
CC1310星型组网结构最大容量是多少? 是否可以做到一个RX 对254个TX

Q1.CC1310星型组网结构最大容量是多少. 是否可以做到一个RX 对254个TX ?

Q2. 433MHZ  625bps legacy long  Range   其他选择不变  协议选择 802.15.4g 对传

使用抓包工具 SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 抓包   抓了4小时才抓到一包,这是什么原因

Viki Shi:

2、用smartrf studio测过PER没有?


回复 Viki Shi:

CC1310 128K扩频 组网,应用只有NTC采样与休眠请问下组网容量,

Viki Shi:

回复 小李:

The maximum number of nodes will be directly tied to the amount of flash memory available in the collector/gateway. If using a cc1310 as the collector device, the maximum number of SECURED devices connected to it will be ~50 devices. If using a CC1312(2nd Gen CC1310 with more memory) as the collector device you can get closer to 200 per network.

If using another MCU as the gateway, and run only the stack on the collector device and the gateway does all the collector/gateway logic and has more memory than CC1310, you can have more nodes. We have a similar design doing this on a linux platform (www.ti.com/…/TI-15.4-STACK-GATEWAY-LINUX-SDK), for the CC3220SF (this is a M4F core) www.ti.com/…/tidud09a.pdf , and for the MSP432 another M4F core (www.ti.com/…/SIMPLELINK-SDK-TI-15-4-STACK-PLUGIN)

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