

  Think of it this way. Without the ground plane the loop area is exactly defined by the placement of the components. The current must flow around the loop. If the loop is defined by a 3mm by 4mm box then the area will be 12 mm2.
  When a ground plane is added, the high frequency currents on the top layer will induce an opposing current on the ground plane to cancel the magnetic field. This is often called an image current making the ground plane the image plane. This return current on the ground plane reduces the area of the loop. Think of it by laying out the loop with a piece of rope. A second rope is placed on top of the first, with the ends tied together. The loop area is now defined by twice the length of the rope multiplied by the distance  between the ropes. The loop now has two layers and the area is now 28mm (twice the perimeter of the initial loop) multiplied by the distance between the two layers (0.25mm for a typical PCB stack up). The loop area is reduced to 7mm2 and a reduction in radiated energy can be achieved




那么信号回路面积应该是(3+3+4+4)*(L1与GND PLANE的距离)

而这段解释说应该是28*(L1与GND PLANE的距离)

请问是不是我的理解有误(上图)关于“Think of it by laying out the loop with a piece of rope. A second rope is placed on top of the first, with the ends tied together. The loop area is now defined by twice the length of the rope multiplied by the distance  between the ropes. The loop now has two layers and the area is now 28mm (twice the perimeter of the initial loop) multiplied by the distance between the two layers (0.25mm for a typical PCB stack up). The loop area is reduced to 7mm2 and a reduction in radiated energy can be achieved”

Johnsin Tao:

Hi 第一段理解是对的,这里的用面积来评估,但是实际上功率回路更多是用走线长度来评估,并且越小越好。在电源设计中,主要是避免寄生电感和电容对电路的影响,回路大了,寄生参数的影响就会加大,特别是寄生电感。 第二段,因为牵涉到GND层,特别是4层板(高于2层的),因为中间有GND层,功率走线会通过过孔走GND先,我觉得这个时候无论是用面积(mm)或者空间(mmm)来数据化评估,个人认为都不是很准确,因为在电路中GND层与表面层GND有可能存在并联关系。

yan deng:

回复 Johnsin Tao:


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