
BQ30Z554-R1: BQ30Z55 常温充放电正常,移到低温下时静置5~12小时容量突变为0

Part Number:BQ30Z554-R1Other Parts Discussed in Thread:BQ40Z50, GPCRB, BQSTUDIO


再重新移到常温下,放置5~12小时,可能又会变回来,SBS截图.doc 30z55不良分析.xls




Cherry Zhou:



Cherry Zhou:

您好,对于低温测量来说,通常使用 GPCRB 工具来帮助解决电池电阻的低温系数。 由于该器件是一款较旧的传统电量计,不支持 GPCRB 工具,因此您需要升级到 BQ40Z50 才能进行低温调节。

user4973425 说:不良品已使用120个循环,生产后未出货的电池并无此现像(用同样的方法测试)

您说生产后未出货的电池并没有该问题,也就是说只会在封装120 个循环后出现该问题?








Cherry Zhou:

您好,能否提供下好的电池以及异常电池的.gg file?

如果误差发生的几率很低,可能会有很多不同的情况。包括异常电池导致 V 电压更快命中,或者如果电芯不平衡,而您使用基于电池组的终端,那也可能发生这种情况。 更有可能的是,有一个坏电池, Ra 学习增加了电池电阻,可能导致压降。




[Header] [Header] bq EVSW Version = 0.9.92 bq EVSW Version = 0.9.92 DeviceName = bq30z55R3 v0.36 DeviceName = bq30z55R3 v0.36 Time = 2022/2/20 11:39:35 Time = 2022/2/20 23:29:53 [State(Gas Gauging)] [State(Gas Gauging)] TRUEQmax Cell 0 = 6380 Qmax Cell 0 = 6406 FALSEQmax Cell 1 = 6398 Qmax Cell 1 = 6391 FALSEQmax Cell 2 = 6000 Qmax Cell 2 = 6000 TRUEQmax Cell 3 = 6000 Qmax Cell 3 = 6000 TRUEQmax Pack = 6380 Qmax Pack = 6391 FALSEQmax Update Cycle Count = 82 Qmax Update Cycle Count = 0 FALSEUpdate Status = 0E Update Status = 0E TRUECell 0 Chg Voltage at EoC = 4337 Cell 0 Chg Voltage at EoC = 4345 FALSECell 1 Chg Voltage at EoC = 4335 Cell 1 Chg Voltage at EoC = 4344 FALSECell 2 Chg Voltage at EoC = 0 Cell 2 Chg Voltage at EoC = 0 TRUECell 3 Chg Voltage at EoC = 0 Cell 3 Chg Voltage at EoC = 0 TRUECurrent at EoC = 146 Current at EoC = 146 TRUEAvg I Last Run = -3001 Avg I Last Run = -1192 FALSEAvg P Last Run = -2200 Avg P Last Run = -899 FALSEDelta Voltage = 5 Delta Voltage = 1 FALSEMax Avg I Last Run = -3004 Max Avg I Last Run = -1193 FALSEMax Avg P Last Run = -2291 Max Avg P Last Run = -919 FALSE[IT Cfg(Gas Gauging)] [IT Cfg(Gas Gauging)] TRUELoad Select = 7 Load Select = 7 TRUELoad Mode = 0 Load Mode = 0 TRUERa Filter = 50.0 Ra Filter = 50.0 TRUERa Max Delta = 15 Ra Max Delta = 15 TRUEDesign Resistance = 28 Design Resistance = 28 TRUEReference Grid = 4 Reference Grid = 4 TRUEResistance Parameter Filter = 65142 Resistance Parameter Filter = 65142 TRUEMin % Passed Chg for 1st Qm = 90 Min % Passed Chg for 1st Qm = 90 TRUETerm Voltage = 6000 Term Voltage = 6000 TRUETerm Voltage Delta = 300 Term Voltage Delta = 300 TRUEUser Rate-mA = 0 User Rate-mA = 0 TRUEUser Rate-cW = 0 User Rate-cW = 0 TRUEReserve Cap-mAh = 0 Reserve Cap-mAh = 0 TRUEReserve Cap-cWh = 0 Reserve Cap-cWh = 0 TRUERemcap Smoothing Filter = 250 Remcap Smoothing Filter = 250 TRUEFast Scale Start SOC = 10 Fast Scale Start SOC = 10 TRUE[Current Thresholds(Gas Gauging)] [Current Thresholds(Gas Gauging)] TRUEDsg Current Threshold = 100 Dsg Current Threshold = 100 TRUEChg Current Threshold = 50 Chg Current Threshold = 50 TRUEQuit Current = 10 Quit Current = 10 TRUE TRUE[R_a0(Ra Table)] [R_a0(Ra Table)] TRUECell0 R_a flag = 0055 Cell0 R_a flag = 0000 FALSECell0 R_a 0 = 731 Cell0 R_a 0 = 325 FALSECell0 R_a 1 = 163 Cell0 R_a 1 = 74 FALSECell0 R_a 2 = 155 Cell0 R_a 2 = 71 FALSECell0 R_a 3 = 158 Cell0 R_a 3 = 75 FALSECell0 R_a 4 = 129 Cell0 R_a 4 = 64 FALSECell0 R_a 5 = 114 Cell0 R_a 5 = 62 FALSECell0 R_a 6 = 124 Cell0 R_a 6 = 70 FALSECell0 R_a 7 = 140 Cell0 R_a 7 = 76 FALSECell0 R_a 8 = 145 Cell0 R_a 8 = 86 FALSECell0 R_a 9 = 173 Cell0 R_a 9 = 87 FALSECell0 R_a 10 = 210 Cell0 R_a 10 = 89 FALSECell0 R_a 11 = 210 Cell0 R_a 11 = 96 FALSECell0 R_a 12 = 210 Cell0 R_a 12 = 106 FALSECell0 R_a 13 = 333 Cell0 R_a 13 = 178 FALSECell0 R_a 14 = 484 Cell0 R_a 14 = 258 FALSE[R_a1(Ra Table)] [R_a1(Ra Table)] TRUECell1 R_a flag = 0000 Cell1 R_a flag = 0055 FALSECell1 R_a 0 = 763 Cell1 R_a 0 = 342 FALSECell1 R_a 1 = 169 Cell1 R_a 1 = 74 FALSECell1 R_a 2 = 162 Cell1 R_a 2 = 73 FALSECell1 R_a 3 = 164 Cell1 R_a 3 = 84 FALSECell1 R_a 4 = 138 Cell1 R_a 4 = 73 FALSECell1 R_a 5 = 125 Cell1 R_a 5 = 73 FALSECell1 R_a 6 = 137 Cell1 R_a 6 = 86 FALSECell1 R_a 7 = 155 Cell1 R_a 7 = 91 FALSECell1 R_a 8 = 157 Cell1 R_a 8 = 100 FALSECell1 R_a 9 = 199 Cell1 R_a 9 = 104 FALSECell1 R_a 10 = 185 Cell1 R_a 10 = 110 FALSECell1 R_a 11 = 185 Cell1 R_a 11 = 122 FALSECell1 R_a 12 = 244 Cell1 R_a 12 = 162 FALSECell1 R_a 13 = 349 Cell1 R_a 13 = 237 FALSECell1 R_a 14 = 518 Cell1 R_a 14 = 366 FALSE[R_a2(Ra Table)] [R_a2(Ra Table)] TRUECell2 R_a flag = FF55 Cell2 R_a flag = FF55 TRUECell2 R_a 0 = 350 Cell2 R_a 0 = 350 TRUECell2 R_a 1 = 43 Cell2 R_a 1 = 43 TRUECell2 R_a 2 = 51 Cell2 R_a 2 = 51 TRUECell2 R_a 3 = 69 Cell2 R_a 3 = 69 TRUECell2 R_a 4 = 49 Cell2 R_a 4 = 49 TRUECell2 R_a 5 = 45 Cell2 R_a 5 = 45 TRUECell2 R_a 6 = 53 Cell2 R_a 6 = 53 TRUECell2 R_a 7 = 47 Cell2 R_a 7 = 47 TRUECell2 R_a 8 = 48 Cell2 R_a 8 = 48 TRUECell2 R_a 9 = 50 Cell2 R_a 9 = 50 TRUECell2 R_a 10 = 51 Cell2 R_a 10 = 51 TRUECell2 R_a 11 = 54 Cell2 R_a 11 = 54 TRUECell2 R_a 12 = 62 Cell2 R_a 12 = 62 TRUECell2 R_a 13 = 110 Cell2 R_a 13 = 110 TRUECell2 R_a 14 = 161 Cell2 R_a 14 = 161 TRUE[R_a3(Ra Table)] [R_a3(Ra Table)] TRUECell3 R_a flag = FF55 Cell3 R_a flag = FF55 TRUECell3 R_a 0 = 350 Cell3 R_a 0 = 350 TRUECell3 R_a 1 = 43 Cell3 R_a 1 = 43 TRUECell3 R_a 2 = 51 Cell3 R_a 2 = 51 TRUECell3 R_a 3 = 69 Cell3 R_a 3 = 69 TRUECell3 R_a 4 = 49 Cell3 R_a 4 = 49 TRUECell3 R_a 5 = 45 Cell3 R_a 5 = 45 TRUECell3 R_a 6 = 53 Cell3 R_a 6 = 53 TRUECell3 R_a 7 = 47 Cell3 R_a 7 = 47 TRUECell3 R_a 8 = 48 Cell3 R_a 8 = 48 TRUECell3 R_a 9 = 50 Cell3 R_a 9 = 50 TRUECell3 R_a 10 = 51 Cell3 R_a 10 = 51 TRUECell3 R_a 11 = 54 Cell3 R_a 11 = 54 TRUECell3 R_a 12 = 62 Cell3 R_a 12 = 62 TRUECell3 R_a 13 = 110 Cell3 R_a 13 = 110 TRUECell3 R_a 14 = 161 Cell3 R_a 14 = 161 TRUE[R_a0x(Ra Table)] [R_a0x(Ra Table)] TRUExCell0 R_a flag = 0000 xCell0 R_a flag = 0055 FALSExCell0 R_a 0 = 731 xCell0 R_a 0 = 325 FALSExCell0 R_a 1 = 163 xCell0 R_a 1 = 74 FALSExCell0 R_a 2 = 155 xCell0 R_a 2 = 71 FALSExCell0 R_a 3 = 158 xCell0 R_a 3 = 75 FALSExCell0 R_a 4 = 133 xCell0 R_a 4 = 64 FALSExCell0 R_a 5 = 118 xCell0 R_a 5 = 63 FALSExCell0 R_a 6 = 128 xCell0 R_a 6 = 71 FALSExCell0 R_a 7 = 144 xCell0 R_a 7 = 77 FALSExCell0 R_a 8 = 149 xCell0 R_a 8 = 87 FALSExCell0 R_a 9 = 178 xCell0 R_a 9 = 88 FALSExCell0 R_a 10 = 217 xCell0 R_a 10 = 90 FALSExCell0 R_a 11 = 217 xCell0 R_a 11 = 98 FALSExCell0 R_a 12 = 217 xCell0 R_a 12 = 108 FALSExCell0 R_a 13 = 343 xCell0 R_a 13 = 181 FALSExCell0 R_a 14 = 499 xCell0 R_a 14 = 262 FALSE[R_a1x(Ra Table)] [R_a1x(Ra Table)] TRUExCell1 R_a flag = 0055 xCell1 R_a flag = 0000 FALSExCell1 R_a 0 = 763 xCell1 R_a 0 = 342 FALSExCell1 R_a 1 = 169 xCell1 R_a 1 = 74 FALSExCell1 R_a 2 = 162 xCell1 R_a 2 = 73 FALSExCell1 R_a 3 = 164 xCell1 R_a 3 = 84 FALSExCell1 R_a 4 = 134 xCell1 R_a 4 = 73 FALSExCell1 R_a 5 = 121 xCell1 R_a 5 = 72 FALSExCell1 R_a 6 = 133 xCell1 R_a 6 = 85 FALSExCell1 R_a 7 = 151 xCell1 R_a 7 = 90 FALSExCell1 R_a 8 = 152 xCell1 R_a 8 = 99 FALSExCell1 R_a 9 = 193 xCell1 R_a 9 = 103 FALSExCell1 R_a 10 = 180 xCell1 R_a 10 = 108 FALSExCell1 R_a 11 = 180 xCell1 R_a 11 = 120 FALSExCell1 R_a 12 = 237 xCell1 R_a 12 = 160 FALSExCell1 R_a 13 = 339 xCell1 R_a 13 = 234 FALSExCell1 R_a 14 = 503 xCell1 R_a 14 = 361 FALSE[R_a2x(Ra Table)] [R_a2x(Ra Table)] TRUExCell2 R_a flag = FFFF xCell2 R_a flag = FFFF TRUExCell2 R_a 0 = 350 xCell2 R_a 0 = 350 TRUExCell2 R_a 1 = 43 xCell2 R_a 1 = 43 TRUExCell2 R_a 2 = 51 xCell2 R_a 2 = 51 TRUExCell2 R_a 3 = 69 xCell2 R_a 3 = 69 TRUExCell2 R_a 4 = 49 xCell2 R_a 4 = 49 TRUExCell2 R_a 5 = 45 xCell2 R_a 5 = 45 TRUExCell2 R_a 6 = 53 xCell2 R_a 6 = 53 TRUExCell2 R_a 7 = 47 xCell2 R_a 7 = 47 TRUExCell2 R_a 8 = 48 xCell2 R_a 8 = 48 TRUExCell2 R_a 9 = 50 xCell2 R_a 9 = 50 TRUExCell2 R_a 10 = 51 xCell2 R_a 10 = 51 TRUExCell2 R_a 11 = 54 xCell2 R_a 11 = 54 TRUExCell2 R_a 12 = 62 xCell2 R_a 12 = 62 TRUExCell2 R_a 13 = 110 xCell2 R_a 13 = 110 TRUExCell2 R_a 14 = 161 xCell2 R_a 14 = 161 TRUE[R_a3x(Ra Table)] [R_a3x(Ra Table)] TRUExCell3 R_a flag = FFFF xCell3 R_a flag = FFFF TRUExCell3 R_a 0 = 350 xCell3 R_a 0 = 350 TRUExCell3 R_a 1 = 43 xCell3 R_a 1 = 43 TRUExCell3 R_a 2 = 51 xCell3 R_a 2 = 51 TRUExCell3 R_a 3 = 69 xCell3 R_a 3 = 69 TRUExCell3 R_a 4 = 49 xCell3 R_a 4 = 49 TRUExCell3 R_a 5 = 45 xCell3 R_a 5 = 45 TRUExCell3 R_a 6 = 53 xCell3 R_a 6 = 53 TRUExCell3 R_a 7 = 47 xCell3 R_a 7 = 47 TRUExCell3 R_a 8 = 48 xCell3 R_a 8 = 48 TRUExCell3 R_a 9 = 50 xCell3 R_a 9 = 50 TRUExCell3 R_a 10 = 51 xCell3 R_a 10 = 51 TRUExCell3 R_a 11 = 54 xCell3 R_a 11 = 54 TRUExCell3 R_a 12 = 62 xCell3 R_a 12 = 62 TRUExCell3 R_a 13 = 110 xCell3 R_a 13 = 110 TRUExCell3 R_a 14 = 161 xCell3 R_a 14 = 161 TRUE TRUE[Manufacturer Data(System Data)] [Manufacturer Data(System Data)] TRUEManufacturerInfo = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzxy012345 ManufacturerInfo = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzxy012345 TRUE[Integrity(System Data)] [Integrity(System Data)] TRUEData Flash Checksum = 0000 Data Flash Checksum = 0000 TRUE TRUE[Data(SBS Configuration)] [Data(SBS Configuration)] TRUERemaining AH Cap. Alarm = 600 Remaining AH Cap. Alarm = 600 TRUERemaining WH Cap. Alarm = 456 Remaining WH Cap. Alarm = 456 TRUERemaining Time Alarm = 10 Remaining Time Alarm = 10 TRUEInitial Battery Mode = 0081 Initial Battery Mode = 0081 TRUEDesign Voltage = 7600 Design Voltage = 7600 TRUESpecification Information = 0031 Specification Information = 0031 TRUEManufacture Date = 31-Oct-2020 Manufacture Date = 08-Jun-2021 FALSESerial Number = 0140 Serial Number = 0014 FALSECycle Count = 121 Cycle Count = 2 FALSECycle Count Percentage = 90 Cycle Count Percentage = 90 TRUEMax Error Limit = 100 Max Error Limit = 100 TRUEDesign Capacity mAh = 6000 Design Capacity mAh = 6000 TRUEDesign Capacity cWh = 4560 Design Capacity cWh = 4560 TRUEManufacturer Name = GF Manufacturer Name = GF TRUEDevice Name = GF-NB093-V3.0 Device Name = GF-NB093-V3.0 TRUEDevice Chemistry = 0354 Device Chemistry = 0354 TRUE[FD(SBS Configuration)] [FD(SBS Configuration)] TRUESet Voltage Threshold = 3000 Set Voltage Threshold = 3000 TRUEClear Voltage Threshold = 3400 Clear Voltage Threshold = 3400 TRUESet % RSOC Threshold = 0 Set % RSOC Threshold = 0 TRUEClear % RSOC Threshold = 5 Clear % RSOC Threshold = 5 TRUE[FC(SBS Configuration)] [FC(SBS Configuration)] TRUESet Voltage Threshold = 4350 Set Voltage Threshold = 4350 TRUEClear Voltage Threshold = 4250 Clear Voltage Threshold = 4250 TRUESet % RSOC Threshold = 100 Set % RSOC Threshold = 100 TRUEClear % RSOC Threshold = 95 Clear % RSOC Threshold = 95 TRUE[TDA(SBS Configuration)] [TDA(SBS Configuration)] TRUESet Voltage Threshold = 3450 Set Voltage Threshold = 3450 TRUEClear Voltage Threshold = 3550 Clear Voltage Threshold = 3550 TRUESet % RSOC Threshold = 10 Set % RSOC Threshold = 10 TRUEClear % RSOC Treshold = 15 Clear % RSOC Treshold = 15 TRUE[TCA(SBS Configuration)] [TCA(SBS Configuration)] TRUESet Voltage Threshold = 4350 Set Voltage Threshold = 4350 TRUEClear Voltage Threshold = 4200 Clear Voltage Threshold = 4200 TRUESet % RSOC Threshold = 100 Set % RSOC Threshold = 100 TRUEClear % RSOC Threshold = 95 Clear % RSOC Threshold = 95 TRUE[Max Error(SBS Configuration)] [Max Error(SBS Configuration)] TRUETime Cycle Equivalent = 24 Time Cycle Equivalent = 24 TRUECycle Delta = 0.05 Cycle Delta = 0.05 TRUE TRUE[CUV(Protections)] [CUV(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 2750 Threshold = 2750 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUERecovery = 3000 Recovery = 3000 TRUE[CUVC(Protections)] [CUVC(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 2650 Threshold = 2650 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUERecovery = 3000 Recovery = 3000 TRUE[COV(Protections)] [COV(Protections)] TRUEThreshold Low Temp = 4400 Threshold Low Temp = 4400 TRUEThreshold Standard Temp = 4400 Threshold Standard Temp = 4400 TRUEThreshold High Temp = 4400 Threshold High Temp = 4400 TRUEThreshold Rec Temp = 4400 Threshold Rec Temp = 4400 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUERecovery Low Temp = 4250 Recovery Low Temp = 4250 TRUERecovery Standard Temp = 4250 Recovery Standard Temp = 4250 TRUERecovery High Temp = 4250 Recovery High Temp = 4250 TRUERecovery Rec Temp = 4250 Recovery Rec Temp = 4250 TRUE[OCC1(Protections)] [OCC1(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 5000 Threshold = 5000 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUE[OCC2(Protections)] [OCC2(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 7000 Threshold = 7000 TRUEDelay = 1 Delay = 1 TRUE[OCC(Protections)] [OCC(Protections)] TRUERecovery Threshold = 0 Recovery Threshold = 0 TRUERecovery Delay = 15 Recovery Delay = 15 TRUE[OCD1(Protections)] [OCD1(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = -12000 Threshold = -12000 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUE[OCD2(Protections)] [OCD2(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = -13500 Threshold = -13500 TRUEDelay = 1 Delay = 1 TRUE[OCD(Protections)] [OCD(Protections)] TRUERecovery Threshold = 0 Recovery Threshold = 0 TRUERecovery Delay = 15 Recovery Delay = 15 TRUE[OLD(Protections)] [OLD(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 04 Threshold = 04 TRUEDelay = 05 Delay = 05 TRUELatch Limit = 0 Latch Limit = 0 TRUECounter Dec Delay = 10 Counter Dec Delay = 10 TRUERecovery = 15 Recovery = 15 TRUEReset = 15 Reset = 15 TRUE[SCC(Protections)] [SCC(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 20 Threshold = 20 TRUELatch Limit = 0 Latch Limit = 0 TRUECounter Dec Delay = 10 Counter Dec Delay = 10 TRUERecovery = 15 Recovery = 15 TRUEReset = 15 Reset = 15 TRUE[SCD1(Protections)] [SCD1(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 31 Threshold = 31 TRUE[SCD2(Protections)] [SCD2(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 32 Threshold = 32 TRUE[SCD(Protections)] [SCD(Protections)] TRUELatch Limit = 0 Latch Limit = 0 TRUECounter Dec Delay = 10 Counter Dec Delay = 10 TRUERecovery = 5 Recovery = 5 TRUEReset = 15 Reset = 15 TRUE[OTC(Protections)] [OTC(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 42.0 Threshold = 42.0 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUERecovery = 40.0 Recovery = 40.0 TRUE[OTD(Protections)] [OTD(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 65.0 Threshold = 65.0 TRUEDelay = 3 Delay = 3 TRUERecovery = 55.0 Recovery = 55.0 TRUE[OTF(Protections)] [OTF(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 80.0 Threshold = 80.0 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUERecovery = 65.0 Recovery = 65.0 TRUE[HWD(Protections)] [HWD(Protections)] TRUEDelay = 10 Delay = 10 TRUE[PTO(Protections)] [PTO(Protections)] TRUECharge Threshold = 2000 Charge Threshold = 2000 TRUESuspend Threshold = 1800 Suspend Threshold = 1800 TRUEDelay = 1800 Delay = 1800 TRUEReset = 2 Reset = 2 TRUE[CTO(Protections)] [CTO(Protections)] TRUECharge Threshold = 2500 Charge Threshold = 2500 TRUESuspend Threshold = 2000 Suspend Threshold = 2000 TRUEDelay = 54000 Delay = 54000 TRUEReset = 2 Reset = 2 TRUE[OC(Protections)] [OC(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 1000 Threshold = 1000 TRUERecovery = 2 Recovery = 2 TRUERSOC Recovery = 90 RSOC Recovery = 90 TRUE[CHGV(Protections)] [CHGV(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 500 Threshold = 500 TRUEDelay = 30 Delay = 30 TRUERecovery = -500 Recovery = -500 TRUE[CHGC(Protections)] [CHGC(Protections)] TRUEThreshold = 500 Threshold = 500 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUERecovery = 100 Recovery = 100 TRUE TRUE[CUV(Permanent Fail)] [CUV(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 2000 Threshold = 2000 TRUEDelay = 5 Delay = 5 TRUE[COV(Permanent Fail)] [COV(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 4450 Threshold = 4450 TRUEDelay = 5 Delay = 5 TRUE[CUDEP(Permanent Fail)] [CUDEP(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 2000 Threshold = 2000 TRUEDelay = 15 Delay = 15 TRUE[OTCE(Permanent Fail)] [OTCE(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 85.0 Threshold = 85.0 TRUEDelay = 5 Delay = 5 TRUE[OTF(Permanent Fail)] [OTF(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 120.0 Threshold = 120.0 TRUEDelay = 5 Delay = 5 TRUE[QIM(Permanent Fail)] [QIM(Permanent Fail)] TRUEDelta Threshold = 2200 Delta Threshold = 2200 TRUEDelay = 5 Delay = 5 TRUE[CB(Permanent Fail)] [CB(Permanent Fail)] TRUEMax Threshold = 240 Max Threshold = 240 TRUEDelta Threshold = 40 Delta Threshold = 40 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUE[VIMR(Permanent Fail)] [VIMR(Permanent Fail)] TRUECheck Voltage = 3500 Check Voltage = 3500 TRUECheck Current = 10 Check Current = 10 TRUEDelta Threshold = 500 Delta Threshold = 500 TRUEDelta Delay = 30 Delta Delay = 30 TRUEDuration = 1800 Duration = 1800 TRUE[VIMA(Permanent Fail)] [VIMA(Permanent Fail)] TRUECheck Voltage = 3700 Check Voltage = 3700 TRUECheck Current = 50 Check Current = 50 TRUEDelta Threshold = 500 Delta Threshold = 500 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUE[IMP(Permanent Fail)] [IMP(Permanent Fail)] TRUEDelta Threshold = 300 Delta Threshold = 300 TRUEMax Threshold = 400 Max Threshold = 400 TRUERa Update Counts = 2 Ra Update Counts = 2 TRUE[CD(Permanent Fail)] [CD(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 0 Threshold = 0 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUE[CFET(Permanent Fail)] [CFET(Permanent Fail)] TRUEOFF Threshold = 5 OFF Threshold = 5 TRUEOFF Delay = 30 OFF Delay = 30 TRUE[DFET(Permanent Fail)] [DFET(Permanent Fail)] TRUEOFF Threshold = -5 OFF Threshold = -5 TRUEOFF Delay = 30 OFF Delay = 30 TRUE[TH(Permanent Fail)] [TH(Permanent Fail)] TRUEADC Delay = 10 ADC Delay = 10 TRUE[FUSE(Permanent Fail)] [FUSE(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 5 Threshold = 5 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUE[AFER(Permanent Fail)] [AFER(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 100 Threshold = 100 TRUEDelay Period = 2 Delay Period = 2 TRUECompare Period = 5 Compare Period = 5 TRUE[AFEC(Permanent Fail)] [AFEC(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 100 Threshold = 100 TRUEDelay Period = 5 Delay Period = 5 TRUE[2LVL(Permanent Fail)] [2LVL(Permanent Fail)] TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUE[OCECO(Permanent Fail)] [OCECO(Permanent Fail)] TRUEThreshold = 5000 Threshold = 5000 TRUEDelay = 2 Delay = 2 TRUE TRUE[Device Status Data(PF Status)] [Device Status Data(PF Status)] TRUESafety Alert 0-15 = 0000 Safety Alert 0-15 = 0000 TRUESafety Status 0-15 = 0000 Safety Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUEPF Alert 0-15 = 0000 PF Alert 0-15 = 0000 TRUEPF Status 0-15 = 0000 PF Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUESafety Alert 16-31 = 0000 Safety Alert 16-31 = 0000 TRUESafety Status 16-31 = 0000 Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUEPF Alert 16-31 = 0000 PF Alert 16-31 = 0000 TRUEPF Status 16-31 = 0000 PF Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUEOperation Status 0-15 = 0000 Operation Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUEOperation Status 16-31 = 0000 Operation Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUECharging Status 0-15 = 0000 Charging Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUECharging Status 16-23 = 00 Charging Status 16-23 = 00 TRUEGauging Status = 0000 Gauging Status = 0000 TRUE[Device Voltage Data(PF Status)] [Device Voltage Data(PF Status)] TRUECell Voltage 0 = 0 Cell Voltage 0 = 0 TRUECell Voltage 1 = 0 Cell Voltage 1 = 0 TRUECell Voltage 2 = 0 Cell Voltage 2 = 0 TRUECell Voltage 3 = 0 Cell Voltage 3 = 0 TRUEBattery Direct Voltage = 0 Battery Direct Voltage = 0 TRUEPack Voltage = 0 Pack Voltage = 0 TRUE[Device Current Data(PF Status)] [Device Current Data(PF Status)] TRUECurrent = 0 Current = 0 TRUE[Device Temperature Data(PF Status)] [Device Temperature Data(PF Status)] TRUEInternal Temperature = -273.2 Internal Temperature = -273.2 TRUEExternal 1 Temperature = -273.2 External 1 Temperature = -273.2 TRUEExternal 2 Temperature = -273.2 External 2 Temperature = -273.2 TRUE[Device Gauging Data(PF Status)] [Device Gauging Data(PF Status)] TRUECell0 Dod0 = 0 Cell0 Dod0 = 0 TRUECell1 Dod0 = 0 Cell1 Dod0 = 0 TRUECell2 Dod0 = 0 Cell2 Dod0 = 0 TRUECell3 Dod0 = 0 Cell3 Dod0 = 0 TRUEPassed Charge = 0 Passed Charge = 0 TRUE[AFE Regs(PF Status)] [AFE Regs(PF Status)] TRUEAFE Status = 00 AFE Status = 00 TRUEAFE State Control = 00 AFE State Control = 00 TRUEAFE Control = 00 AFE Control = 00 TRUEAFE Output Status = 00 AFE Output Status = 00 TRUEAFE Function Control = 00 AFE Function Control = 00 TRUEAFE Cell Select = 00 AFE Cell Select = 00 TRUEAFE OCDV = 00 AFE OCDV = 00 TRUEAFE OCDT = 00 AFE OCDT = 00 TRUEAFE SCC = 00 AFE SCC = 00 TRUEAFE SCD1 = 00 AFE SCD1 = 00 TRUEAFE SCD2 = 00 AFE SCD2 = 00 TRUEAFE REF TRIM = 00 AFE REF TRIM = 00 TRUE TRUE[Safety Status(Black Box)] [Safety Status(Black Box)] TRUE1st Status Status 0-15 = 0000 1st Status Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUE1st Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 1st Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUE1st Time to Next Event = 0 1st Time to Next Event = 0 TRUE2nd Safety Status 0-15 = 0000 2nd Safety Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUE2nd Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 2nd Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUE2nd Time to Next Event = 0 2nd Time to Next Event = 0 TRUE3rd Safety Status 0-15 = 0000 3rd Safety Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUE3rd Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 3rd Safety Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUE3rd Time to Next Event = 0 3rd Time to Next Event = 0 TRUE[PF Status(Black Box)] [PF Status(Black Box)] TRUE1st PF Status 0-15 = 0000 1st PF Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUE1st PF Status 16-31 = 0000 1st PF Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUE1st Time to Next Event = 0 1st Time to Next Event = 0 TRUE2nd PF Status 0-15 = 0000 2nd PF Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUE2nd PF Status 16-31 = 0000 2nd PF Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUE2nd Time to Next Event = 0 2nd Time to Next Event = 0 TRUE3rd PF Status 0-15 = 0000 3rd PF Status 0-15 = 0000 TRUE3rd PF Status 16-31 = 0000 3rd PF Status 16-31 = 0000 TRUE3rd Time to Next Event = 0 3rd Time to Next Event = 0 TRUE TRUE[Voltage(Lifetimes)] [Voltage(Lifetimes)] TRUEMax Cell Voltage 0 = 4440 Max Cell Voltage 0 = 4400 FALSEMax Cell Voltage 1 = 4440 Max Cell Voltage 1 = 4400 FALSEMax Cell Voltage 2 = 0 Max Cell Voltage 2 = 0 TRUEMax Cell Voltage 3 = 0 Max Cell Voltage 3 = 0 TRUEMin Cell Voltage 0 = 2980 Min Cell Voltage 0 = 2980 TRUEMin Cell Voltage 1 = 3000 Min Cell Voltage 1 = 2880 FALSEMin Cell Voltage 2 = 0 Min Cell Voltage 2 = 0 TRUEMin Cell Voltage 3 = 0 Min Cell Voltage 3 = 0 TRUEMax Delta Cell Voltage = 200 Max Delta Cell Voltage = 300 FALSE[Current(Lifetimes)] [Current(Lifetimes)] TRUEMax Charge Current = 4000 Max Charge Current = 4200 FALSEMax Discharge Current = 12200 Max Discharge Current = 7000 FALSEMax Avg Dsg Current = 8000 Max Avg Dsg Current = 6000 FALSEMax Avg Dsg Power = 70 Max Avg Dsg Power = 45 FALSE[Safety Events(Lifetimes)] [Safety Events(Lifetimes)] TRUENo Of Cov Events = 8 No Of Cov Events = 8 TRUELast Cov Event = 12 Last Cov Event = 12 TRUENo Of Cuv Events = 0 No Of Cuv Events = 0 TRUELast Cuv Event = 0 Last Cuv Event = 0 TRUENo Of Ocd1 Events = 0 No Of Ocd1 Events = 0 TRUELast Ocd1 Event = 120 Last Ocd1 Event = 0 FALSENo Of Ocd2 Events = 0 No Of Ocd2 Events = 0 TRUELast Ocd2 Event = 0 Last Ocd2 Event = 0 TRUENo Of Occ1 Events = 0 No Of Occ1 Events = 0 TRUELast Occ1 Event = 0 Last Occ1 Event = 0 TRUENo Of Occ2 Events = 0 No Of Occ2 Events = 0 TRUELast Occ2 Event = 0 Last Occ2 Event = 0 TRUENo Of Old Events = 0 No Of Old Events = 0 TRUELast Old Event = 120 Last Old Event = 0 FALSENo Of Scd Events = 0 No Of Scd Events = 0 TRUELast Scd Event = 32 Last Scd Event = 32 TRUENo Of Scc Events = 0 No Of Scc Events = 0 TRUELast Scc Event = 0 Last Scc Event = 0 TRUENo Of Otc Events = 0 No Of Otc Events = 0 TRUELast Otc Event = 0 Last Otc Event = 0 TRUENo Of Otd Events = 0 No Of Otd Events = 0 TRUELast Otd Event = 0 Last Otd Event = 0 TRUENo Of Otf Events = 0 No Of Otf Events = 0 TRUELast Otf Event = 0 Last Otf Event = 0 TRUE[Charging Events(Lifetimes)] [Charging Events(Lifetimes)] TRUENo Valid Charge Term = 184 No Valid Charge Term = 0 FALSELast Valid Charge Term = 120 Last Valid Charge Term = 0 FALSE[Gauging Events(Lifetimes)] [Gauging Events(Lifetimes)] TRUENo Of Qmax Updates = 8 No Of Qmax Updates = 8 TRUELast Qmax Update = 80 Last Qmax Update = 28 FALSENo Of Ra Updates = 2040 No Of Ra Updates = 512 FALSELast Ra Update = 120 Last Ra Update = 0 FALSENo Of Ra Disable = 0 No Of Ra Disable = 0 TRUELast Ra Disable = 0 Last Ra Disable = 32 FALSE[Power Events(Lifetimes)] [Power Events(Lifetimes)] TRUENo Of Shutdowns = 12 No Of Shutdowns = 0 FALSE[Cell Balancing(Lifetimes)] [Cell Balancing(Lifetimes)] TRUECb Time Cell 0 = 54 Cb Time Cell 0 = 12 FALSECb Time Cell 1 = 82 Cb Time Cell 1 = 12 FALSECb Time Cell 2 = 0 Cb Time Cell 2 = 0 TRUECb Time Cell 3 = 0 Cb Time Cell 3 = 0 TRUE[Temperature(Lifetimes)] [Temperature(Lifetimes)] TRUEMax Temp Cell = 55 Max Temp Cell = 82 FALSEMin Temp Cell = 0 Min Temp Cell = 2 FALSEMax Delta Cell Temp = 114 Max Delta Cell Temp = 114 TRUEMax Temp Int Sensor = 57 Max Temp Int Sensor = 57 TRUEMin Temp Int Sensor = 3 Min Temp Int Sensor = 2 FALSEMax Temp Fet = -128 Max Temp Fet = -128 TRUE[Time(Lifetimes)] [Time(Lifetimes)] TRUETotal Fw Runtime = 9896 Total Fw Runtime = 5520 FALSETime Spent In UT = 2 Time Spent In UT = 32 FALSETime Spent In LT = 536 Time Spent In LT = 56 FALSETime Spent In STL = 2114 Time Spent In STL = 218 FALSETime Spent In RT = 3222 Time Spent In RT = 3482 FALSETime Spent In STH = 3476 Time Spent In STH = 1196 FALSETime Spent In HT = 528 Time Spent In HT = 528 TRUETime Spent In OT = 0 Time Spent In OT = 0 TRUE TRUE[Fuse(Settings)] [Fuse(Settings)] TRUEPF Fuse 0-15 = 0000 PF Fuse 0-15 = 0000 TRUEPF Fuse 16-31 = 0000 PF Fuse 16-31 = 0000 TRUEMin Blow Fuse Voltage = 8000 Min Blow Fuse Voltage = 8000 TRUE[Manufacturing(Settings)] [Manufacturing(Settings)] TRUEManufacturing Status = 00F8 Manufacturing Status = 00F8 TRUE[Protection(Settings)] [Protection(Settings)] TRUEEnabled Protections 0-15 = 357F Enabled Protections 0-15 = 357F TRUEEnabled Protections 16-31 = 0001 Enabled Protections 16-31 = 0001 TRUE[Permanent Failure(Settings)] [Permanent Failure(Settings)] TRUEEnabled PF 0-15 = 0000 Enabled PF 0-15 = 0000 TRUEEnabled PF 16-31 = 0000 Enabled PF 16-31 = 0000 TRUE[Configuration(Settings)] [Configuration(Settings)] TRUEProtection Configuration = 02 Protection Configuration = 02 TRUETemperature Configuration = 1006 Temperature Configuration = 1006 TRUECharging Configuration = 39 Charging Configuration = 39 TRUESystem Configuration = 003D System Configuration = 003D TRUEGauging Configuration = 12DE Gauging Configuration = 12DE TRUESbs Configuration = 20 Sbs Configuration = 20 TRUESbs Data Config. 0-15 = 00CD Sbs Data Config. 0-15 = 00CD TRUESbs Data Config. 16-23 = CD Sbs Data Config. 16-23 = CD TRUE[AFE(Settings)] [AFE(Settings)] TRUEAFE State Control = 00 AFE State Control = 00 TRUE TRUE[Power(Power)] [Power(Power)] TRUEValid Update Voltage = 5000 Valid Update Voltage = 5000 TRUE[Shutdown(Power)] [Shutdown(Power)] TRUEShutdown Voltage = 2700 Shutdown Voltage = 2700 TRUEShutdown Time = 10 Shutdown Time = 10 TRUEPF Shutdown Voltage = 2700 PF Shutdown Voltage = 2700 TRUEPF Shutdown Time = 10 PF Shutdown Time = 10 TRUECharger Present Threshold = 3000 Charger Present Threshold = 3000 TRUE[Sleep(Power)] [Sleep(Power)] TRUESleep Current = 10 Sleep Current = 10 TRUEVoltage Time = 5 Voltage Time = 5 TRUECurrent Time = 20 Current Time = 20 TRUEWake = 00 Wake = 00 TRUE[Ship(Power)] [Ship(Power)] TRUEDelay = 5 Delay = 5 TRUE TRUE[Temperature Ranges(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Temperature Ranges(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUET1 Temp = 3 T1 Temp = 3 TRUET2 Temp = 15 T2 Temp = 15 TRUET5 Temp = 20 T5 Temp = 20 TRUET6 Temp = 25 T6 Temp = 25 TRUET3 Temp = 45 T3 Temp = 45 TRUET4 Temp = 60 T4 Temp = 60 TRUEHysteresis Temp = 0 Hysteresis Temp = 0 TRUE[Low Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Low Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUEVoltage = 4350 Voltage = 4350 TRUECurrent Low = 1200 Current Low = 1200 TRUECurrent Med = 1200 Current Med = 1200 TRUECurrent High = 1200 Current High = 1200 TRUE[Standard Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Standard Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUEVoltage = 4350 Voltage = 4350 TRUECurrent Low = 4200 Current Low = 4200 TRUECurrent Med = 4200 Current Med = 4200 TRUECurrent High = 4200 Current High = 4200 TRUE[High Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [High Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUEVoltage = 4100 Voltage = 4100 TRUECurrent Low = 4200 Current Low = 4200 TRUECurrent Med = 4200 Current Med = 4200 TRUECurrent High = 4200 Current High = 4200 TRUE[Rec Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Rec Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUEVoltage = 4350 Voltage = 4350 TRUECurrent Low = 4200 Current Low = 4200 TRUECurrent Med = 4200 Current Med = 4200 TRUECurrent High = 4200 Current High = 4200 TRUE[Pre-Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Pre-Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUECurrent = 500 Current = 500 TRUE[Maintenance Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Maintenance Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUECurrent = 0 Current = 0 TRUE[Voltage Range(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Voltage Range(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUECharging Voltage Low = 2500 Charging Voltage Low = 2500 TRUECharging Voltage Med = 3600 Charging Voltage Med = 3600 TRUECharging Voltage High = 4000 Charging Voltage High = 4000 TRUECharging Voltage Hysteresis = 0 Charging Voltage Hysteresis = 0 TRUE[Termination Config(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Termination Config(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUECharge Term Taper Current = 150 Charge Term Taper Current = 150 TRUECharge Term Voltage = 100 Charge Term Voltage = 100 TRUE[Cell Balancing Config(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Cell Balancing Config(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUEBal Time/mAh Cell 0 = 367 Bal Time/mAh Cell 0 = 367 TRUEBal Time/mAh Cell 1-3 = 514 Bal Time/mAh Cell 1-3 = 514 TRUEMin Start Balance Delta = 3 Min Start Balance Delta = 3 TRUERelax Balance Interval = 18000 Relax Balance Interval = 18000 TRUEMin Rsoc for Balancing = 80 Min Rsoc for Balancing = 80 TRUE[Charging Rate of Change(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Charging Rate of Change(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUECurrent Rate = 1 Current Rate = 1 TRUEVoltage Rate = 1 Voltage Rate = 1 TRUE[Charge Loss Compensation(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] [Charge Loss Compensation(Advanced Charge Algorithm)] TRUECCC Current Threshold = 3520 CCC Current Threshold = 3520 TRUECCC Voltage Threshold = 4350 CCC Voltage Threshold = 4350 TRUE TRUE[Voltage(Calibration)] [Voltage(Calibration)] TRUECell Scale 0 = 20563 Cell Scale 0 = 20540 FALSECell Scale 1 = 20615 Cell Scale 1 = 20570 FALSECell Scale 2 = 20520 Cell Scale 2 = 20520 TRUECell Scale 3 = 20517 Cell Scale 3 = 20517 TRUEPack Gain = 54453 Pack Gain = 54480 FALSEBAT Gain = 48888 BAT Gain = 49038 FALSE[Current(Calibration)] [Current(Calibration)] TRUECC Gain = 4.525 CC Gain = 4.512 FALSECapacity Gain = 1349600.125 Capacity Gain = 1345659 FALSE[Current Offset(Calibration)] [Current Offset(Calibration)] TRUECC Offset = -8028 CC Offset = -7725 FALSECoulomb Counter Offset Samples = 64 Coulomb Counter Offset Samples = 64 TRUEBoard Offset = 0 Board Offset = -13 FALSE[Temperature(Calibration)] [Temperature(Calibration)] TRUEInternal Temp Offset = 8.6 Internal Temp Offset = 6.9 FALSEExternal1 Temp Offset = 0.0 External1 Temp Offset = 0.0 TRUEExternal2 Temp Offset = -.4 External2 Temp Offset = -.4 TRUE[Internal Temp Model(Calibration)] [Internal Temp Model(Calibration)] TRUEInt Coeff 1 = 0 Int Coeff 1 = 0 TRUEInt Coeff 2 = 0 Int Coeff 2 = 0 TRUEInt Coeff 3 = -11136 Int Coeff 3 = -11136 TRUEInt Coeff 4 = 5754 Int Coeff 4 = 5754 TRUEInt Minimum AD = 0 Int Minimum AD = 0 TRUEInt Maximum Temp = 5754 Int Maximum Temp = 5754 TRUE[Cell Temperature Model(Calibration)] [Cell Temperature Model(Calibration)] TRUECoeff a1 = -14520 Coeff a1 = -14520 TRUECoeff a2 = 23696 Coeff a2 = 23696 TRUECoeff a3 = -20298 Coeff a3 = -20298 TRUECoeff a4 = 28073 Coeff a4 = 28073 TRUECoeff a5 = 865 Coeff a5 = 865 TRUECoeff b1 = -694 Coeff b1 = -694 TRUECoeff b2 = 1326 Coeff b2 = 1326 TRUECoeff b3 = -3880 Coeff b3 = -3880 TRUECoeff b4 = 5127 Coeff b4 = 5127 TRUERc0 = 11703 Rc0 = 11703 TRUEAdc0 = 11703 Adc0 = 11703 TRUERpad = 0 Rpad = 0 TRUERint = 0 Rint = 0 TRUE[Fet Temperature Model(Calibration)] [Fet Temperature Model(Calibration)] TRUECoeff a1 = -14520 Coeff a1 = -14520 TRUECoeff a2 = 23696 Coeff a2 = 23696 TRUECoeff a3 = -20298 Coeff a3 = -20298 TRUECoeff a4 = 28073 Coeff a4 = 28073 TRUECoeff a5 = 865 Coeff a5 = 865 TRUECoeff b1 = -694 Coeff b1 = -694 TRUECoeff b2 = 1326 Coeff b2 = 1326 TRUECoeff b3 = -3880 Coeff b3 = -3880 TRUECoeff b4 = 5127 Coeff b4 = 5127 TRUERc0 = 11703 Rc0 = 11703 TRUEAdc0 = 11703 Adc0 = 11703 TRUERpad = 0 Rpad = 0 TRUERint = 0 Rint = 0 TRUE[Filter(Calibration)] [Filter(Calibration)] TRUECell Voltage 1 = 145 Cell Voltage 1 = 145 TRUECell Voltage 2 = 145 Cell Voltage 2 = 145 TRUECell Voltage 3 = 145 Cell Voltage 3 = 145 TRUECell Voltage 4 = 145 Cell Voltage 4 = 145 TRUEPack Voltage Out = 10 Pack Voltage Out = 10 TRUEDirect Battery Voltage = 10 Direct Battery Voltage = 10 TRUESummed Battery Voltage = 145 Summed Battery Voltage = 145 TRUECell Temperature = 145 Cell Temperature = 145 TRUEFET Temperature = 145 FET Temperature = 145 TRUE[Current Deadband(Calibration)] [Current Deadband(Calibration)] TRUEDeadband = 15 Deadband = 15 TRUECoulomb Counter Deadband = 34 Coulomb Counter Deadband = 34 TRUE




[Header]bq EVSW Version = 0.9.92 DeviceName = bq30z55R3 v0.36Time = 2022/2/20 23:29:53

[State(Gas Gauging)]Qmax Cell 0 = 6406Qmax Cell 1 = 6391Qmax Cell 2 = 6000Qmax Cell 3 = 6000Qmax Pack = 6391Qmax Update Cycle Count = 0Update Status = 0ECell 0 Chg Voltage at EoC = 4345Cell 1 Chg Voltage at EoC = 4344Cell 2 Chg Voltage at EoC = 0Cell 3 Chg Voltage at EoC = 0Current at EoC = 146Avg I Last Run = -1192Avg P Last Run = -899Delta Voltage = 1Max Avg I Last Run = -1193Max Avg P Last Run = -919[IT Cfg(Gas Gauging)]Load Select = 7Load Mode = 0Ra Filter = 50.0Ra Max Delta = 15Design Resistance = 28Reference Grid = 4Resistance Parameter Filter = 65142Min % Passed Chg for 1st Qm = 90Term Voltage = 6000Term Voltage Delta = 300User Rate-mA = 0User Rate-cW = 0Reserve Cap-mAh = 0Reserve Cap-cWh = 0Remcap Smoothing Filter = 250Fast Scale Start SOC = 10[Current Thresholds(Gas Gauging)]Dsg Current Threshold = 100Chg Current Threshold = 50Quit Current = 10

[R_a0(Ra Table)]Cell0 R_a flag = 0000Cell0 R_a 0 = 325Cell0 R_a 1 = 74Cell0 R_a 2 = 71Cell0 R_a 3 = 75Cell0 R_a 4 = 64Cell0 R_a 5 = 62Cell0 R_a 6 = 70Cell0 R_a 7 = 76Cell0 R_a 8 = 86Cell0 R_a 9 = 87Cell0 R_a 10 = 89Cell0 R_a 11 = 96Cell0 R_a 12 = 106Cell0 R_a 13 = 178Cell0 R_a 14 = 258[R_a1(Ra Table)]Cell1 R_a flag = 0055Cell1 R_a 0 = 342Cell1 R_a 1 = 74Cell1 R_a 2 = 73Cell1 R_a 3 = 84Cell1 R_a 4 = 73Cell1 R_a 5 = 73Cell1 R_a 6 = 86Cell1 R_a 7 = 91Cell1 R_a 8 = 100Cell1 R_a 9 = 104Cell1 R_a 10 = 110Cell1 R_a 11 = 122Cell1 R_a 12 = 162Cell1 R_a 13 = 237Cell1 R_a 14 = 366[R_a2(Ra Table)]Cell2 R_a flag = FF55Cell2 R_a 0 = 350Cell2 R_a 1 = 43Cell2 R_a 2 = 51Cell2 R_a 3 = 69Cell2 R_a 4 = 49Cell2 R_a 5 = 45Cell2 R_a 6 = 53Cell2 R_a 7 = 47Cell2 R_a 8 = 48Cell2 R_a 9 = 50Cell2 R_a 10 = 51Cell2 R_a 11 = 54Cell2 R_a 12 = 62Cell2 R_a 13 = 110Cell2 R_a 14 = 161[R_a3(Ra Table)]Cell3 R_a flag = FF55Cell3 R_a 0 = 350Cell3 R_a 1 = 43Cell3 R_a 2 = 51Cell3 R_a 3 = 69Cell3 R_a 4 = 49Cell3 R_a 5 = 45Cell3 R_a 6 = 53Cell3 R_a 7 = 47Cell3 R_a 8 = 48Cell3 R_a 9 = 50Cell3 R_a 10 = 51Cell3 R_a 11 = 54Cell3 R_a 12 = 62Cell3 R_a 13 = 110Cell3 R_a 14 = 161[R_a0x(Ra Table)]xCell0 R_a flag = 0055xCell0 R_a 0 = 325xCell0 R_a 1 = 74xCell0 R_a 2 = 71xCell0 R_a 3 = 75xCell0 R_a 4 = 64xCell0 R_a 5 = 63xCell0 R_a 6 = 71xCell0 R_a 7 = 77xCell0 R_a 8 = 87xCell0 R_a 9 = 88xCell0 R_a 10 = 90xCell0 R_a 11 = 98xCell0 R_a 12 = 108xCell0 R_a 13 = 181xCell0 R_a 14 = 262[R_a1x(Ra Table)]xCell1 R_a flag = 0000xCell1 R_a 0 = 342xCell1 R_a 1 = 74xCell1 R_a 2 = 73xCell1 R_a 3 = 84xCell1 R_a 4 = 73xCell1 R_a 5 = 72xCell1 R_a 6 = 85xCell1 R_a 7 = 90xCell1 R_a 8 = 99xCell1 R_a 9 = 103xCell1 R_a 10 = 108xCell1 R_a 11 = 120xCell1 R_a 12 = 160xCell1 R_a 13 = 234xCell1 R_a 14 = 361[R_a2x(Ra Table)]xCell2 R_a flag = FFFFxCell2 R_a 0 = 350xCell2 R_a 1 = 43xCell2 R_a 2 = 51xCell2 R_a 3 = 69xCell2 R_a 4 = 49xCell2 R_a 5 = 45xCell2 R_a 6 = 53xCell2 R_a 7 = 47xCell2 R_a 8 = 48xCell2 R_a 9 = 50xCell2 R_a 10 = 51xCell2 R_a 11 = 54xCell2 R_a 12 = 62xCell2 R_a 13 = 110xCell2 R_a 14 = 161[R_a3x(Ra Table)]xCell3 R_a flag = FFFFxCell3 R_a 0 = 350xCell3 R_a 1 = 43xCell3 R_a 2 = 51xCell3 R_a 3 = 69xCell3 R_a 4 = 49xCell3 R_a 5 = 45xCell3 R_a 6 = 53xCell3 R_a 7 = 47xCell3 R_a 8 = 48xCell3 R_a 9 = 50xCell3 R_a 10 = 51xCell3 R_a 11 = 54xCell3 R_a 12 = 62xCell3 R_a 13 = 110xCell3 R_a 14 = 161

[Manufacturer Data(System Data)]ManufacturerInfo = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzxy012345[Integrity(System Data)]Data Flash Checksum = 0000

[Data(SBS Configuration)]Remaining AH Cap. Alarm = 600Remaining WH Cap. Alarm = 456Remaining Time Alarm = 10Initial Battery Mode = 0081Design Voltage = 7600Specification Information = 0031Manufacture Date = 08-Jun-2021Serial Number = 0014Cycle Count = 2Cycle Count Percentage = 90Max Error Limit = 100Design Capacity mAh = 6000Design Capacity cWh = 4560Manufacturer Name = GFDevice Name = GF-NB093-V3.0Device Chemistry = 0354[FD(SBS Configuration)]Set Voltage Threshold = 3000Clear Voltage Threshold = 3400Set % RSOC Threshold = 0Clear % RSOC Threshold = 5[FC(SBS Configuration)]Set Voltage Threshold = 4350Clear Voltage Threshold = 4250Set % RSOC Threshold = 100Clear % RSOC Threshold = 95[TDA(SBS Configuration)]Set Voltage Threshold = 3450Clear Voltage Threshold = 3550Set % RSOC Threshold = 10Clear % RSOC Treshold = 15[TCA(SBS Configuration)]Set Voltage Threshold = 4350Clear Voltage Threshold = 4200Set % RSOC Threshold = 100Clear % RSOC Threshold = 95[Max Error(SBS Configuration)]Time Cycle Equivalent = 24Cycle Delta = 0.05

[CUV(Protections)]Threshold = 2750Delay = 3Recovery = 3000[CUVC(Protections)]Threshold = 2650Delay = 3Recovery = 3000[COV(Protections)]Threshold Low Temp = 4400Threshold Standard Temp = 4400Threshold High Temp = 4400Threshold Rec Temp = 4400Delay = 3Recovery Low Temp = 4250Recovery Standard Temp = 4250Recovery High Temp = 4250Recovery Rec Temp = 4250[OCC1(Protections)]Threshold = 5000Delay = 3[OCC2(Protections)]Threshold = 7000Delay = 1[OCC(Protections)]Recovery Threshold = 0Recovery Delay = 15[OCD1(Protections)]Threshold = -12000Delay = 3[OCD2(Protections)]Threshold = -13500Delay = 1[OCD(Protections)]Recovery Threshold = 0Recovery Delay = 15[OLD(Protections)]Threshold = 04Delay = 05Latch Limit = 0Counter Dec Delay = 10Recovery = 15Reset = 15[SCC(Protections)]Threshold = 20Latch Limit = 0Counter Dec Delay = 10Recovery = 15Reset = 15[SCD1(Protections)]Threshold = 31[SCD2(Protections)]Threshold = 32[SCD(Protections)]Latch Limit = 0Counter Dec Delay = 10Recovery = 5Reset = 15[OTC(Protections)]Threshold = 42.0Delay = 3Recovery = 40.0[OTD(Protections)]Threshold = 65.0Delay = 3Recovery = 55.0[OTF(Protections)]Threshold = 80.0Delay = 2Recovery = 65.0[HWD(Protections)]Delay = 10[PTO(Protections)]Charge Threshold = 2000Suspend Threshold = 1800Delay = 1800Reset = 2[CTO(Protections)]Charge Threshold = 2500Suspend Threshold = 2000Delay = 54000Reset = 2[OC(Protections)]Threshold = 1000Recovery = 2RSOC Recovery = 90[CHGV(Protections)]Threshold = 500Delay = 30Recovery = -500[CHGC(Protections)]Threshold = 500Delay = 2Recovery = 100

[CUV(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 2000Delay = 5[COV(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 4450Delay = 5[CUDEP(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 2000Delay = 15[OTCE(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 85.0Delay = 5[OTF(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 120.0Delay = 5[QIM(Permanent Fail)]Delta Threshold = 2200Delay = 5[CB(Permanent Fail)]Max Threshold = 240Delta Threshold = 40Delay = 2[VIMR(Permanent Fail)]Check Voltage = 3500Check Current = 10Delta Threshold = 500Delta Delay = 30Duration = 1800[VIMA(Permanent Fail)]Check Voltage = 3700Check Current = 50Delta Threshold = 500Delay = 2[IMP(Permanent Fail)]Delta Threshold = 300Max Threshold = 400Ra Update Counts = 2[CD(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 0Delay = 2[CFET(Permanent Fail)]OFF Threshold = 5OFF Delay = 30[DFET(Permanent Fail)]OFF Threshold = -5OFF Delay = 30[TH(Permanent Fail)]ADC Delay = 10[FUSE(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 5Delay = 2[AFER(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 100Delay Period = 2Compare Period = 5[AFEC(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 100Delay Period = 5[2LVL(Permanent Fail)]Delay = 2[OCECO(Permanent Fail)]Threshold = 5000Delay = 2

[Device Status Data(PF Status)]Safety Alert 0-15 = 0000Safety Status 0-15 = 0000PF Alert 0-15 = 0000PF Status 0-15 = 0000Safety Alert 16-31 = 0000Safety Status 16-31 = 0000PF Alert 16-31 = 0000PF Status 16-31 = 0000Operation Status 0-15 = 0000Operation Status 16-31 = 0000Charging Status 0-15 = 0000Charging Status 16-23 = 00Gauging Status = 0000[Device Voltage Data(PF Status)]Cell Voltage 0 = 0Cell Voltage 1 = 0Cell Voltage 2 = 0Cell Voltage 3 = 0Battery Direct Voltage = 0Pack Voltage = 0[Device Current Data(PF Status)]Current = 0[Device Temperature Data(PF Status)]Internal Temperature = -273.2External 1 Temperature = -273.2External 2 Temperature = -273.2[Device Gauging Data(PF Status)]Cell0 Dod0 = 0Cell1 Dod0 = 0Cell2 Dod0 = 0Cell3 Dod0 = 0Passed Charge = 0[AFE Regs(PF Status)]AFE Status = 00AFE State Control = 00AFE Control = 00AFE Output Status = 00AFE Function Control = 00AFE Cell Select = 00AFE OCDV = 00AFE OCDT = 00AFE SCC = 00AFE SCD1 = 00AFE SCD2 = 00AFE REF TRIM = 00

[Safety Status(Black Box)]1st Status Status 0-15 = 00001st Safety Status 16-31 = 00001st Time to Next Event = 02nd Safety Status 0-15 = 00002nd Safety Status 16-31 = 00002nd Time to Next Event = 03rd Safety Status 0-15 = 00003rd Safety Status 16-31 = 00003rd Time to Next Event = 0[PF Status(Black Box)]1st PF Status 0-15 = 00001st PF Status 16-31 = 00001st Time to Next Event = 02nd PF Status 0-15 = 00002nd PF Status 16-31 = 00002nd Time to Next Event = 03rd PF Status 0-15 = 00003rd PF Status 16-31 = 00003rd Time to Next Event = 0

[Voltage(Lifetimes)]Max Cell Voltage 0 = 4400Max Cell Voltage 1 = 4400Max Cell Voltage 2 = 0Max Cell Voltage 3 = 0Min Cell Voltage 0 = 2980Min Cell Voltage 1 = 2880Min Cell Voltage 2 = 0Min Cell Voltage 3 = 0Max Delta Cell Voltage = 300[Current(Lifetimes)]Max Charge Current = 4200Max Discharge Current = 7000Max Avg Dsg Current = 6000Max Avg Dsg Power = 45[Safety Events(Lifetimes)]No Of Cov Events = 8Last Cov Event = 12No Of Cuv Events = 0Last Cuv Event = 0No Of Ocd1 Events = 0Last Ocd1 Event = 0No Of Ocd2 Events = 0Last Ocd2 Event = 0No Of Occ1 Events = 0Last Occ1 Event = 0No Of Occ2 Events = 0Last Occ2 Event = 0No Of Old Events = 0Last Old Event = 0No Of Scd Events = 0Last Scd Event = 32No Of Scc Events = 0Last Scc Event = 0No Of Otc Events = 0Last Otc Event = 0No Of Otd Events = 0Last Otd Event = 0No Of Otf Events = 0Last Otf Event = 0[Charging Events(Lifetimes)]No Valid Charge Term = 0Last Valid Charge Term = 0[Gauging Events(Lifetimes)]No Of Qmax Updates = 8Last Qmax Update = 28No Of Ra Updates = 512Last Ra Update = 0No Of Ra Disable = 0Last Ra Disable = 32[Power Events(Lifetimes)]No Of Shutdowns = 0[Cell Balancing(Lifetimes)]Cb Time Cell 0 = 12Cb Time Cell 1 = 12Cb Time Cell 2 = 0Cb Time Cell 3 = 0[Temperature(Lifetimes)]Max Temp Cell = 82Min Temp Cell = 2Max Delta Cell Temp = 114Max Temp Int Sensor = 57Min Temp Int Sensor = 2Max Temp Fet = -128[Time(Lifetimes)]Total Fw Runtime = 5520Time Spent In UT = 32Time Spent In LT = 56Time Spent In STL = 218Time Spent In RT = 3482Time Spent In STH = 1196Time Spent In HT = 528Time Spent In OT = 0

[Fuse(Settings)]PF Fuse 0-15 = 0000PF Fuse 16-31 = 0000Min Blow Fuse Voltage = 8000[Manufacturing(Settings)]Manufacturing Status = 00F8[Protection(Settings)]Enabled Protections 0-15 = 357FEnabled Protections 16-31 = 0001[Permanent Failure(Settings)]Enabled PF 0-15 = 0000Enabled PF 16-31 = 0000[Configuration(Settings)]Protection Configuration = 02Temperature Configuration = 1006Charging Configuration = 39System Configuration = 003DGauging Configuration = 12DESbs Configuration = 20Sbs Data Config. 0-15 = 00CDSbs Data Config. 16-23 = CD[AFE(Settings)]AFE State Control = 00

[Power(Power)]Valid Update Voltage = 5000[Shutdown(Power)]Shutdown Voltage = 2700Shutdown Time = 10PF Shutdown Voltage = 2700PF Shutdown Time = 10Charger Present Threshold = 3000[Sleep(Power)]Sleep Current = 10Voltage Time = 5Current Time = 20Wake = 00[Ship(Power)]Delay = 5

[Temperature Ranges(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]T1 Temp = 3T2 Temp = 15T5 Temp = 20T6 Temp = 25T3 Temp = 45T4 Temp = 60Hysteresis Temp = 0[Low Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Voltage = 4350Current Low = 1200Current Med = 1200Current High = 1200[Standard Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Voltage = 4350Current Low = 4200Current Med = 4200Current High = 4200[High Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Voltage = 4100Current Low = 4200Current Med = 4200Current High = 4200[Rec Temp Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Voltage = 4350Current Low = 4200Current Med = 4200Current High = 4200[Pre-Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Current = 500[Maintenance Charging(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Current = 0[Voltage Range(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Charging Voltage Low = 2500Charging Voltage Med = 3600Charging Voltage High = 4000Charging Voltage Hysteresis = 0[Termination Config(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Charge Term Taper Current = 150Charge Term Voltage = 100[Cell Balancing Config(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Bal Time/mAh Cell 0 = 367Bal Time/mAh Cell 1-3 = 514Min Start Balance Delta = 3Relax Balance Interval = 18000Min Rsoc for Balancing = 80[Charging Rate of Change(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]Current Rate = 1Voltage Rate = 1[Charge Loss Compensation(Advanced Charge Algorithm)]CCC Current Threshold = 3520CCC Voltage Threshold = 4350

[Voltage(Calibration)]Cell Scale 0 = 20540Cell Scale 1 = 20570Cell Scale 2 = 20520Cell Scale 3 = 20517Pack Gain = 54480BAT Gain = 49038[Current(Calibration)]CC Gain = 4.512Capacity Gain = 1345659[Current Offset(Calibration)]CC Offset = -7725Coulomb Counter Offset Samples = 64Board Offset = -13[Temperature(Calibration)]Internal Temp Offset = 6.9External1 Temp Offset = 0.0External2 Temp Offset = -.4[Internal Temp Model(Calibration)]Int Coeff 1 = 0Int Coeff 2 = 0Int Coeff 3 = -11136Int Coeff 4 = 5754Int Minimum AD = 0Int Maximum Temp = 5754[Cell Temperature Model(Calibration)]Coeff a1 = -14520Coeff a2 = 23696Coeff a3 = -20298Coeff a4 = 28073Coeff a5 = 865Coeff b1 = -694Coeff b2 = 1326Coeff b3 = -3880Coeff b4 = 5127Rc0 = 11703Adc0 = 11703Rpad = 0Rint = 0[Fet Temperature Model(Calibration)]Coeff a1 = -14520Coeff a2 = 23696Coeff a3 = -20298Coeff a4 = 28073Coeff a5 = 865Coeff b1 = -694Coeff b2 = 1326Coeff b3 = -3880Coeff b4 = 5127Rc0 = 11703Adc0 = 11703Rpad = 0Rint = 0[Filter(Calibration)]Cell Voltage 1 = 145Cell Voltage 2 = 145Cell Voltage 3 = 145Cell Voltage 4 = 145Pack Voltage Out = 10Direct Battery Voltage = 10Summed Battery Voltage = 145Cell Temperature = 145FET Temperature = 145[Current Deadband(Calibration)]Deadband = 15Coulomb Counter Deadband = 34





Cherry Zhou:



Cherry Zhou:

您好,工程师发现,好的电池和坏的之间的 Ra 表大不相同。lifetime部分,坏包在某个点似乎大于 80 度,以及 Qmax 和 Ra 更新都更少。

应该是有一个坏电池或一些其他问题 (高温度?) ,导致了电量计读取高阻抗。 当电量计查看冷态中的高阻抗并参考预期负载时,可以发现很早达到了端接电压并显示 0 剩余容量。 很难判断是什么原因,但也很有趣的是,坏电池中没有单个有效的电荷终止。 这表明错误是立即发生的,但在室温下可能无法检测到。









Cherry Zhou:

您好,您给出的第一份gg file似乎是好电池和坏电池间 .gg file的比较?

确实如上所述,有一些奇怪的输出。例如,良好电池组的有效电荷终端数量为 0 (假设是良好电池组)。 其中一个 Ra 表几乎是另一个表的两倍,这会导致测量仪表在 0% SOC 和 RemCap 的仿真方式发生很大变化。 坏电池组的正常负载分布是多少? 有时由于电池电压中涉及 RC 时间常数,动态负载会导致 Ra 表更新错误。











Cherry Zhou:

您好,能分享下 bqStudio log吗?

如果电池老化且电阻增大,在低温下,容量大幅降低是很常见的情况。如果发生率为万分之一,那可能是电池损坏导致 Ra 表增加,并导致仪表认为容量更小。 没有针对低温的 RB 微弱,如果 Ra 表发生显著变化,我们可能也无法针对低温进行调整。

在 SLUA450 中有一些用于内部电池电阻和阻抗跟踪的公式,您可以看下。

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