
titan ridge host design with TPS65983B

I have a new project, which needs the TBT3.0 host, i choose the intel AEP reference design, the solution uses the titan ridge and TI TPS65983B, so i have checked with intel FAE, they can only provide the TBT firmware, but the PD firmware need checking with TI, so my question is which window should i contact to get this firmware,and what information should i provide to get the support?

thanks a lot for feedback!

Johnsin Tao:

Hi我们也没有,软件部分,如果TI 官网没有提供,我们也是没有的。你提到的内部FAE是你们的?,是否能通过你们的sales联系到TI,或在美国E2E上看能否得到帮助。

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