
CC2642R-Q1: 脱机烧录出现芯片NG

Part Number:CC2642R-Q1Other Parts Discussed in Thread:UNIFLASH, CC2541, CC2640

我们这边烧录环境为:  轩微脱机烧录器 +  芯片烧录座子 ,近期开始烧录 发现 有大概千分之五~百分之一 的烧录NG现象;

在Uniflash 上面分析烧录NG 芯片:

2021/10/26 上午10:22:53] [INFO] Cortex_M3_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete.
[2021/10/26 上午10:22:55] [ERROR] IcePick_C: Error connecting to the target: (Error -2131 @ 0x0) Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation package
烧录座子原理图如下图,  现在不知道哪里出现了问题 ;

Kevin Qiu1:


This error means the JTAG debugger is unable to access the core or device on the board.

Technically speaking, this happens if the JTAG debugger fails to access an ICEPick register (exceptions are MSP430, Stellaris and some C2000 Wireless connectivity and Digital Power MCUs, which do not have an ICEPICK). If the ICEPick driver reports this error immediately upon connect, it's likely a hard fail with the JTAG connection itself (loose cables or connections, etc.). However, if the error happens later in the debug session the reasons are different (perhaps the reliability of the JTAG connection due to noise, or improper firmware that causes the device to power cycle or reset, etc.).

This issue can also manifest itself if the Debug Probe senses the scan path is broken. Some troubleshooting tips can be found at the section Invalid data read back below.

In certain scenarios the loaded code may cause issues with the normal connection and/or execution. In this case, check the troubleshooting tips in the error Invalid device ID below.

Additional tips to properly debug and correct this error are also in the section Troubleshooting the connect phase above.

Error connecting to the target:(Error -2131 @ 0x0)Unable to access device register. Reset the device, and retry the operation. Iferror persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or trymore reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK).


Sway Lee:

刚开始 我也以为是座子或者线导致连接不好,  后面排查了不是这个问题  , 另外这些芯片还有发烫现象 。


Kevin Qiu1:



Sway Lee:

这个我们可以去改一下试试 ,这个是什么原理呢?

另外请教一下 ,这个是什么原因会导致烧录以后芯片挂掉了  ?


Kevin Qiu1:


Sway Lee 说:另外请教一下 ,这个是什么原因会导致烧录以后芯片挂掉了  ?


然后重新上电监控下VDDR  DCDC_SW、DCOUPL的电压波形,将波形图传上来


Sway Lee:



Kevin Qiu1:


刚上电时正常值应该是:VDDR = 1.68 V  DCOUPL = 1.27 V



Sway Lee:

你好 , 一格是 1v  , 这两个电压值是对的   


Kevin Qiu1:



da qin zheng sheng:



Sway Lee:

更改了C5  昨天又烧录了,   还有有烧录挂掉的问题 


Sway Lee:

这个烧录器 在烧录 已经贴片的模组上  没有发现此类问题


Kevin Qiu1:




da qin zheng sheng:



da qin zheng sheng:



da qin zheng sheng:



da qin zheng sheng:

无论c2000,cc26xx,cc13xx,tm4c 系列flash 芯片是汽车,工业的,在德州仪器cc254x的flash芯片面前不值一提,cc254x出现故障可以重新烧录代码!c2000,c26,c13,tm4c就不行了。


da qin zheng sheng:

我用cc26做的平衡直立车,板子上的cc26芯片被锁死了好多次!官方的xds110 能识别芯片,不能擦除。平衡车芯片能正常工作,就是不能重新烧录。


da qin zheng sheng:

cc26,cc13天线设计的复杂,不兼容cc254x天线,官方launchpad cc2640板子5dbm广播距离太短,没有cc2541 0dbm的广播距离远。单击此处播放此视频
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da qin zheng sheng:

上边是我做的蓝牙无人机,德州仪器的芯片,芯片处理速度慢,可惜通信距离短。另外听人说德州仪器的aoa蓝牙是世界上最早的 ,几年后依旧就是个演示玩具!美国另外一家的aoa虽然设计的迟,不过比德州仪器的玩具高级不少!


Sway Lee:

请问,有没有推荐的 脱机烧写器 ?   或者相对比较成熟的


Sway Lee:

首次烧录 34K  ,大概150pcs左右 , 由于更新了固件 重复烧录22K ,  又有150pcs左右


da qin zheng sheng:



da qin zheng sheng:


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