
BQ24192 在電池過低的時候, 系統開不起來?

請問一下,BQ24192有支持下列功能(Power Path),

但是目前測試當電池過放的時候, 透過外部adapter供電, 無法優先讓系統開機,

是否哪裡設定需要修改?? 或是有甚麼建議? 謝謝!

Narrow VDC (NVDC) Power Path Management

– Instant-on Works with No Battery or Deeply Discharged Battery

– Ideal Diode Operation in Battery Supplement Mode

The power path management regulates the system slightly above battery voltage but does not drop below 3.5-V minimum system voltage (programmable). With this feature, the system maintains operation even when the battery is completely depleted or removed. When the input current limit or voltage limit is reached, the power path management automatically reduces the charge current to zero. As the system load continues to increase,
the power path discharges the battery until the system power requirement is met. This supplement mode operation prevents overloading the input source.

Star Xu:

您看一下INPUT CURRENT LIMIT设置,您的电流过小,但是您的负载电流比较大,那负载开机时间就会比较久。

BOTTOM LINE: Your PSEL and OTG pins dictate your input current limit when a source is plugged in.



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