
LAUNCHXL-F28069M: lab13b中串口中断函数在哪里啊,没有找到

Part Number:LAUNCHXL-F28069MOther Parts Discussed in Thread:MOTORWARE, C2000WARE


Green Deng:



Shaoxiong Guo:

请问怎么便利添加相应的SCI中断及其函数应用呢,C2000 ware中是否由相应的手册或例子呢?  不太熟悉TI的生态系统


Green Deng:



Shaoxiong Guo:

请问上述路径下的scia_loopback和sci_echoback 两个串口通讯例程有什么区别?  光从字面上难以理解什么意思


Green Deng:


//!This test receives and echo-backs data through the SCI-A port.
//!The PC application 'hypterterminal' can be used to view the data
//!from the SCI and to send information to the SCI.Characters received
//!by the SCI port are sent back to the host.
//!\b Running \b the \b Application//!-# Configure hyperterminal:
//!Use the included hyperterminal configuration file SCI_96.ht.
//!To load this configuration in hyperterminal
//!-# Open hyperterminal
//!-# Go to file->open
//!-# Browse to the location of the project and
//!select the SCI_96.ht file.
//!-# Check the COM port.
//!The configuration file is currently setup for COM1.
//!If this is not correct, disconnect (Call->Disconnect)
//!Open the File-Properties dialog and select the correct COM port.
//!-# Connect hyperterminal Call->Call
//!and then start the 2806x SCI echoback program execution.
//!-# The program will print out a greeting and then ask you to
//!enter a character which it will echo back to hyperterminal.
//!\note If you are unable to open the .ht file, you can create//!a new one with the following settings
//!-Find correct COM port
//!-Bits per second = 9600
//!-Date Bits = 8
//!-Parity = None
//!-Stop Bits = 1
//!-Hardware Control = None
//!\b Watch \b Variables \n
//!- \b LoopCount, for the number of characters sent
//!- ErrorCount
//! \b External \b Connections \n
//!Connect the SCI-A port to a PC via a transceiver and cable.
//!- GPIO28 is SCI_A-RXD (Connect to Pin3, PC-TX, of serial DB9 cable)
//!- GPIO29 is SCI_A-TXD (Connect to Pin2, PC-RX, of serial DB9 cable)

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