rail #11: <EMPTY>; Rail #12: <EMPTY> [0x0000000000000000000000000000] to flash
16:24:46.227: UCD90120A @ 101d: LOGGED_PAGE_PEAKS [MFR 29,0xED,Rail #4]: wrote Voltage: 0.000 V, Current: 0.00 A, Temp: 0 °C [0x0000000000] to flash

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