
CCS3.3 编译时出现关于cmd的问题。


>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 130: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.cinit'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 131: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.pinit'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 132: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.text'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 133: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'codestart'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 134: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'ramfuncs'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 141: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'csmpasswds'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 142: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'csm_rsvd'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 145: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.stack'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 146: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.ebss'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 147: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.esysmem'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 151: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.econst'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 152: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.switch'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 155: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmath'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 156: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmathTables'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 157: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmathTables2'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 158: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'FPUmathTables'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 161: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML4'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 162: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML5'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 163: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML6'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 164: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML7'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 167: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'ZONE6DATA'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 174: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.reset'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 178: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.adc_cal'
>>   error: memory types RAML0 and RAML0 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML1 and RAML1 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML2 and RAML2 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML3 and RAML3 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types ZONE6A and ZONE6A on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types CSM_RSVD and CSM_RSVD on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types CSM_PWL and CSM_PWL on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types ADC_CAL and ADC_CAL on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types IQTABLES and IQTABLES on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types IQTABLES2 and IQTABLES2 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types FPUTABLES and FPUTABLES on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types BOOTROM and ROM on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RESET and RESET on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAMM1 and RAMM1 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML4 and RAML4 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML5 and RAML5 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML6 and RAML6 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML7 and RAML7 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types ZONE6B and ZONE6B on page 1 overlap
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer2RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer1RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section FlashRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer0RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section CsmPwlFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section GpioIntRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ScicRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ScibRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section SpiaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section SciaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section XIntruptRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section AdcMirrorFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section CsmRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section PieCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section AdcRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section XintfRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap4RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap5RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap3RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section GpioDataRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section SysCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECap1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap6RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section I2caRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm3RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm5RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm4RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm6RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section McbspaRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section McbspbRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section GpioCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMOTORegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMOTSRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaLAMRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMOTSRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMOTORegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section EQep2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanbLAMRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section EQep1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section DevEmuRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section DmaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMboxesFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMboxesFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section PieVectTableFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: load address of uninitialized section ramfuncs ignored
>> warning: entry point other than _c_int00 specified
>>   error: errors in input – ./Debug/HESS.out not built

>> Compilation failure

Build Complete,
  21 Errors, 74 Warnings, 0 Remarks.


mangui zhang:

你好   应该是CMD问题    不知道你工程下的CMD是哪里的

你有没有安装controlSUITE工具   里面有相关工程

建议你在原有工程基础上修改  如果拷贝    会出现因路径等问题造成的各种错误


>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 130: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.cinit'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 131: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.pinit'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 132: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.text'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 133: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'codestart'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 134: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'ramfuncs'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 141: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'csmpasswds'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 142: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'csm_rsvd'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 145: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.stack'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 146: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.ebss'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 147: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.esysmem'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 151: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.econst'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 152: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.switch'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 155: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmath'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 156: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmathTables'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 157: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmathTables2'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 158: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'FPUmathTables'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 161: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML4'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 162: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML5'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 163: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML6'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 164: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML7'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 167: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'ZONE6DATA'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 174: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.reset'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 178: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.adc_cal'
>>   error: memory types RAML0 and RAML0 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML1 and RAML1 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML2 and RAML2 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML3 and RAML3 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types ZONE6A and ZONE6A on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types CSM_RSVD and CSM_RSVD on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types CSM_PWL and CSM_PWL on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types ADC_CAL and ADC_CAL on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types IQTABLES and IQTABLES on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types IQTABLES2 and IQTABLES2 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types FPUTABLES and FPUTABLES on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types BOOTROM and ROM on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RESET and RESET on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAMM1 and RAMM1 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML4 and RAML4 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML5 and RAML5 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML6 and RAML6 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML7 and RAML7 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types ZONE6B and ZONE6B on page 1 overlap
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer2RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer1RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section FlashRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer0RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section CsmPwlFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section GpioIntRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ScicRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ScibRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section SpiaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section SciaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section XIntruptRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section AdcMirrorFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section CsmRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section PieCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section AdcRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section XintfRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap4RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap5RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap3RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section GpioDataRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section SysCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECap1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap6RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section I2caRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm3RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm5RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm4RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm6RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section McbspaRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section McbspbRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section GpioCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMOTORegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMOTSRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaLAMRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMOTSRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMOTORegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section EQep2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanbLAMRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section EQep1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section DevEmuRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section DmaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMboxesFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMboxesFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section PieVectTableFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: load address of uninitialized section ramfuncs ignored
>> warning: entry point other than _c_int00 specified
>>   error: errors in input – ./Debug/HESS.out not built

>> Compilation failure

Build Complete,
  21 Errors, 74 Warnings, 0 Remarks.





>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 130: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.cinit'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 131: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.pinit'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 132: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.text'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 133: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'codestart'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 134: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'ramfuncs'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 141: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'csmpasswds'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 142: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'csm_rsvd'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 145: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.stack'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 146: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.ebss'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 147: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.esysmem'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 151: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.econst'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 152: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.switch'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 155: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmath'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 156: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmathTables'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 157: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'IQmathTables2'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 158: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'FPUmathTables'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 161: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML4'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 162: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML5'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 163: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML6'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 164: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'DMARAML7'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 167: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named 'ZONE6DATA'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 174: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.reset'
>> C:\\CCStudio_v3.3\\MyProjects\\wangyu\\cmd\\F28335.cmd, line 178: warning:               multiple definitions of SECTION named '.adc_cal'
>>   error: memory types RAML0 and RAML0 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML1 and RAML1 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML2 and RAML2 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML3 and RAML3 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types ZONE6A and ZONE6A on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types CSM_RSVD and CSM_RSVD on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types CSM_PWL and CSM_PWL on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types ADC_CAL and ADC_CAL on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types IQTABLES and IQTABLES on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types IQTABLES2 and IQTABLES2 on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types FPUTABLES and FPUTABLES on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types BOOTROM and ROM on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RESET and RESET on page 0 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAMM1 and RAMM1 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML4 and RAML4 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML5 and RAML5 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML6 and RAML6 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types RAML7 and RAML7 on page 1 overlap
>>   error: memory types ZONE6B and ZONE6B on page 1 overlap
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer2RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer1RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section FlashRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section CpuTimer0RegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section CsmPwlFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section GpioIntRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ScicRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ScibRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section SpiaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section SciaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section XIntruptRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section AdcMirrorFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section CsmRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section PieCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section AdcRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section XintfRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap4RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap5RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap3RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section GpioDataRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section SysCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECap1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECap6RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section I2caRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm3RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm5RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm4RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section EPwm6RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section McbspaRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section McbspbRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section GpioCtrlRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMOTORegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMOTSRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaLAMRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMOTSRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMOTORegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section EQep2RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanbLAMRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section EQep1RegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section DevEmuRegsFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section DmaRegsFile without SECTIONS specification
>> warning: creating output section ECanbMboxesFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section ECanaMboxesFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: creating output section PieVectTableFile without SECTIONS
>> warning: load address of uninitialized section ramfuncs ignored
>> warning: entry point other than _c_int00 specified
>>   error: errors in input – ./Debug/HESS.out not built

>> Compilation failure

Build Complete,
  21 Errors, 74 Warnings, 0 Remarks.




未经允许不得转载:TI中文支持网 » CCS3.3 编译时出现关于cmd的问题。
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