


Johnsin Tao:



回复 Johnsin Tao:


Yuan Tan63:

Buck Mode:

Q3 is main FET and Q4 is the freewheel FET. the PWM duty cycle(Q3 turn on time )is increasing as output current increases.

Boost Mode:

Q4 is main FET and Q3 is the freewheel FET. the PWM duty cycle(Q4 turn on time )is increasing as output current increases.

Yuan Tan63:

Buck Mode:

Q3 is main FET and Q4 is the freewheel FET. the PWM duty cycle(Q3 turn on time )is increasing as output current increases.

Boost Mode:

Q4 is main FET and Q3 is the freewheel FET. the PWM duty cycle(Q4 turn on time )is increasing as output current increases.

Buck Mode:

Q3 is main FET and Q4 is the freewheel FET. the PWM duty cycle(Q3 turn on time )is increasing as output current increases.

Boost Mode:

Q4 is main FET and Q3 is the freewheel FET. the PWM duty cycle(Q4 turn on time )is increasing as output current increases.

未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » PMP40182测试板BUCK和BOOST模式转换
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