
CCSTUDIO-C2000: MCU加密后XDS200仿真器无法连接

Part Number:CCSTUDIO-C2000


[Start: Texas Instruments XDS2xx USB Debug Probe_0]

Execute the command:

%ccs_base%/common/uscif/dbgjtag -f %boarddatafile% -rv -o -S integrity


—–[Print the board config pathname(s)]————————————


—–[Print the reset-command software log-file]—————————–

This utility has selected a 560/2xx-class product.
This utility will load the program 'xds2xxu.out'.
The library build date was 'Oct 8 2021'.
The library build time was '18:03:35'.
The library package version is ''.
The library component version is ''.
The controller does not use a programmable FPGA.
The controller has a version number of '13' (0x0000000d).
The controller has an insertion length of '0' (0x00000000).
This utility will attempt to reset the controller.
This utility has successfully reset the controller.

—–[Print the reset-command hardware log-file]—————————–

This emulator does not create a reset log-file.

—–[Perform the Integrity scan-test on the JTAG IR]————————

This test will use blocks of 64 32-bit words.
This test will be applied just once.

Do a test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
Scan tests: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x00000000.
Scan tests: 2, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xFE03E0E2.
Scan tests: 3, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x01FC1F1D.
Scan tests: 4, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x5533CCAA.
Scan tests: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xAACC3355.
Scan tests: 6, skipped: 0, failed: 0
All of the values were scanned correctly.

The JTAG IR Integrity scan-test has succeeded.

—–[Perform the Integrity scan-test on the JTAG DR]————————

This test will use blocks of 64 32-bit words.
This test will be applied just once.

Do a test using 0xFFFFFFFF.
Scan tests: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x00000000.
Scan tests: 2, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xFE03E0E2.
Scan tests: 3, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x01FC1F1D.
Scan tests: 4, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0x5533CCAA.
Scan tests: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 0
Do a test using 0xAACC3355.
Scan tests: 6, skipped: 0, failed: 0
All of the values were scanned correctly.

The JTAG DR Integrity scan-test has succeeded.

[End: Texas Instruments XDS2xx USB Debug Probe_0]

但是当我点击Run–>Conncet Target时弹出如下错误:

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -1015 @ 0x0)
Device is not responding to the request. Device may be locked, or the debug probe connection may be unreliable. Unlock the device if possible (e.g. use wait in reset mode, and power-cycle the board). If error persists, confirm configuration and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).
(Emulation package

此时我看了一下开发板,发现此时开发板处于正常运行状态,也就是说没有在“等待”模式(或者复位状态);为了让28034在连接仿真器前处于复位状态,上电前将复位信号强制拉低,然后继续按照上面的操作点击Conncet Target时,仿真器连接成功,在On-Chip Flash中输入正确密码也能解密。


Green Deng:



ds zhang:



Green Deng:

解密的话下拉reset脚应该不是必须的,但我测试的情况是必须配置为wait模式才能进on-chip flash模式。

连接仿真器之后,reset引脚(也就是TRST)会被仿真器拉低,从而芯片被仿真器接管。也就是芯片boot mode中TRST引脚为低的那种情况。


ds zhang:



Green Deng:



ds zhang:


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