
CC3235SF wifi-direct模式下连接过程太慢,可以从哪些方面进行优化?



Kevin Qiu1:

一般第一次连接会慢一点,连接的时候有个启动协商的过程,十秒左右是正常连接时间,和网络环境也有关 1. SL_WLAN_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_ACTIVE: When the remote peer is found after the discovery process, the device immediately sends the negotiation request to the peer device. 2. SL_WLAN_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_PASSIVE: When the remote peer is found after the discovery process, the device passively waits for the peer to start the negotiation, and only responds after. 3. SL_WLAN_P2P_NEG_INITIATOR_RAND_BACKOFF: When the remote peer is found after the discovery process, the device triggers a random timer (1 to 6 seconds). During this period, the device passively waits for the peer to start the negotiation. If the timer expires without negotiation, the device immediately sends the negotiation request to the peer device. This is the system default, and also the recommendation for working with two SimpleLink Wi-Fi devices out-of-the box, because no negotiation synchronization must be done.

Viki Shi:

怀疑是 negotiation request的问题,看下这边解答: e2e.ti.com/…/878528

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